New Patient

[select value="Mr.|Ms."] [text] is a [text] YO [select value= "Select|M|F"] that presents to the clinic to establish care. [textarea default="Concerns to discuss today"]
[textarea default="Meds: Allergies: PMH: PSH: FH:"]
Tobacco: [text]
Alcohol: [text]
Drugs: [text]
Diet: [text]
Exercise: [text]
Occupation: [text]
Family: [text]

Preventative care: [textarea default= "Prevnar (65): Flu: COVID: Shingles(50): Pap Smear: Mammography: Colonscopy: AAA Screening:    Annual Low Dose  CT:"]

[comment memo="AAA screening    1x    men    65-75    ever    smoked.    HepC    1x    18-79.    HIV   1x 15-65. Low    dose    CT    50-80    w/    20+    pack    year    +    quit    <15    yrs    ago.    Mammogram    50-74    every    2yrs.    Osteoporosis    65.    DM    35-70    IF    overweight.  Under    25    G/C,    HPV    (under    65),    Tdap"  ]

is a YO that presents to the clinic to establish care.


Preventative care:

AAA screening 1x men 65-75 ever smoked. HepC 1x 18-79. HIV 1x 15-65. Low dose CT 50-80 w/ 20+ pack year + quit <15 yrs ago. Mammogram 50-74 every 2yrs. Osteoporosis 65. DM 35-70 IF overweight. Under 25 G/C, HPV (under 65), Tdap

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