Cardiovascular exam as per Medicare requirement
Constitutional Measurement of any three of the following seven vital signs: 1) sitting or standing blood pressure, 2) supine blood pressure, 3) pulse rate and regularity, 4) respiration, 5) temperature, 6) height, 7) weight (May be measured and recorded by ancillary staff) General appearance of patient (eg, development, nutrition, body habitus, deformities, attention to grooming)[text name="field_name" default="sample text"] Eyes Inspection of conjunctivae and lids (eg, xanthelasma)[textarea name="field_name" default="sample text"] Ears, NOse, Mouth and Throat Inspection of teeth, gums and palate Inspection of oral mucosa with notation of presence of pallor or cyanosis [textarea name="field_name" default="sample text"] Neck Examination of jugular veins (eg, distension; a, v or cannon a waves) Examination of thyroid (eg, enlargement, tenderness, mass) [textarea name="field_name" default="sample text"] Respiratory Assessment of respiratory effort (eg, intercostal retractions, use of accessory muscles, diaphragmatic movement) Auscultation of lungs (eg, breath sounds, adventitious sounds, rubs) [textarea name="field_name" default="sample text"] Cardiovascular Palpation of heart (eg, location, size and forcefulness of the point of maximal impact; thrills; lifts; palpable S3 or S4) Auscultation of heart including sounds, abnormal sounds and murmurs Measurement of blood pressure in two or more extremities when indicated (eg, aortic dissection, coarctation) Examination of: Carotid arteries (eg, waveform, pulse amplitude, bruits, apical-carotid delay) Abdominal aorta (eg, size, bruits) Femoral arteries (eg, pulse amplitude, bruits) Pedal pulses (eg, pulse amplitude) Extremities for peripheral edema and/or varicosities [textarea name="field_name" default="sample text"] Gastrointestinal Examination of abdomen with notation of presence of masses or tenderness Examination of liver and spleen Obtain stool sample for occult blood from patients who are being considered for thrombolytic or anticoagulant therapy[textarea name="field_name" default="sample text"] Musculoskeletal Examination of the back with notation of kyphosis or scoliosis Examination of gait with notation of ability to undergo exercise testing and/or participation in exercise programs Assessment of muscle strength and tone (eg, flaccid, cog wheel, spastic) with notation of any atrophy and abnormal movements[textarea name="field_name" default="sample text"] Extremities Inspection and palpation of digits and nails (eg, clubbing, cyanosis, inflammation, petechiae, ischemia, infections, Osler’s nodes)[textarea name="field_name" default="sample text"] Skin Inspection and/or palpation of skin and subcutaneous tissue (eg, stasis dermatitis, ulcers, scars, xanthomas)[textarea name="field_name" default="sample text"] Neurologic/Psychiatric Brief assessment of mental status including Orientation to time, place and person, Mood and affect (eg, depression, anxiety, agitation) [textarea name="field_name" default="sample text"]
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