Dr. Lee, Grace J
- Will run the list at 630pm - be prepared to have additional tasks to do before you leave - Most likely she will find something that you missed, look for her addendums and include that into your assessment and plan going forward - Iron labs on HF patients - Will round in the following order: - Will start with one resident's patient list - will start with "sick" patients first - will then talk about NEW patients - will see them in person table round on the medically stable patients - place pre-discharge orders in for all patients deemed eligable for d/c during IDT - d/c summary due day of discharge I recommend using the hand-off tool - keep it open during rounds - write down to dos in the team to do section - reprint the list - cross out tasks - write in pen new tasks - update handoff - reprint handoff - rinse repeat... typically round @ 930am -key clinical factors -add addendum to progress note -use daily order summary to guide pre-idt and pre-rounds topics of convo
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