complex elder SOAP
GENERAL: 68 Yr old AA female Well nourished|Obese Well Gr, Groomed.Alert Cooperative Conversant and histrionic EYES: Lids Normal Conjunctiva Normalcolor, no excessive redness no discharge PERRLA, EOMs intact|Glasses for reading ENT: No Hearing Aides,No Decreased Hearing Oral Mucosa Moist No Dentures RESP: Normal Effort Auscultation Clear.Decreased Breath Sounds in both bases, no wheezes or rhonchi, no accessory muscle usename HR Normal with Regular Rhythm No Murmur. No Pacemaker Bilateral Pedal Edema Pedal Pulses 2+ bilaterally GI: BS Normal No Tenderness No Mass" M/S: Decreased ROM in cervical spine area to right and left to 30 degrees, unable to stand due to h/o cauda equina Gait Non-Ambulatory|in wheelchair as Aide Decreased Muscle Strength"bilaterally lower extremities GU: Foley Cath No c/o Tenderness. No Suprapubic Tenderness NEURO: Vibration not checked Sensation intake to gentle touch to upper and lower extremities. No Tremors PSYCH: Oriented to Person/Place/date. SKIN: No dermatitis. No Wound|Infection
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