[text] is a [text] year old patient that presents to clinic for thier annual exam. Concerns/complaints: [textarea default="sample text"] Preventative Health: Immunizations: [text] Colonoscopy: [text] Mammogram: [text] Pap smear: [text] Allergies: [text] Medications: [text] PMH: [text] PSH [text] FH:[text] SH: [textarea default="Tobacco: Alcohol: Diet: Drugs: Exercise: Occupation: Family:"] Lab review [textarea default="sample text"] OBJECTIVE: Vitals General: WDWN, NAD [text] HEENT: Normocephalic, EOMI, tympanic membrane intact b/l[text] Neck: No LAD or thyromegaly Heart: RRR, no murmurs, rubs or gallops [text] Lungs: CTAB [text] Neuro: Radial pulse 2+ b/l. Patellar reflex 2+ b/l. [Assessment/Plan Patient presents to clinic for annual exam [text] Tests:[text] Treatment: [text] Follow up: [text] Patient educated on [text] Colonoscopy: 45 (FH start 10 years prior to dx) Mammogram: 50-74 every 2 years Pap smear: 21-29 pap every 3 years. 30-65 pap/HPV test every 5, pap every 3, HPV every 5 Pneumococcal: 65 or older Prevnar20 once OR PCV15 followed by Pneumovax23 one year later Shingrix: 50 and older - can be given even if already had zoster outbreak PCV15: Vaxneuvance PCV20: Prevnar 20 - newest PPSV23: Pneumovax 23
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