Catchy Title: Cannot Create/Edit Type of request: problem making a form What is the address of the page(s) that is/are causing problems: address/url of web page Any other details that might help: Not only have I donated for ad-free with no visible change, but when I click on Create/Edit, it just takes me back to the login form over and over again. You may submit this on the feedback area at the bottom of the page you are having trouble with or you can submit it on the
Hi – When you posted your message we hadn’t yet updated your account, but it should be good to go now. For the create/edit page, it may related to your browser cache. Could you try clearing it? This page has instructions on how to clear the cache for different browsers.
Hello, I’m having issues with the “Calculate Result” function at the end of the report when I try to generate it. It looks something like this:
E911 City Emergency with Lights and Sirens E911 City Emergency with Lights and Sirens for a 58 yom c/o CP and shortness of breath. Arrived: to find 1 pt sitting on the couch in his living-room, presenting with Levine’s sign. Pt is fully conscious and alert with ABC’s intact. EFD Engine 1 on Scene with the Patient EFD Engine 1 on Scene with the Patient EFD Engine 1 on Scene with the Patient EFD Engine 1 on Scene with the Patient EFD Engine 1 on Scene with the Patient EFD Engine 1 on Scene with the Patient EFD Engine 1 on Scene with the Patient CC: 58 yom c/o CP and shortness of breath. Hx: Onset: 10 min. Provoking/Relieving Factors: Lifting a heavy box. Quality/Described As: Crushing. Radiation: Left side of the jaw and left shoulder. Severity: 10/10. Events Surrounding Condition: Pt tells us that he was moving boxes in his garage, and he picked one up that was full of books when he had an acute onset of his symptoms. Pt tells us that nothing has relieved his symptoms since his onset. EFD reports an elevated BP and increased respiratory effort on their arrival. PMHx:
HTN. Medications:
Lisinopril. Allergies: NKDA
Primary Assessment: -Airway: Patient has a Patent Airway which they can Maintain on their own. Patient has a Patent Airway which they can Maintain on their own. Patient has a Patent Airway which they can Maintain on their own. Patient has a Patent Airway which they can Maintain on their own. -Breathing: Patient has a Patent Airway which they can Maintain on their own. Patient has a Patent Airway which they can Maintain on their own. Patient has a Patent Airway which they can Maintain on their own. -Circulation: Patient has a Patent Airway which they can Maintain on their own. Patient has a Patent Airway which they can Maintain on their own. Patient has a Patent Airway which they can Maintain on their own. -Level of Consciousness: Alert, Oriented, Person Alert, Oriented, Person Alert, Oriented, Person Alert, Oriented, Person Initial Vital Signs: -BP:176/94 -HR:98 -RR:20 -SPO2:94% -CBG:152 -Temp: -ETCO2: -EKG Findings: 12-lead ECG obtained, acquired by ERI Paramedic 12-lead ECG obtained, acquired by ERI Paramedic 12-lead ECG obtained, acquired by ERI Paramedic 12-lead ECG obtained, acquired by ERI Paramedic 12-lead ECG obtained, acquired by ERI Paramedic 12-lead ECG obtained, acquired by ERI Paramedic 12-lead ECG obtained, acquired by ERI Paramedic 12-lead ECG obtained, acquired by ERI Paramedic 12-lead ECG obtained, acquired by ERI Paramedic 12-lead ECG obtained, acquired by ERI Paramedic 12-lead ECG obtained, acquired by ERI Paramedic Initial General Impression:
Secondary Assessment: -HEENT: Normocephalic, Atraumatic, PERRLA, White sclera, Conjunctiva pink/red, Ears patent, Normal mucous and pharynx Normocephalic, Atraumatic, PERRLA, White sclera, Conjunctiva pink/red, Ears patent, Normal mucous and pharynx Normocephalic, Atraumatic, PERRLA, White sclera, Conjunctiva pink/red, Ears patent, Normal mucous and pharynx -Cardiovascular: Peripheral pulses intact, without cyanosis, Irregular rate and rhythm Peripheral pulses intact, without cyanosis, Irregular rate and rhythm Peripheral pulses intact, without cyanosis, Irregular rate and rhythm -Respiratory: Clear to auscultation bilaterally, no rales, rhonchi, wheezes, stridor, retractions, or accessory muscle use Clear to auscultation bilaterally, no rales, rhonchi, wheezes, stridor, retractions, or accessory muscle use -GI: Atraumatic, bowel sounds present in all 4 quadrants, abdomen soft/non-tender to palpation Atraumatic, bowel sounds present in all 4 quadrants, abdomen soft/non-tender to palpation Atraumatic, bowel sounds present in all 4 quadrants, abdomen soft/non-tender to palpation -MSK: Normal range of motion, without pain on palpation, and strength 5/5 in all extremities Normal range of motion, without pain on palpation, and strength 5/5 in all extremities -Neuro: Oriented x 4, gait normal, sensation intact with normal reflexes, smile normal, and speech not slurred Oriented x 4, gait normal, sensation intact with normal reflexes, smile normal, and speech not slurred Treatment: Primary and Secondary ALS Assessment, Continuous Cardiac Monitoring -Oxygen: 2 L/min admin via NC; relieves shortness of breath. -ASA: 324 mg admin PO. -NTG: 0.4 mg admin sublingually. -IV: 18 GA IV established in the left AC using the aseptic technique. -Morphine: 4 mg admin via slow IVP; reduces CP. Hospital Activations: STEMI Alert called to receiving facility Transport: Secured patient to stretcher with 3 straps and rails upright, Loaded into ambulance for transport, Emergency Secured patient to stretcher with 3 straps and rails upright, Loaded into ambulance for transport, Emergency Secured patient to stretcher with 3 straps and rails upright, Loaded into ambulance for transport, Emergency Secured patient to stretcher with 3 straps and rails upright, Loaded into ambulance for transport, Emergency Secured patient to stretcher with 3 straps and rails upright, Loaded into ambulance for transport, Emergency Secured patient to stretcher with 3 straps and rails upright, Loaded into ambulance for transport, Emergency Secured patient to stretcher with 3 straps and rails upright, Loaded into ambulance for transport, Emergency Secured patient to stretcher with 3 straps and rails upright, Loaded into ambulance for transport, Emergency Report: Clear to auscultation bilaterally, no rales, rhonchi, wheezes, stridor, retractions, or accessory muscle use Clear to auscultation bilaterally, no rales, rhonchi, wheezes, stridor, retractions, or accessory muscle use Signatures: Obtained from pt Obtained from pt Obtained from pt
Report Writer: K. Stewart, NRP 1800901
As you can see, it repeats certain lines when I don’t mean for it to. Before it wouldn’t generate anything, but I took spaces out of the check box name and the spaces between any lines, and now here we are. If you have any suggestions, let me know. Thanks!
Hi, For It’s possible that the unusual behavior is still related to the variable names. Many of the variable names are duplicate. It may work if each variable had a unique name.
When I click on “MySoapNotes,” it doesn’t pull up my created form ( and the “My Account” tab turns into the “Login” tab as well. I can’t access my form, and it doesn’t even show up anymore.
Hi – Could you try clearing your browser cache and see if that solves it? If not, could you let us know?
Donated But Still Seeing Ads
Hi there! I donated to update my profile; however, I’m still seeing ads. Is there a way to fix this? Thank you! Love this site!
Hi – Thank you! Sorry for the delay – it should be working now.
You can use this to submit a request for help with the site. It’s optional, but the more information you provide the quicker we’ll be able to (hopefully) solve the problem! Catchy Title: IT IS LOGGING ME OUT Type of request: something else What is the address of the page(s) that is/are causing problems: address/url of web page Any other details that might help: WHENEVER I CLICK ON MY SOAPNOTES IN THE DROPDOWN MENU IT JUST LOGS ME OUT. IT HAS BEEN DOING THIS FOR A WHILE. IS IT SOMETHING I DID OR IS IT ON YOUR END? ANY HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED. You may submit this on the feedback area at the bottom of the page you are having trouble with or you can submit it on the
Hi – Could you try clearing your browser cache and see if that solves it? If not, could you let us know?
Soapnote Project Site Down Yesterday
I couldn’t access my account or the main pages of the site yesterday. This has happened once before. I’m just wondering if there was planned downtime that we can be notified of prior to the site going down.
Thank you!
Hello – We’re very sorry for the downtime on the site yesterday. It was unexpected and a great inconvenience for many users. We’ve fallen back to a more reliable set up and believe this will avoid similar episodes in the future. We will make every effort to alert users of scheduled downtime via a banner at the top of the home page. Thank you for using and supporting the SOAPnote Project!
Thank you!
Catchy Title: Soapnote Project Site Down Yesterday Type of request: something else What is the address of the page(s) that is/are causing problems: Any other details that might help: I couldn’t access my account or the main pages of the site. This has happened twice. I’m just wondering if there was planned downtime that we can be notified of prior to the site going down. Thank you!
Hello – We’re very sorry for the downtime on the site yesterday. It was unexpected and a great inconvenience for many users. We’ve fallen back to a more reliable set up and believe this will avoid similar episodes in the future. We will make every effort to alert users of scheduled downtime via a banner at the top of the home page. Thank you for using and supporting the SOAPnote Project!
Hi – variable names can’t be only numeric. For example — [checkbox memo=”MDM ABD PAIN W/ IMAGING + LABS” name=”1″ value=””] Where it says name=”1″ it would need to be something like name=”a1″ or name=”1a” or name=”variable_1″.
Thank you for your reply,
I am unable to see “where it says name=1”. On my end, I am able to click on whatever MDM but then I do not have an option to either type or select “all” or any other “variable”
I can only see the white box to the left of all the MDMs, and at the bottom a “calculate result” and “reset form” boxes. I am currently using a chrome browser. I had the same luck with safari.
I was wondering if you have any walk through videos that could better illustrate how to use this. Thank you!
Hi – thank you for using the site. I think it should be working now. Have a good evening!
Thank you so much! The emergency Department ROS, PE and MDM is now working.
Hi – that one works now. Have a great evening! – SOAPnote Guy
I cannot get this form (and a couple others of mine) to calculate. I am not sure why.
Hi – for this one – – it’s nothing that you’ve done wrong. It’s actually a problem with dates. It looks like the blank dates you have in the form are causing an error. We will try to fix it. For now, if you have something entered in the date fields, this form will work.
Both have same issue – in checkbox functions with more than one option (doesn’t seem to affect single option checkboxes), conditional functions only seem to recognize the first option in the checkbox value. If it is commanded to look for other options other than the first, it does not trigger the conditional phrase.
For #1, under Assessments (line 9), the option for crown-rump length assessed is supposed to trigger a conditional phrase but it does not (it used to before update). However, if I rearranged the options for it to be listed first, it will trigger the phrase, but then mean sac diameter option will not.
For #2, the second option for Auricular Acupuncture in line 1 does not trigger the conditional phrase (it used to before update).
Please assist.
Hi – thank you for catching that – it is now fixed.
For #1, thanks for fixing the crown-rump length trigger. However, now that I can see the triggered portion, please assist with:
(1) it also appears line 15 conditionals aren’t working, specifically when ‘click for calculated value’ box is not checked, the free text box for Mean CRL is not triggering. Please assist.
(2) it also appears the conditionals in line 30 aren’t triggering any portions of line 31-33, which are the EDD statements.
Hi – I believe this one is corrected now, as well. Thank you!
For #1, thanks for additional corrections. However, now that it appears, it is generated nonsensical code for EDD for the calculation code in line 31. It previously calculated EDD based off of input for LMP.
Thanks in advance
I believe it’s working now. An issue with date formats was messing it up. Sorry about that.
Help. Several of my note templates are no longer showing up under ‘My Soapnotes’. I have to search for them manually to find them.
I think it’s only displaying 20 of your note templates on that page and you’ve got over 50. I will work on correcting that.
Hi – this is fixed now. Thank you for using the site!
Help. Several previously working note templates are no longer working right. This change occurred at some point this spring. Specifically, checklist elements are not triggering conditional elements when checked. Best example is my Female Procedures Note.
Hi = there have been some changes to the site in the last few months. I’m looking at the Female Procedures Note. It looks like it stops working at line 440. I will have to look into it further and get back to you.
Hi – the issue is corrected and the Female Procedures Note appears to work properly now. There is an extra ‘|’ separating the variable names on line 390 and that caused an error after the latest site update.
While the Female Procedures Note works much better (, there are other residual non-functional areas I have found which I request help with: (1) The variable in line 39 is not triggering conditionals in lines 40-55 (2) The date calculation is not working in lines 45, 47, 49, 51, and 53. (3) the variable in line 82 is not triggering conditionals in lines 82-90 (4) the variable in line 133 is not triggering conditionals in lines 136-148
Hi – I believe this is corrected now. Thank you for finding the bugs! For your trouble, I’ve set you up with 1 year of ad free access to the site.
Hello, my soapnote and some other soap notes are not working.
There is an error message “There has been a critical error on this website. Learn more about troubleshooting WordPress.”
Can this be fixed? Thank you
It looks like an error with the “checkbox” command?
Thank you. Sorry. As usual, an ‘improvement’ broke something. Fixed now.
Thank you!
Please help me… I am unable to calculate my note. Also, is there a way I can download it for offline use?
Title Of IOP Note:[select name=”Title Of IOP GROUP Note for BH: ” value=”TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_CBT-i|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_ART Therapy|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_Journaling|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_Emotional Regulation|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_COPE w PAIN|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_Mindfulness thru Senses (MTS)|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_GOALS: Transitioning thru the MIST”] [textarea name=”MIST IOP ” memo=”Brief description of IOP ” default=”Madigan Intrepid Spirit Transitions (MIST) Intensive outpatient Program (IOP)\n\nMIST IOP is a full-time 5-week intensive program (6-8 hours per day, 5 days per week) that provides a structured course of evidence-based treatment.\nParticipants attend multiple behavioral health groups per week, developing new skills and strategies to reduce their psychological distress, identify cognitive distortions, and provide new ways of coping with sleep disturbances, cognitive inefficiencies, pain and emotional reactivity.\nThe goals of the program are to improve daily functioning by reducing cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and physical symptoms, promote behavioral activation, and improve adjustment in important domains (work, home, and leisure activities), as evidenced by significant changes on pre/post outcome measures including Self Efficacy for Symptom Management Scale (SESM), Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (PSEQ-2), Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), PROMIS Self Disturbance – Short Form 4a, PROMIS Pain Interference – Short Form 4a, Neuro-QOLv1.0 Positive Affect and Well-Being – Short Form, Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R) and the Neurobehavioral Symptom Inventory (NSI).\n\nToday’s session contributes to the weekly hours of BH-oriented IOP group treatment.”]
Date of Service:[date name=”Date of Service” memo=”Actual date of service provided”] Session #:[text name=\”Session #:\”] Time of Class:[text name=\”Time of Class:\” memo=\”Duration\”] Title of Class:[select name=”Title of Class” value=”Art Therapy|Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-i)|TBI education & lifestyle modification/Session 1-Cope with Pain|COPE with PAIN|Emotional Regulation|GOALS: Transitions through the MIST|Journaling|Mindfulness through Senses (MTS)”] Provider:[select name=”Title of Class” value=”Angela Bossut|Dr. Jaime Gonzalez|Dr. Rachel Satter|Dr. Jay Uomoto|Dr. Scott Wollman”]
Overview of Intervention Goals: [textarea name=”Overview of Intervention Goals:” memo=”Overview of Intervention Goals:”] Session#[select name=”Session #” value=”1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20″],[select name=”Class Name” value=”Art Therapy|Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-i)|TBI education & lifestyle modification/Session 1-Cope with Pain|COPE with PAIN|Emotional Regulation|GOALS: Transitions through the MIST|Journaling|Mindfulness through Senses (MTS)”] SUMMARY:[textarea name=”Session Summary Review” memo=”Summary of Session”] [textarea name=” Mood and demonstration” memo=”SM Presented as ” default=”SM presented as being in a XXXXX mood, demonstrated a full range of affect, and was highly verbal during the duration of his attendance in today’s group. The SM discussed how XXXXX.SM compared XXXXX. SM realized how XXXXX. SM describe the specific paced approach using the Borg Exertion scale and self-monitoring his pain level to not exceed a 4 out of 10 level”]
Mental Status Examination: Orientation:[select name=”variable_2″ value=”alert and oriented in all spheres|obtunded|disoriented”]. Attention:[select name=”variable_3″ value=”no difficulty with attention or concentration|had some attentional and concentration problems during the exam”]. Appearance:[select name=”variable_4″ value=”well kempt|poorly kempt|appropriately dressed|inappropriately dressed|appropriately groomed|inappropriately groomed”]. Behavior – general:[select name=”variable_5″ value=”in no acute distress|in acute psychological distress”]. Behavior – stability:[select name=”variable_6″ value=”calm|agitated”]. Behavior – interactivity:[select name=”variable_7″ value=”warm with comments and behavior|interactive|withdrawn”]. Behavior – eye contact:[select name=”variable_8″ value=”eye contact good|eye contact fair|eye contact avoidant”]. Mood/Affect – stated:[select name=”variable_9″ value=”normal|upbeat|euthymic|depressed”]. Mood/Affect – emotional range:[select name=”variable_10″ value=”normal|broad|restricted”]. Mood/Affect – intensity:[select name=”variable_11″ value=”normal|expansive|blunted|flat”]. Mood/Affect – congruence:[select name=”variable_12″ value=”mood is congruent with affect|mood and affect are not congruent”]. Thought form and content:[select name=”variable_13″ value=”normal|future oriented|logical, linear and goal-oriented|past oriented and somber|goal directed|scattered|hopeful|remorseful|enthusiastic|resigned”]. Perception – insight:[select name=”variable_14″ value=”normal insight|poor insight”]. Perception – general:[select name=”variable_15″ value=normal|normal – denied any preoccupations, obsessions, delusions, hallucinations or perceptual disturbances”] Cognition/Memory:[select name=”variable_16″ value=”normal|grossly intact|below average|above average”]. Cognition/Memory – abstraction:[select name=”variable_17″ value=”Not objectively examined, but appears intact without the need for repetition of questions or material covered during the session.|normal ability to abstract|difficulty with abstract thought|inability for abstract thought”]. Insight:[select name=”variable_18″ value=”normal/good judgment|poor”].
C-SSRS TOTAL Score:[textarea name=”C-SSRS TOTAL Score: ” memo=”C-SSRS TOTAL Score:”] [textarea name=”Additional information ” memo=”Additional information”]
Next Session Plan:[textarea name=” Next Session Plan:” memo=”Next Session Plan:”]
I usually try going through line by line and test it on For the first line… Title Of IOP Note:[select name=”Title Of IOP GROUP Note for BH: ” value=”TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_CBT-i|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_ART Therapy|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_Journaling|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_Emotional Regulation|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_COPE w PAIN|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_Mindfulness thru Senses (MTS)|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_GOALS: Transitioning thru the MIST”]
The problem with this line is that ‘name’ can’t have anything but letters, numbers, dashes ‘-‘, or underscores ‘_’. The spaces and the colon break it.
A working version of the first line is… Title Of IOP Note:[select name=”Title_Of_IOP_GROUP_Note_for_BH” value=”TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_CBT-i|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_ART Therapy|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_Journaling|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_Emotional Regulation|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_COPE w PAIN|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_Mindfulness thru Senses (MTS)|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_GOALS: Transitioning thru the MIST”]
For the second line, it is a similar problem (spaces in the ‘name’ parameter). A working version of the second line is… [textarea name=”MIST_IOP” memo=”Brief description of IOP ” default=”Madigan Intrepid Spirit Transitions (MIST) Intensive outpatient Program (IOP)\n\nMIST IOP is a full-time 5-week intensive program (6-8 hours per day, 5 days per week) that provides a structured course of evidence-based treatment.\nParticipants attend multiple behavioral health groups per week, developing new skills and strategies to reduce their psychological distress, identify cognitive distortions, and provide new ways of coping with sleep disturbances, cognitive inefficiencies, pain and emotional reactivity.\nThe goals of the program are to improve daily functioning by reducing cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and physical symptoms, promote behavioral activation, and improve adjustment in important domains (work, home, and leisure activities), as evidenced by significant changes on pre/post outcome measures including Self Efficacy for Symptom Management Scale (SESM), Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (PSEQ-2), Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), PROMIS Self Disturbance – Short Form 4a, PROMIS Pain Interference – Short Form 4a, Neuro-QOLv1.0 Positive Affect and Well-Being – Short Form, Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R) and the Neurobehavioral Symptom Inventory (NSI).\n\nToday’s session contributes to the weekly hours of BH-oriented IOP group treatment.”]
After going through all the lines, it looks like it was mostly spaces and colons in the ‘name’ parameter. There were some slashes in there and there was also an extra line in a text area…
[textarea name=” Mood and demonstration” memo=”SM Presented as ” default=”SM presented as being in a XXXXX mood, demonstrated a full range of affect, and was highly verbal during the duration of his attendance in today’s group. The SM discussed how XXXXX.SM compared XXXXX. SM realized how XXXXX. SM describe the specific paced approach using the Borg Exertion scale and self-monitoring his pain level to not exceed a 4 out of 10 level”]
That needs to be… [textarea name=” Mood and demonstration” memo=”SM Presented as ” default=”SM presented as being in a XXXXX mood, demonstrated a full range of affect, and was highly verbal during the duration of his attendance in today’s group. The SM discussed how XXXXX.SM compared XXXXX.\nSM realized how XXXXX. SM describe the specific paced approach using the Borg Exertion scale and self-monitoring his pain level to not exceed a 4 out of 10 level”]
With all the fixes mentioned above, I got the following:
[textarea name=”MIST_IOP” memo=”Brief description of IOP ” default=”Madigan Intrepid Spirit Transitions (MIST) Intensive outpatient Program (IOP)\n\nMIST IOP is a full-time 5-week intensive program (6-8 hours per day, 5 days per week) that provides a structured course of evidence-based treatment.\nParticipants attend multiple behavioral health groups per week, developing new skills and strategies to reduce their psychological distress, identify cognitive distortions, and provide new ways of coping with sleep disturbances, cognitive inefficiencies, pain and emotional reactivity.\nThe goals of the program are to improve daily functioning by reducing cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and physical symptoms, promote behavioral activation, and improve adjustment in important domains (work, home, and leisure activities), as evidenced by significant changes on pre/post outcome measures including Self Efficacy for Symptom Management Scale (SESM), Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (PSEQ-2), Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), PROMIS Self Disturbance – Short Form 4a, PROMIS Pain Interference – Short Form 4a, Neuro-QOLv1.0 Positive Affect and Well-Being – Short Form, Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R) and the Neurobehavioral Symptom Inventory (NSI).\n\nToday’s session contributes to the weekly hours of BH-oriented IOP group treatment.”]
Date of Service:[date name=”Date_of_Service” memo=”Actual date of service provided”] Session #:[text name=”Session_number_1″] Time of Class:[text name=”Time_of_Class” memo=”Duration”] Title of Class:[select name=”Title_of_Class” value=”Art Therapy|Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-i)|TBI education & lifestyle modification/Session 1-Cope with Pain|COPE with PAIN|Emotional Regulation|GOALS: Transitions through the MIST|Journaling|Mindfulness through Senses (MTS)”] Provider:[select name=”Provider” value=”Angela Bossut|Dr. Jaime Gonzalez|Dr. Rachel Satter|Dr. Jay Uomoto|Dr. Scott Wollman”]
Overview of Intervention Goals: [textarea name=”Overview_of_Intervention_Goals” memo=”Overview of Intervention Goals:”] Session#[select name=”Session_number_2″ value=”1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20″],[select name=”Class_Name” value=”Art Therapy|Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-i)|TBI education & lifestyle modification/Session 1-Cope with Pain|COPE with PAIN|Emotional Regulation|GOALS: Transitions through the MIST|Journaling|Mindfulness through Senses (MTS)”] SUMMARY:[textarea name=”Session_Summary_Review” memo=”Summary of Session”] [textarea name=” Mood_and_demonstration” memo=”SM Presented as ” default=”SM presented as being in a XXXXX mood, demonstrated a full range of affect, and was highly verbal during the duration of his attendance in today’s group. The SM discussed how XXXXX.SM compared XXXXX.\nSM realized how XXXXX. SM describe the specific paced approach using the Borg Exertion scale and self-monitoring his pain level to not exceed a 4 out of 10 level”]
Mental Status Examination: Orientation:[select name=”variable_2″ value=”alert and oriented in all spheres|obtunded|disoriented”]. Attention:[select name=”variable_3″ value=”no difficulty with attention or concentration|had some attentional and concentration problems during the exam”]. Appearance:[select name=”variable_4″ value=”well kempt|poorly kempt|appropriately dressed|inappropriately dressed|appropriately groomed|inappropriately groomed”]. Behavior – general:[select name=”variable_5″ value=”in no acute distress|in acute psychological distress”]. Behavior – stability:[select name=”variable_6″ value=”calm|agitated”]. Behavior – interactivity:[select name=”variable_7″ value=”warm with comments and behavior|interactive|withdrawn”]. Behavior – eye contact:[select name=”variable_8″ value=”eye contact good|eye contact fair|eye contact avoidant”]. Mood/Affect – stated:[select name=”variable_9″ value=”normal|upbeat|euthymic|depressed”]. Mood/Affect – emotional range:[select name=”variable_10″ value=”normal|broad|restricted”]. Mood/Affect – intensity:[select name=”variable_11″ value=”normal|expansive|blunted|flat”]. Mood/Affect – congruence:[select name=”variable_12″ value=”mood is congruent with affect|mood and affect are not congruent”]. Thought form and content:[select name=”variable_13″ value=”normal|future oriented|logical, linear and goal-oriented|past oriented and somber|goal directed|scattered|hopeful|remorseful|enthusiastic|resigned”]. Perception – insight:[select name=”variable_14″ value=”normal insight|poor insight”]. Perception – general:[select name=”variable_15″ value=normal|normal – denied any preoccupations, obsessions, delusions, hallucinations or perceptual disturbances”] Cognition/Memory:[select name=”variable_16″ value=”normal|grossly intact|below average|above average”]. Cognition/Memory – abstraction:[select name=”variable_17″ value=”Not objectively examined, but appears intact without the need for repetition of questions or material covered during the session.|normal ability to abstract|difficulty with abstract thought|inability for abstract thought”]. Insight:[select name=”variable_18″ value=”normal/good judgment|poor”].
C-SSRS TOTAL Score:[textarea name=”C-SSRS_TOTAL_Score” memo=”C-SSRS TOTAL Score:”] [textarea name=”Additional_information” memo=”Additional information”]
Next Session Plan:[textarea name=”Next_Session_Plan” memo=”Next Session Plan:”]
Hello, I’m wondering if this website is still being monitored/used? I worry about putting so much time into creating a template for the website to be taken down.
Hi – Yes – it’s still monitored and used. More than ever. Thank you for your support!
Great! Thank you!
Hi, I am new to this site. I am trying to save but its keep giving me below error.
“There is something wrong… Please inform us of the error or try again later.”
Hi – sorry for the inconvenience – it should be working now.
Hello. The website has been very helpful to me in the past but for the past several months, I have not been able to download the html file. I have try to resolve the problem by using different browsers, different settings, different browsers on different computers, but none have worked. If you could please let me know how to access that feature, I’d be grateful.
Hi – I really liked that feature, too. It stopped working after a security update on the site. I don’t believe it will be coming back. I’m really sorry for the inconvenience.
What happened with the Searching tab It make the navigation faster and easier???
Hi – there’s a box at the top of the page that says ‘Enhanced by Google.’ I set that up because it gives better results than the previous search box. You may need to clear your browser cache if it’s not showing up.
Hi – I’ve been looking into this, but I’ve not been able to determine the cause that the ‘Save as HTML file’ stopped working. It may be a security issue with the software framework. If you noticed when it stopped working, that would be helpful. I’ll post a reply if I can get it working again.
Hi – I think it’s a web security issue with html files. I removed the feature. I’m really sorry for the inconvenience.
Hi Mark,
Having lots of problems logging in with Internet Explorer. It often asks me to solve capture but there isn’t a capture to solve. Then after several attempts of repeating the login, it suddenly ‘decides’ to log me in. Also, when I tried setting up a second account, for a colleague where I work to use, we are stuck in a reset password loop where it reports the “the passwords don’t match” however there is only a single password field so we are not sure what it’s referring to — meaning what doesn’t it match to? It’s a new password so obviously won’t match anything. Can you please help with these. Kind regards.
Hi, It should be working now. Let me know if you’re still having problems.
I revised a Psych Inital assessment from another user, to include more detailed “Developmental History” information. However, now it won’t calculate the results. I have looked through it and thought I caught the mistakes, but I must be missing something. Help!
Mark Morgansays:
Hi – it looks like you might have got it working and it calculates results. Feel free to let me know if there are other concerns.
so on my note entitled ‘work in process’ I’m having trouble getting it to process. I fill in a all the spots. run the report, but it does not run as entered. some spots don’t save the data entered. some spots just copy to another area in the report. some data entered just doesn’t carry over. any input?
i need help! my soap notes wont calculate results !
Mark Morgansays:
Which one are you talking about?
Hello! thank you SO much for this site!! I’m a student and its been super helpful for documenting my case logs for school. I ahve a question though, is there a way to have a checkbox/checklist pre-checked already? i.e. I want my checkboxes/checklists to automatically have “negative” as checked and then I change it as needed instead of having to check it myself every time. Is there a way to do that?
Mark Morgansays:
That’s a good idea. I can look into adding the feature.
ive having trouble to get my form to calculate results im sure its something i’ve done but can’t figure it out
never mind I figured it out just took some time to over it line by line.
Grea site
Binti Jonessays:
Hi Mark, great site, I love it. Can you please help with my private templates? When I click to see “my soapnotes” I get an error 404.
I am having difficulty getting it to calculate results – can you help?
Can anyone help?
Mark Morgansays:
What page are you having trouble with?
I created a H & P and I am trying to run it, inputting information and it does not calculate anything at the bottom when I ask it to calculate
Mark Morgansays:
Hi – if you add a comment on the page you need help with, I can look into it.
I am having the same issue, did you figure out why your note wouldn’t calculate?
Help. I can’t get to my favorited templates or the ones I’ve created without manually searching for them. I precious could the hyperlink of the author’s name to view all their templates. It no longer works. It also doesn’t work when clicking ‘my soapnotes’
Mark Morgansays:
Hi, I will work on this today (2/27/20). Everything should work except the ‘favorite’ feature. It was breaking another part of the site after an update. Sorry for the inconvenience, I tried to avoid taking it out.
Mark Morgansays:
it is working properly now – I am sorry about the ‘favorite’ feature being discontinued.
Can you fix the navigation issues with the site? – when I click on ‘my soapnotes’, I get a different screen than shows all users but does not show any of my templates. The same thing happens when clicking on an author’s name.
Mark Morgansays:
Hi – sorry – I’ll try to fix it today (2/27/20). I removed the ‘favorite’ feature because it was breaking the site with another update. A lot of moving parts. The page with the soapnote you’ve authored will be back up soon.
Can I fork this on github?
Mark Morgansays:
Thank you for the question. The site is open to anyone to use for free, and the code for the site is pretty low-tech. But it’s not open source.
is there away to edit EMS Narrative- FIRE/EMS notes to add or edit some of the fields
Forms do not calculate results. Could you please take a look at it
Mark Morgansays:
sorry – looking into it.
Mark Morgansays:
it’s working now. sorry about the delay.
thank you, great tool you are providing
Thank you so much. All works great!
All forms are broken, none produce output when Calculate Result clicked. Also, Twitter users cannot send messages to you unless you follow them first. You need to set it to Receive Messages from Anyone.
I’d provide examples, but frankly, I can’t find a single form that isn’t broken, so it’s all of them by extension.
Mark Morgansays:
sorry – looking into it.
Mark Morgansays:
it’s working now. sorry about the delay. also – I changed my twitter settings as you described.
I love your site! But it stopped working the calculate result button does not generate anything. I have tried multiple different templates please help! Thank you!!
I’m having some trouble with it calculating the results with ALL the forms. Nothing pops up at the bottom.
Did you get any clarity on what is happening. I am sure it is user error (mine) I just cant figure out what i am doing wrong
Mark Morgansays:
Hi – if there is a specific page that’s not working, let me know. I’ll take a look at it.
[email protected]says:
Hi all,
My note is in psychiatriy under SOAP note 3. When I fill in all fields and generate, it doesn’t yield what I’ve put in. Instead it says “getting better” in many of the fields. Does anyone know why? Here is the text I had filled out.
discussed”]; energy levels are [select name=”variable_1″ value=”Good|Fair|Poor|Terrible|Not discussed”]; concentration is [select name=”variable_1″ value=”Good|Fair|Poor|Terrible|Not discussed”]. [textarea name=”variable_1″ default=”sample text”] O: MSE Alert and Oriented: [select name=”variable_1″ value=”x4|x3|x2|x1″] Appearance: [select name=”variable_1″ value=”Appropriately dressed/well groomed|disheveled|inappropriately dressed|neglected”]. Attitude toward the therapist: [select name=”variable_1″ value=”cooperative|guarded|suspicious|paranoid|paranoid|warm”]. Eye contact: [select name=”variable_1″ value=”Good|Fair|Poor|Fleeting|Avoidant”]. Psychomotor activity: [select name=”variable_1″ value=”retardation|agitation|none”]. Speech: [select name=”variable_1″ value=”normal rate/normal volume|spontaneous|impoverished|pressured|aphasic|emotional|monotonous”]. Thought process: [select name=”variable_1″ value=”linear, goal-directed, coherent|disorganized|incoherent|flight of ideas|racing thoughts|loose associations|perseverative|tangential|spontaneous”]. Thought Content: [text name=”variable_1″ default=”sample text”]. Mood: [text name=”variable_1″ default=”sample text”]. Affect: [select name=”variable_1″ value=”congruent with mood, stable|blunted|flat|incongruent with mood”]. Perception: [select name=”variable_1″ value=”No Hallucinations|Audio Hallucinations|Visual Hallucinations|Tactile Hallucinations|Olfactory Hallucinations|preocuppied with delusions|preocuppied with thoughts”]. Suicidal Ideation: [select name=”variable_1″ value=”none present|passive ideation, no plans or intent|activally suicidal”]. Homicidal Ideation:[select name=”variable_1″ value=”no homicidal ideation|current homicidal ideation”] Insight: [select name=”variable_1″ value=”good|fair|poor”]. Judgement: [select name=”variable_1″ value=”good|fair|poor”]
P: Patient was scheduled for an appointment on [text name=”variable_1″ default=”sample text”]. Prognosis: At the time of writing, patient’s prognosis is [select name=”variable_1″ value=”good|fair|poor|uncertain”] and continued treatment is [select name=”variable_1″ value=”recommended|not recommended|Cdsds”].
Mark Morgansays:
Hi – sorry for the delay in replying It has to do with the ‘variable_1’ name for all the variables. If you change them, it works the way you want (I think):
S: Patient reports things have been [select name=”variable_1″ value=”getting better|getting worse|just about the same”] since the last visit.
Neurovegetative Symptoms: sleep is [select name=”variable_2″ value=”Good|Fair|Poor|Terrible|Not discussed”]; appetite is [select name=”variable_3″ value=”Good|Fair|Poor|Terrible|Not discussed”]; energy levels are [select name=”variable_4″ value=”Good|Fair|Poor|Terrible|Not discussed”]; concentration is [select name=”variable_5″ value=”Good|Fair|Poor|Terrible|Not discussed”].
P: Patient was scheduled for an appointment on [text name=”variable_23″ default=”sample text”]. Prognosis: At the time of writing, patient’s prognosis is [select name=”variable_24″ value=”good|fair|poor|uncertain”] and continued treatment is [select name=”variable_25″ value=”recommended|not recommended|Cdsds”]. [textarea name=”variable_26″ default=”sample text”]
Awesome! Thanks. Maybe I just wasn’t waiting long enough. Any ideas on why so slow?
Mark Morgansays:
That part takes place on the user’s local computer and is basically the browser processing the page’s contents (there’s no signals going backing or forth over the internet to slow it down, it’s all happening on the user’s computer). It might be faster on different computers or browsers, but I’m not really sure.
Mark, Any luck looking into the character limit problem?
Mark Morgansays:
Hi, can you explain what you are seeing? I see there are some that begin with ‘lab report’. Was there one that had all of those ‘lab report’ notes together? That shouldn’t be too much. There isn’t a character limit that I’m aware of.
I can run any of the lab report chunks separately just fine. But if I place them together, it fails. A character limit is the only thing that made sense to me.
Mark Morgansays:
Hi – I put all of the ‘Lab report’ posts together as one post. It is at It works on my computer, but it is definitely slow. I don’t think there’s a character limit, but it just takes a while to process all the code for something that is long. Does it work on your computer?
Hi, I can not see my own soap notes in my account to edit.They appear in the general search but not in my list of soapnotes.
Mark Morgansays:
Hello – it should work now. Sorry for the delay.
Thanks Mark. SOAPnotes is a great tool. Since 2-3 days I am having the following error. When I Log in an click on My Account-> My Soap notes, the system takes me to the categories page instead of my soap notes.
Mark Morgansays:
Sorry – my fault – should be working now.
Hi Mark, I’m having a problem with the “My SOAPnotes” menu, as it does not show my private soapnotes anymore, rather, it just shows a list of all the categories of SOAPnote. Can this be fixed? Kind regards
Mark Morgansays:
Sorry – thank you – my fault – it should be corrected now.
What programming language is this thing?
Mark Morgansays:
Hi – the form elements are made with pHp, javascript, and html in a WordPress site framework.
Awesome! Thanks! I am running into what appears to be a character limit. It is rather lengthy. I will post it in a few. It is “lab report”, under my name.
OK. I can’t save it all together. I had to chunk it into pieces. I am using an excel spreadsheet that generates all the texts for me, it’s pretty slick and helps prevent me from making errors. I have not added the caution notes yet for high values, but it will be super easy in the spreadsheet, then copy paste.
How do I keep the selections at the top from showing up in my result?
[comment memo=”=========Sending============”] [select name=”origin_facility_name” value=”|Clinton Memorial Hospital (Wilmington)|Highland District Hospital (Hillsboro)|Adena Greenfield Medical Center (Greenfield)|Adena Regional Medical Center (Chillicothe)|Miami Valley Hospital (Dayton)|UC Hospital (Cincinnati)|Bethesda North (Cincinnati)|Other”] [select name=”origin_facility_department” value=”|Emergency Room|Telemetry Unit|Cardiac Unit|Other”]
[comment memo=”=========Receiving============”] [select name=”destination_facility_name” value=”|Clinton Memorial Hospital (Wilmington)|Highland District Hospital (Hillsboro)|Adena Greenfield Medical Center (Greenfield)|Adena Regional Medical Center (Chillicothe)|Miami Valley Hospital (Dayton)|UC Hospital (Cincinnati)|Bethesda North (Cincinnati)|Shriners (Cincinnati)|OSU Wexner Medical Center (Columbus)|Hearth & Care Center (Greenfield)|Edgewood Manor (Greenfield)|Grant Medical Center (Columbus)|Riverside Methodist (Columbus)|Children’s Medical Center (Cincinnati)|Other”] [select name=”destination_facility_dept” value=”|Telemetry Unit|Cardiac Unit|Acute Care Burn Unit|Emergency department|Intensive Care Unit|Labor and Delivery|Other”]
[var name=”dispatched_unit”] was dispatched to [var name=”origin_facility_name”], [var name=”origin_facility_department”]. For a [var name=” pre_scheduled “] [var name=”var_001″] ALS inter facility transfer of a patient to [var name=”destination_facility_name”], [var name=”destination_facility_dept”].
Mark Morgansays:
I think what you’re looking for would be a ‘hidden’ parameter for the select boxes you’ve got. I don’t have that currently. I can look into it. The only way to make your example work would be to have the select boxes in the actual text instead of calling the variables and having the select boxes up top.
What is the difference between Registry and Scratchpad? When I first tried Registry, if my memory is correct, clicking the “registered” note link from the Registry page returned the specific SOAPnote pre-populated with the input/saved data. Currently it only returns the blank SOAPnote. Did something change, or is Registry just Scratchpad with a dated link to the original blank SOAPnote?
information on registry is here: basically registry has more structure, can hold more information, and can be saved as CSV.
information on submissions is here: basically submissions have structure, allow others to send you their output, acts a lot like registry. the goal is to allow users some means of recalling their use of the site, but it’s very limited. there’s hasn’t been and isn’t currently a way to repopulate a SOAPnote from a past entry.
My note is calculating any reason why?
Mark Morgansays:
Sorry for the delay – I need to check the comments more frequently.
I don’t have bullet proof way of proofreading these notes, but here is my approach:
I went through your note, piece by piece and found these parts had small problems:
Amnesia After S (Anterograde) Are there any events just AFTER the injury that you/ person has no memory of (even brief)?[checkbox name="variable_1|" value="Yes|No |Unsure|No Duration"] Loss of Consciousness: Did the athlete lose consciousness? [checkbox name="variable_1" value="Yes|No |Unsure |No Duration"]
In this section, there is a variable with the name “variable_1|”. The “|” caused the error there.
In this section, the first checkbox is missing the ‘value’ part before ‘|Appears dazed….’.
I changed those two parts and came up with: S: Date of injury/illness: [date name="variable_1" default="01/05/2019"] C/o [textarea name="variable_1" default="sample text"] HX of concussion:[checkbox name="variable_1" value="yes |no |unknown"] Headache History? [checkbox name="variable_1" value="yes |no |unknown"]
Developmental History [text name="variable_1" default="sample text"] Developmental History [text name="variable_1" default="sample text"] O: Is there evidence of a forcible blow to the head? [checkbox name="variable_1" value="direct |indirect|Unknown"]
Is there evidence of intracranial injury or skull fracture? [checkbox name="variable_1" value="Yes|No |Unsure"]
Location of Impact: [text name="variable_1" default="sample text"]
Amnesia Before (Retrograde) Are there any events just BEFORE the injury that you/ person has no memory of (even brief)? [checkbox name="variable_1" value="Yes|No |Unsure"]
Amnesia After S (Anterograde) Are there any events just AFTER the injury that you/ person has no memory of (even brief)?[checkbox name="variable_1" value="Yes|No |Unsure|No Duration"] Loss of Consciousness: Did the athlete lose consciousness? [checkbox name="variable_1" value="Yes|No |Unsure |No Duration"]
A: [checkbox name="variable_1" value="850.0 (Concussion, with no loss of consciousness) – Positive injury description with evidence of forcible direct/ indirect blow to the head (A1a); plus evidence of active symptoms (B) of any type and number related to the trauma (Total Symptom Score >0); no evidence of LOC (A5), skull fracture or intracranial injury (A1b).|850.1 (Concussion, with brief loss of consciousness < 1 hour) – Positive injury description with evidence of forcible direct/ indirect blow to the head
(A1a); plus evidence of active symptoms (B) of any type and number related to the trauma (Total Symptom Score >0); positive evidence of LOC (A5), skull fracture or intracranial injury (A1b|850.9 (Concussion, unspecified) – Positive injury description with evidence of forcible direct/ indirect blow to the head (A1a); plus evidence of active symptoms (B) of any type and number related to the trauma (Total Symptom Score >0); unclear/unknown injury details; unclear evidence of LOC (A5), no skull fracture or intracranial injury|Other Diagnoses – If the patient presents with a positive injury description and associated symptoms, but additional evidence of intracranial injury (A 1b) such as from neuroimaging, a moderate TBI and the diagnostic category of 854 (Intracranial injury) should be considered"]
It can be difficult with the long forms because a simple error near the top of the form can wreck the whole thing. But, that’s how I test them. I’d like to make a proofreader in the future – hopefully someday soon!
I just found this website and find a great value in using this for generating very thorough EMS patient care report narratives, but was wondering if there is any way to taylor a note for the EMS community? The Acute Care SOAP V2 is the closest note I found yet it still either lacks or includes information that a paramedic may either include or not assess.
what are clippings for?
Mark Morgansays:
The clippings are meant to be code snippets that you use frequently. You set them on your profile page – and you use them on the ‘generator’ page – There’s chunks of text I use commonly when making these, and it’s nice to have them handy on the ‘generator’ page.
I am able to export document in HTML to run external of site. The note itself will open and run though unable to print using the submit button. I am using Windows 10 OS. Any recommendations? Thank you, Jim
Mark Morgansays:
Sorry – I am working on this now. Not sure when it stopped working…
Mark Morgansays:
Hi – It should work now. I like that feature. I’m sorry it slipped past me.
ive got saMe problem. submit button doesn’t do anything.
Mark Morgansays:
If you get a chance, can you let me know which page is not working?
Is it possible to input data then have the output be put into paragraph form to be used for an EHR assessment? For example, instead of this…
CURB-65/CRB-65 Score for PneumoniaClinical Features: absent <– Confusion greater 19 mg per dL (6.8 mmol per L) <– Blood Urea Nitrogen less than 30 breaths per minute <– Respiratory rate systolic greater than/equal to 90 and diastolic greater than 60 <– Blood pressure greater than/equal to 65 CURB-65 = 2: Short inpatient hospitalization or closely-supervised outpatient treatment
Have the output read… In this patient confusion is absent, Blood Urea Nitrogen is greater than 19 mg per dL, the Respiratory rate is less than 30 breaths per minute, the systolic blood pressure is greater than/equal to 90 and diastolic greater than 60, and age is greater than/equal to 65 giving a CURB-65 score of 2. The patient may require short inpatient hospitalization or closely-supervised outpatient treatment.
Mark Morgansays:
Hi – it wouldn’t be difficult to make a more plain language output generating version as you’ve suggested. I’ll try to work on that version.
This is a great idea and I look forward to using it more but it is difficult to use. It’s difficutlt to find templates that make sense. For example, this anemia evaluation. After selecting micro vs. macrocytosis and the other selections the calculated result should read as an assessment to be able to copy and paste in an EHR. I think this is the idea of the site. It should read as follows…based on selections above the calculated result.
ANEMIA OF CHRONIC DISEASE This patient likely has a *microcytic* anemia due to *low* ferritin ….etc etc. without the asterisk of course. Peripheral blood smear clues may include rouleaux formation, myelophthisis. CBC clues may include normal RDW. Usual causes of ANEMIA OF CHRONIC DISEASE may include Temporal arteritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Chronic inflammation, or Chronic infection. Unusual causes of ANEMIA OF CHRONIC DISEASE may include Hodgkin lymphoma, Renal cell carcinoma, Castleman disease, or Myelofibrosis. *This differential is quite short actually*
Mark Morgansays:
Hi – the calculator was an approach to anemia that I thought was interesting. Definitely not the only way to do it. When I’m using these, I usually paste them into the assessment as a type of ‘medical decision making’ section. But I see your point and can try to make another version that addresses your suggestions.
scarletcarnival says:
Catchy Title: Cannot Create/Edit
Type of request: problem making a form
What is the address of the page(s) that is/are causing problems: address/url of web page
Any other details that might help: Not only have I donated for ad-free with no visible change, but when I click on Create/Edit, it just takes me back to the login form over and over again.
You may submit this on the feedback area at the bottom of the page you are having trouble with or you can submit it on the
SOAPnote says:
Hi – When you posted your message we hadn’t yet updated your account, but it should be good to go now. For the create/edit page, it may related to your browser cache. Could you try clearing it? This page has instructions on how to clear the cache for different browsers.
kstewart118 says:
Hello, I’m having issues with the “Calculate Result” function at the end of the report when I try to generate it. It looks something like this:
E911 City Emergency with Lights and Sirens
E911 City Emergency with Lights and Sirens
for a 58 yom c/o CP and shortness of breath.
to find 1 pt sitting on the couch in his living-room, presenting with Levine’s sign. Pt is fully conscious and alert with ABC’s intact.
EFD Engine 1 on Scene with the Patient
EFD Engine 1 on Scene with the Patient
EFD Engine 1 on Scene with the Patient
EFD Engine 1 on Scene with the Patient
EFD Engine 1 on Scene with the Patient
EFD Engine 1 on Scene with the Patient
EFD Engine 1 on Scene with the Patient
CC: 58 yom c/o CP and shortness of breath.
Onset: 10 min.
Provoking/Relieving Factors: Lifting a heavy box.
Quality/Described As: Crushing.
Radiation: Left side of the jaw and left shoulder.
Severity: 10/10.
Events Surrounding Condition: Pt tells us that he was moving boxes in his garage, and he picked one up that was full of books when he had an acute onset of his symptoms. Pt tells us that nothing has relieved his symptoms since his onset. EFD reports an elevated BP and increased respiratory effort on their arrival.
Primary Assessment:
Patient has a Patent Airway which they can Maintain on their own.
Patient has a Patent Airway which they can Maintain on their own.
Patient has a Patent Airway which they can Maintain on their own.
Patient has a Patent Airway which they can Maintain on their own.
Patient has a Patent Airway which they can Maintain on their own.
Patient has a Patent Airway which they can Maintain on their own.
Patient has a Patent Airway which they can Maintain on their own.
Patient has a Patent Airway which they can Maintain on their own.
Patient has a Patent Airway which they can Maintain on their own.
Patient has a Patent Airway which they can Maintain on their own.
-Level of Consciousness:
Alert, Oriented, Person
Alert, Oriented, Person
Alert, Oriented, Person
Alert, Oriented, Person
Initial Vital Signs:
-EKG Findings:
12-lead ECG obtained, acquired by ERI Paramedic
12-lead ECG obtained, acquired by ERI Paramedic
12-lead ECG obtained, acquired by ERI Paramedic
12-lead ECG obtained, acquired by ERI Paramedic
12-lead ECG obtained, acquired by ERI Paramedic
12-lead ECG obtained, acquired by ERI Paramedic
12-lead ECG obtained, acquired by ERI Paramedic
12-lead ECG obtained, acquired by ERI Paramedic
12-lead ECG obtained, acquired by ERI Paramedic
12-lead ECG obtained, acquired by ERI Paramedic
12-lead ECG obtained, acquired by ERI Paramedic
Initial General Impression:
Secondary Assessment:
Normocephalic, Atraumatic, PERRLA, White sclera, Conjunctiva pink/red, Ears patent, Normal mucous and pharynx
Normocephalic, Atraumatic, PERRLA, White sclera, Conjunctiva pink/red, Ears patent, Normal mucous and pharynx
Normocephalic, Atraumatic, PERRLA, White sclera, Conjunctiva pink/red, Ears patent, Normal mucous and pharynx
Peripheral pulses intact, without cyanosis, Irregular rate and rhythm
Peripheral pulses intact, without cyanosis, Irregular rate and rhythm
Peripheral pulses intact, without cyanosis, Irregular rate and rhythm
Clear to auscultation bilaterally, no rales, rhonchi, wheezes, stridor, retractions, or accessory muscle use
Clear to auscultation bilaterally, no rales, rhonchi, wheezes, stridor, retractions, or accessory muscle use
Atraumatic, bowel sounds present in all 4 quadrants, abdomen soft/non-tender to palpation
Atraumatic, bowel sounds present in all 4 quadrants, abdomen soft/non-tender to palpation
Atraumatic, bowel sounds present in all 4 quadrants, abdomen soft/non-tender to palpation
Normal range of motion, without pain on palpation, and strength 5/5 in all extremities
Normal range of motion, without pain on palpation, and strength 5/5 in all extremities
Oriented x 4, gait normal, sensation intact with normal reflexes, smile normal, and speech not slurred
Oriented x 4, gait normal, sensation intact with normal reflexes, smile normal, and speech not slurred
Primary and Secondary ALS Assessment, Continuous Cardiac Monitoring
-Oxygen: 2 L/min admin via NC; relieves shortness of breath.
-ASA: 324 mg admin PO.
-NTG: 0.4 mg admin sublingually.
-IV: 18 GA IV established in the left AC using the aseptic technique.
-Morphine: 4 mg admin via slow IVP; reduces CP.
Hospital Activations:
STEMI Alert called to receiving facility
Secured patient to stretcher with 3 straps and rails upright, Loaded into ambulance for transport, Emergency
Secured patient to stretcher with 3 straps and rails upright, Loaded into ambulance for transport, Emergency
Secured patient to stretcher with 3 straps and rails upright, Loaded into ambulance for transport, Emergency
Secured patient to stretcher with 3 straps and rails upright, Loaded into ambulance for transport, Emergency
Secured patient to stretcher with 3 straps and rails upright, Loaded into ambulance for transport, Emergency
Secured patient to stretcher with 3 straps and rails upright, Loaded into ambulance for transport, Emergency
Secured patient to stretcher with 3 straps and rails upright, Loaded into ambulance for transport, Emergency
Secured patient to stretcher with 3 straps and rails upright, Loaded into ambulance for transport, Emergency
Clear to auscultation bilaterally, no rales, rhonchi, wheezes, stridor, retractions, or accessory muscle use
Clear to auscultation bilaterally, no rales, rhonchi, wheezes, stridor, retractions, or accessory muscle use
Obtained from pt
Obtained from pt
Obtained from pt
Report Writer:
K. Stewart, NRP 1800901
As you can see, it repeats certain lines when I don’t mean for it to. Before it wouldn’t generate anything, but I took spaces out of the check box name and the spaces between any lines, and now here we are. If you have any suggestions, let me know. Thanks!
SOAPnote says:
It’s possible that the unusual behavior is still related to the variable names. Many of the variable names are duplicate. It may work if each variable had a unique name.
jriley says:
When I click on “MySoapNotes,” it doesn’t pull up my created form ( and the “My Account” tab turns into the “Login” tab as well. I can’t access my form, and it doesn’t even show up anymore.
SOAPnote says:
Hi –
Could you try clearing your browser cache and see if that solves it? If not, could you let us know?
tncarlson says:
Donated But Still Seeing Ads
Hi there! I donated to update my profile; however, I’m still seeing ads. Is there a way to fix this? Thank you! Love this site!
SOAPnote says:
Hi – Thank you! Sorry for the delay – it should be working now.
HartfordRescue says:
You can use this to submit a request for help with the site. It’s optional, but the more information you provide the quicker we’ll be able to (hopefully) solve the problem!
Type of request: something else
What is the address of the page(s) that is/are causing problems: address/url of web page
You may submit this on the feedback area at the bottom of the page you are having trouble with or you can submit it on the
SOAPnote says:
Hi –
Could you try clearing your browser cache and see if that solves it? If not, could you let us know?
tncarlson says:
Soapnote Project Site Down Yesterday
I couldn’t access my account or the main pages of the site yesterday. This has happened once before. I’m just wondering if there was planned downtime that we can be notified of prior to the site going down.
Thank you!
SOAPnote says:
Hello – We’re very sorry for the downtime on the site yesterday. It was unexpected and a great inconvenience for many users. We’ve fallen back to a more reliable set up and believe this will avoid similar episodes in the future. We will make every effort to alert users of scheduled downtime via a banner at the top of the home page. Thank you for using and supporting the SOAPnote Project!
tncarlson says:
Thank you!
tncarlson says:
Catchy Title: Soapnote Project Site Down Yesterday
Type of request: something else
What is the address of the page(s) that is/are causing problems:
Any other details that might help: I couldn’t access my account or the main pages of the site.
This has happened twice. I’m just wondering if there was planned downtime that we can be notified of prior to the site going down.
Thank you!
SOAPnote says:
Hello – We’re very sorry for the downtime on the site yesterday. It was unexpected and a great inconvenience for many users. We’ve fallen back to a more reliable set up and believe this will avoid similar episodes in the future. We will make every effort to alert users of scheduled downtime via a banner at the top of the home page. Thank you for using and supporting the SOAPnote Project!
b3ncnp says:
I am unable to see any of the MDM or DDx after I click on calculate result.
Emergency Department ROS, PE and MDM:
SOAPnote says:
Hi – variable names can’t be only numeric. For example — [checkbox memo=”MDM ABD PAIN W/ IMAGING + LABS” name=”1″ value=””] Where it says name=”1″ it would need to be something like name=”a1″ or name=”1a” or name=”variable_1″.
b3ncnp says:
Thank you for your reply,
I am unable to see “where it says name=1”. On my end, I am able to click on whatever MDM but then I do not have an option to either type or select “all” or any other “variable”
I can only see the white box to the left of all the MDMs, and at the bottom a “calculate result” and “reset form” boxes. I am currently using a chrome browser. I had the same luck with safari.
I was wondering if you have any walk through videos that could better illustrate how to use this. Thank you!
SOAPnote says:
Hi – thank you for using the site. I think it should be working now. Have a good evening!
b3ncnp says:
Thank you so much!
The emergency Department ROS, PE and MDM is now working.
However, the DDx :
is still not running. When you get the chance, please check this link. Thanks!
SOAPnote says:
Hi – that one works now. Have a great evening!
– SOAPnote Guy
tlwright says:
I cannot get this form (and a couple others of mine) to calculate. I am not sure why.
SOAPnote says:
Hi – for this one – – it’s nothing that you’ve done wrong. It’s actually a problem with dates. It looks like the blank dates you have in the form are causing an error. We will try to fix it. For now, if you have something entered in the date fields, this form will work.
SOAPnote says:
Hi – your form at is working now. Let us know if you have any other problems and thank you for using the site!
marnold2777 says:
Thanks for fixing those other two issues. I’ve found some more on oldie but goodie templates that don’t function right since update.
Both have same issue – in checkbox functions with more than one option (doesn’t seem to affect single option checkboxes), conditional functions only seem to recognize the first option in the checkbox value. If it is commanded to look for other options other than the first, it does not trigger the conditional phrase.
For #1, under Assessments (line 9), the option for crown-rump length assessed is supposed to trigger a conditional phrase but it does not (it used to before update). However, if I rearranged the options for it to be listed first, it will trigger the phrase, but then mean sac diameter option will not.
For #2, the second option for Auricular Acupuncture in line 1 does not trigger the conditional phrase (it used to before update).
Please assist.
SOAPnote says:
Hi – thank you for catching that – it is now fixed.
marnold2777 says:
For #1, thanks for fixing the crown-rump length trigger. However, now that I can see the triggered portion, please assist with:
(1) it also appears line 15 conditionals aren’t working, specifically when ‘click for calculated value’ box is not checked, the free text box for Mean CRL is not triggering. Please assist.
(2) it also appears the conditionals in line 30 aren’t triggering any portions of line 31-33, which are the EDD statements.
SOAPnote says:
Hi – I believe this one is corrected now, as well. Thank you!
marnold2777 says:
For #1, thanks for additional corrections. However, now that it appears, it is generated nonsensical code for EDD for the calculation code in line 31. It previously calculated EDD based off of input for LMP.
Thanks in advance
SOAPnote says:
I believe it’s working now. An issue with date formats was messing it up. Sorry about that.
marnold2777 says:
Help. Several of my note templates are no longer showing up under ‘My Soapnotes’. I have to search for them manually to find them.
SOAPnote says:
I think it’s only displaying 20 of your note templates on that page and you’ve got over 50. I will work on correcting that.
SOAPnote says:
Hi – this is fixed now. Thank you for using the site!
marnold2777 says:
marnold2777 says:
Help. Several previously working note templates are no longer working right. This change occurred at some point this spring. Specifically, checklist elements are not triggering conditional elements when checked. Best example is my Female Procedures Note.
SOAPnote says:
Hi = there have been some changes to the site in the last few months. I’m looking at the Female Procedures Note. It looks like it stops working at line 440. I will have to look into it further and get back to you.
SOAPnote says:
Hi – the issue is corrected and the Female Procedures Note appears to work properly now. There is an extra ‘|’ separating the variable names on line 390 and that caused an error after the latest site update.
marnold2777 says:
marnold2777 says:
While the Female Procedures Note works much better (, there are other residual non-functional areas I have found which I request help with:
(1) The variable in line 39 is not triggering conditionals in lines 40-55
(2) The date calculation is not working in lines 45, 47, 49, 51, and 53.
(3) the variable in line 82 is not triggering conditionals in lines 82-90
(4) the variable in line 133 is not triggering conditionals in lines 136-148
SOAPnote says:
Hi – I believe this is corrected now. Thank you for finding the bugs! For your trouble, I’ve set you up with 1 year of ad free access to the site.
PerlaQ says:
Hello, my soapnote and some other soap notes are not working.
There is an error message “There has been a critical error on this website. Learn more about troubleshooting WordPress.”
Can this be fixed?
Thank you
PerlaQ says:
It looks like an error with the “checkbox” command?
SOAPnote says:
Thank you. Sorry. As usual, an ‘improvement’ broke something. Fixed now.
PerlaQ says:
Thank you!
kasee says:
Please help me…
I am unable to calculate my note. Also, is there a way I can download it for offline use?
Title Of IOP Note:[select name=”Title Of IOP GROUP Note for BH: ” value=”TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_CBT-i|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_ART Therapy|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_Journaling|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_Emotional Regulation|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_COPE w PAIN|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_Mindfulness thru Senses (MTS)|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_GOALS: Transitioning thru the MIST”]
[textarea name=”MIST IOP ” memo=”Brief description of IOP ” default=”Madigan Intrepid Spirit Transitions (MIST) Intensive outpatient Program (IOP)\n\nMIST IOP is a full-time 5-week intensive program (6-8 hours per day, 5 days per week) that provides a structured course of evidence-based treatment.\nParticipants attend multiple behavioral health groups per week, developing new skills and strategies to reduce their psychological distress, identify cognitive distortions, and provide new ways of coping with sleep disturbances, cognitive inefficiencies, pain and emotional reactivity.\nThe goals of the program are to improve daily functioning by reducing cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and physical symptoms, promote behavioral activation, and improve adjustment in important domains (work, home, and leisure activities), as evidenced by significant changes on pre/post outcome measures including Self Efficacy for Symptom Management Scale (SESM), Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (PSEQ-2), Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), PROMIS Self Disturbance – Short Form 4a, PROMIS Pain Interference – Short Form 4a, Neuro-QOLv1.0 Positive Affect and Well-Being – Short Form, Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R) and the Neurobehavioral Symptom Inventory (NSI).\n\nToday’s session contributes to the weekly hours of BH-oriented IOP group treatment.”]
Date of Service:[date name=”Date of Service” memo=”Actual date of service provided”]
Session #:[text name=\”Session #:\”]
Time of Class:[text name=\”Time of Class:\” memo=\”Duration\”]
Title of Class:[select name=”Title of Class” value=”Art Therapy|Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-i)|TBI education & lifestyle modification/Session 1-Cope with Pain|COPE with PAIN|Emotional Regulation|GOALS: Transitions through the MIST|Journaling|Mindfulness through Senses (MTS)”]
Provider:[select name=”Title of Class” value=”Angela Bossut|Dr. Jaime Gonzalez|Dr. Rachel Satter|Dr. Jay Uomoto|Dr. Scott Wollman”]
Overview of Intervention Goals:
[textarea name=”Overview of Intervention Goals:” memo=”Overview of Intervention Goals:”]
Session#[select name=”Session #” value=”1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20″],[select name=”Class Name” value=”Art Therapy|Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-i)|TBI education & lifestyle modification/Session 1-Cope with Pain|COPE with PAIN|Emotional Regulation|GOALS: Transitions through the MIST|Journaling|Mindfulness through Senses (MTS)”]
SUMMARY:[textarea name=”Session Summary Review” memo=”Summary of Session”]
[textarea name=” Mood and demonstration” memo=”SM Presented as ” default=”SM presented as being in a XXXXX mood, demonstrated a full range of affect, and was highly verbal during the duration of his attendance in today’s group. The SM discussed how XXXXX.SM compared XXXXX.
SM realized how XXXXX. SM describe the specific paced approach using the Borg Exertion scale and self-monitoring his pain level to not exceed a 4 out of 10 level”]
Mental Status Examination:
Orientation:[select name=”variable_2″ value=”alert and oriented in all spheres|obtunded|disoriented”].
Attention:[select name=”variable_3″ value=”no difficulty with attention or concentration|had some attentional and concentration problems during the exam”].
Appearance:[select name=”variable_4″ value=”well kempt|poorly kempt|appropriately dressed|inappropriately dressed|appropriately groomed|inappropriately groomed”].
Behavior – general:[select name=”variable_5″ value=”in no acute distress|in acute psychological distress”].
Behavior – stability:[select name=”variable_6″ value=”calm|agitated”].
Behavior – interactivity:[select name=”variable_7″ value=”warm with comments and behavior|interactive|withdrawn”].
Behavior – eye contact:[select name=”variable_8″ value=”eye contact good|eye contact fair|eye contact avoidant”].
Mood/Affect – stated:[select name=”variable_9″ value=”normal|upbeat|euthymic|depressed”].
Mood/Affect – emotional range:[select name=”variable_10″ value=”normal|broad|restricted”].
Mood/Affect – intensity:[select name=”variable_11″ value=”normal|expansive|blunted|flat”].
Mood/Affect – congruence:[select name=”variable_12″ value=”mood is congruent with affect|mood and affect are not congruent”].
Thought form and content:[select name=”variable_13″ value=”normal|future oriented|logical, linear and goal-oriented|past oriented and somber|goal directed|scattered|hopeful|remorseful|enthusiastic|resigned”].
Perception – insight:[select name=”variable_14″ value=”normal insight|poor insight”].
Perception – general:[select name=”variable_15″ value=normal|normal – denied any preoccupations, obsessions, delusions, hallucinations or perceptual disturbances”]
Cognition/Memory:[select name=”variable_16″ value=”normal|grossly intact|below average|above average”].
Cognition/Memory – abstraction:[select name=”variable_17″ value=”Not objectively examined, but appears intact without the need for repetition of questions or material covered during the session.|normal ability to abstract|difficulty with abstract thought|inability for abstract thought”].
Insight:[select name=”variable_18″ value=”normal/good judgment|poor”].
C-SSRS TOTAL Score:[textarea name=”C-SSRS TOTAL Score: ” memo=”C-SSRS TOTAL Score:”]
[textarea name=”Additional information ” memo=”Additional information”]
Next Session Plan:[textarea name=” Next Session Plan:” memo=”Next Session Plan:”]
Diagnosis:[textarea name=” Diagnosis: ” memo=”Diagnosis:”]
SOAPnote says:
I usually try going through line by line and test it on
For the first line…
Title Of IOP Note:[select name=”Title Of IOP GROUP Note for BH: ” value=”TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_CBT-i|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_ART Therapy|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_Journaling|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_Emotional Regulation|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_COPE w PAIN|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_Mindfulness thru Senses (MTS)|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_GOALS: Transitioning thru the MIST”]
The problem with this line is that ‘name’ can’t have anything but letters, numbers, dashes ‘-‘, or underscores ‘_’. The spaces and the colon break it.
A working version of the first line is…
Title Of IOP Note:[select name=”Title_Of_IOP_GROUP_Note_for_BH” value=”TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_CBT-i|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_ART Therapy|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_Journaling|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_Emotional Regulation|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_COPE w PAIN|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_Mindfulness thru Senses (MTS)|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_GOALS: Transitioning thru the MIST”]
SOAPnote says:
For the second line, it is a similar problem (spaces in the ‘name’ parameter). A working version of the second line is…
[textarea name=”MIST_IOP” memo=”Brief description of IOP ” default=”Madigan Intrepid Spirit Transitions (MIST) Intensive outpatient Program (IOP)\n\nMIST IOP is a full-time 5-week intensive program (6-8 hours per day, 5 days per week) that provides a structured course of evidence-based treatment.\nParticipants attend multiple behavioral health groups per week, developing new skills and strategies to reduce their psychological distress, identify cognitive distortions, and provide new ways of coping with sleep disturbances, cognitive inefficiencies, pain and emotional reactivity.\nThe goals of the program are to improve daily functioning by reducing cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and physical symptoms, promote behavioral activation, and improve adjustment in important domains (work, home, and leisure activities), as evidenced by significant changes on pre/post outcome measures including Self Efficacy for Symptom Management Scale (SESM), Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (PSEQ-2), Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), PROMIS Self Disturbance – Short Form 4a, PROMIS Pain Interference – Short Form 4a, Neuro-QOLv1.0 Positive Affect and Well-Being – Short Form, Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R) and the Neurobehavioral Symptom Inventory (NSI).\n\nToday’s session contributes to the weekly hours of BH-oriented IOP group treatment.”]
SOAPnote says:
After going through all the lines, it looks like it was mostly spaces and colons in the ‘name’ parameter. There were some slashes in there and there was also an extra line in a text area…
[textarea name=” Mood and demonstration” memo=”SM Presented as ” default=”SM presented as being in a XXXXX mood, demonstrated a full range of affect, and was highly verbal during the duration of his attendance in today’s group. The SM discussed how XXXXX.SM compared XXXXX.
SM realized how XXXXX. SM describe the specific paced approach using the Borg Exertion scale and self-monitoring his pain level to not exceed a 4 out of 10 level”]
That needs to be…
[textarea name=” Mood and demonstration” memo=”SM Presented as ” default=”SM presented as being in a XXXXX mood, demonstrated a full range of affect, and was highly verbal during the duration of his attendance in today’s group. The SM discussed how XXXXX.SM compared XXXXX.\nSM realized how XXXXX. SM describe the specific paced approach using the Borg Exertion scale and self-monitoring his pain level to not exceed a 4 out of 10 level”]
SOAPnote says:
With all the fixes mentioned above, I got the following:
Title Of IOP Note:[select name=”Title_Of_IOP_GROUP_Note_for_BH” value=”TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_CBT-i|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_ART Therapy|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_Journaling|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_Emotional Regulation|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_COPE w PAIN|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_Mindfulness thru Senses (MTS)|TBI/ISC MIST IOP–WxxDxx–BH GRP Note_GOALS: Transitioning thru the MIST”]
[textarea name=”MIST_IOP” memo=”Brief description of IOP ” default=”Madigan Intrepid Spirit Transitions (MIST) Intensive outpatient Program (IOP)\n\nMIST IOP is a full-time 5-week intensive program (6-8 hours per day, 5 days per week) that provides a structured course of evidence-based treatment.\nParticipants attend multiple behavioral health groups per week, developing new skills and strategies to reduce their psychological distress, identify cognitive distortions, and provide new ways of coping with sleep disturbances, cognitive inefficiencies, pain and emotional reactivity.\nThe goals of the program are to improve daily functioning by reducing cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and physical symptoms, promote behavioral activation, and improve adjustment in important domains (work, home, and leisure activities), as evidenced by significant changes on pre/post outcome measures including Self Efficacy for Symptom Management Scale (SESM), Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire (PSEQ-2), Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS), PROMIS Self Disturbance – Short Form 4a, PROMIS Pain Interference – Short Form 4a, Neuro-QOLv1.0 Positive Affect and Well-Being – Short Form, Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R) and the Neurobehavioral Symptom Inventory (NSI).\n\nToday’s session contributes to the weekly hours of BH-oriented IOP group treatment.”]
Date of Service:[date name=”Date_of_Service” memo=”Actual date of service provided”]
Session #:[text name=”Session_number_1″]
Time of Class:[text name=”Time_of_Class” memo=”Duration”]
Title of Class:[select name=”Title_of_Class” value=”Art Therapy|Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-i)|TBI education & lifestyle modification/Session 1-Cope with Pain|COPE with PAIN|Emotional Regulation|GOALS: Transitions through the MIST|Journaling|Mindfulness through Senses (MTS)”]
Provider:[select name=”Provider” value=”Angela Bossut|Dr. Jaime Gonzalez|Dr. Rachel Satter|Dr. Jay Uomoto|Dr. Scott Wollman”]
Overview of Intervention Goals:
[textarea name=”Overview_of_Intervention_Goals” memo=”Overview of Intervention Goals:”]
Session#[select name=”Session_number_2″ value=”1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20″],[select name=”Class_Name” value=”Art Therapy|Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-i)|TBI education & lifestyle modification/Session 1-Cope with Pain|COPE with PAIN|Emotional Regulation|GOALS: Transitions through the MIST|Journaling|Mindfulness through Senses (MTS)”]
SUMMARY:[textarea name=”Session_Summary_Review” memo=”Summary of Session”]
[textarea name=” Mood_and_demonstration” memo=”SM Presented as ” default=”SM presented as being in a XXXXX mood, demonstrated a full range of affect, and was highly verbal during the duration of his attendance in today’s group. The SM discussed how XXXXX.SM compared XXXXX.\nSM realized how XXXXX. SM describe the specific paced approach using the Borg Exertion scale and self-monitoring his pain level to not exceed a 4 out of 10 level”]
Mental Status Examination:
Orientation:[select name=”variable_2″ value=”alert and oriented in all spheres|obtunded|disoriented”].
Attention:[select name=”variable_3″ value=”no difficulty with attention or concentration|had some attentional and concentration problems during the exam”].
Appearance:[select name=”variable_4″ value=”well kempt|poorly kempt|appropriately dressed|inappropriately dressed|appropriately groomed|inappropriately groomed”].
Behavior – general:[select name=”variable_5″ value=”in no acute distress|in acute psychological distress”].
Behavior – stability:[select name=”variable_6″ value=”calm|agitated”].
Behavior – interactivity:[select name=”variable_7″ value=”warm with comments and behavior|interactive|withdrawn”].
Behavior – eye contact:[select name=”variable_8″ value=”eye contact good|eye contact fair|eye contact avoidant”].
Mood/Affect – stated:[select name=”variable_9″ value=”normal|upbeat|euthymic|depressed”].
Mood/Affect – emotional range:[select name=”variable_10″ value=”normal|broad|restricted”].
Mood/Affect – intensity:[select name=”variable_11″ value=”normal|expansive|blunted|flat”].
Mood/Affect – congruence:[select name=”variable_12″ value=”mood is congruent with affect|mood and affect are not congruent”].
Thought form and content:[select name=”variable_13″ value=”normal|future oriented|logical, linear and goal-oriented|past oriented and somber|goal directed|scattered|hopeful|remorseful|enthusiastic|resigned”].
Perception – insight:[select name=”variable_14″ value=”normal insight|poor insight”].
Perception – general:[select name=”variable_15″ value=normal|normal – denied any preoccupations, obsessions, delusions, hallucinations or perceptual disturbances”]
Cognition/Memory:[select name=”variable_16″ value=”normal|grossly intact|below average|above average”].
Cognition/Memory – abstraction:[select name=”variable_17″ value=”Not objectively examined, but appears intact without the need for repetition of questions or material covered during the session.|normal ability to abstract|difficulty with abstract thought|inability for abstract thought”].
Insight:[select name=”variable_18″ value=”normal/good judgment|poor”].
C-SSRS TOTAL Score:[textarea name=”C-SSRS_TOTAL_Score” memo=”C-SSRS TOTAL Score:”]
[textarea name=”Additional_information” memo=”Additional information”]
Next Session Plan:[textarea name=”Next_Session_Plan” memo=”Next Session Plan:”]
Diagnosis:[textarea name=”Diagnosis” memo=”Diagnosis:”]
kasee says:
Thank You sooo much!
tncarlson says:
Hello, I’m wondering if this website is still being monitored/used? I worry about putting so much time into creating a template for the website to be taken down.
SOAPnote says:
Hi – Yes – it’s still monitored and used. More than ever. Thank you for your support!
tncarlson says:
Great! Thank you!
Krupali01 says:
I am new to this site. I am trying to save but its keep giving me below error.
“There is something wrong… Please inform us of the error or try again later.”
SOAPnote says:
Hi – sorry for the inconvenience – it should be working now.
mateuszd says:
Hello. The website has been very helpful to me in the past but for the past several months, I have not been able to download the html file. I have try to resolve the problem by using different browsers, different settings, different browsers on different computers, but none have worked. If you could please let me know how to access that feature, I’d be grateful.
SOAPnote says:
Hi – I really liked that feature, too. It stopped working after a security update on the site. I don’t believe it will be coming back. I’m really sorry for the inconvenience.
ADP2021 says:
What happened with the Searching tab
It make the navigation faster and easier???
SOAPnote says:
Hi – there’s a box at the top of the page that says ‘Enhanced by Google.’ I set that up because it gives better results than the previous search box. You may need to clear your browser cache if it’s not showing up.
vonbramble says:
I’m having difficulty saving as HTML or Text file. Both Chrome and Brave just go to or
What am I doing wrong? I consulted the manual.
bontastic says:
Same here
SOAPnote says:
Hi – I’ve been looking into this, but I’ve not been able to determine the cause that the ‘Save as HTML file’ stopped working. It may be a security issue with the software framework. If you noticed when it stopped working, that would be helpful. I’ll post a reply if I can get it working again.
SOAPnote says:
Hi – I think it’s a web security issue with html files. I removed the feature. I’m really sorry for the inconvenience.
alphabiotic says:
Hi Mark,
Having lots of problems logging in with Internet Explorer. It often asks me to solve capture but there isn’t a capture to solve. Then after several attempts of repeating the login, it suddenly ‘decides’ to log me in. Also, when I tried setting up a second account, for a colleague where I work to use, we are stuck in a reset password loop where it reports the “the passwords don’t match” however there is only a single password field so we are not sure what it’s referring to — meaning what doesn’t it match to? It’s a new password so obviously won’t match anything. Can you please help with these. Kind regards.
SOAPnote says:
It should be working now. Let me know if you’re still having problems.
Michelleb72 says:
I revised a Psych Inital assessment from another user, to include more detailed “Developmental History” information. However, now it won’t calculate the results. I have looked through it and thought I caught the mistakes, but I must be missing something. Help!
Mark Morgan says:
Hi – it looks like you might have got it working and it calculates results. Feel free to let me know if there are other concerns.
scoobie69d says:
so on my note entitled ‘work in process’ I’m having trouble getting it to process. I fill in a all the spots. run the report, but it does not run as entered. some spots don’t save the data entered. some spots just copy to another area in the report. some data entered just doesn’t carry over. any input?
keauna says:
i need help! my soap notes wont calculate results !
Mark Morgan says:
Which one are you talking about?
melimira91 says:
Hello! thank you SO much for this site!! I’m a student and its been super helpful for documenting my case logs for school. I ahve a question though, is there a way to have a checkbox/checklist pre-checked already? i.e. I want my checkboxes/checklists to automatically have “negative” as checked and then I change it as needed instead of having to check it myself every time. Is there a way to do that?
Mark Morgan says:
That’s a good idea. I can look into adding the feature.
jedijeff says:
ive having trouble to get my form to calculate results im sure its something i’ve done but can’t figure it out
jedijeff says:
never mind I figured it out just took some time to over it line by line.
Grea site
Binti Jones says:
Hi Mark, great site, I love it. Can you please help with my private templates? When I click to see “my soapnotes” I get an error 404.
Mark Morgan says:
I tried a few different ways and it seems to work when I test it. When you go to, it should redirect to (‘xxxxx’ is your user name). For me it goes to
emergencymom says:
I am having difficulty getting it to calculate results – can you help?
emergencymom says:
Can anyone help?
Mark Morgan says:
What page are you having trouble with?
emergencymom says:
I created a H & P and I am trying to run it, inputting information and it does not calculate anything at the bottom when I ask it to calculate
Mark Morgan says:
Hi – if you add a comment on the page you need help with, I can look into it.
keauna says:
I am having the same issue, did you figure out why your note wouldn’t calculate?
marnold2777 says:
Help. I can’t get to my favorited templates or the ones I’ve created without manually searching for them. I precious could the hyperlink of the author’s name to view all their templates. It no longer works. It also doesn’t work when clicking ‘my soapnotes’
Mark Morgan says:
I will work on this today (2/27/20). Everything should work except the ‘favorite’ feature. It was breaking another part of the site after an update. Sorry for the inconvenience, I tried to avoid taking it out.
Mark Morgan says:
it is working properly now – I am sorry about the ‘favorite’ feature being discontinued.
marnold2777 says:
marnold2777 says:
Can you fix the navigation issues with the site? – when I click on ‘my soapnotes’, I get a different screen than shows all users but does not show any of my templates. The same thing happens when clicking on an author’s name.
Mark Morgan says:
Hi – sorry – I’ll try to fix it today (2/27/20). I removed the ‘favorite’ feature because it was breaking the site with another update. A lot of moving parts. The page with the soapnote you’ve authored will be back up soon.
Dario says:
Can I fork this on github?
Mark Morgan says:
Thank you for the question. The site is open to anyone to use for free, and the code for the site is pretty low-tech. But it’s not open source.
scoobie69d says:
is there away to edit EMS Narrative- FIRE/EMS notes to add or edit some of the fields
gwood says:
Forms do not calculate results. Could you please take a look at it
Mark Morgan says:
sorry – looking into it.
Mark Morgan says:
it’s working now. sorry about the delay.
kindition says:
thank you, great tool you are providing
gwood says:
Thank you so much. All works great!
kindition says:
All forms are broken, none produce output when Calculate Result clicked. Also, Twitter users cannot send messages to you unless you follow them first. You need to set it to Receive Messages from Anyone.
I’d provide examples, but frankly, I can’t find a single form that isn’t broken, so it’s all of them by extension.
Mark Morgan says:
sorry – looking into it.
Mark Morgan says:
it’s working now. sorry about the delay.
also – I changed my twitter settings as you described.
dmergupe says:
I love your site! But it stopped working the calculate result button does not generate anything. I have tried multiple different templates please help! Thank you!!
wtgatewooddo says:
I’m having some trouble with it calculating the results with ALL the forms. Nothing pops up at the bottom.
emergencymom says:
Did you get any clarity on what is happening. I am sure it is user error (mine) I just cant figure out what i am doing wrong
Mark Morgan says:
Hi – if there is a specific page that’s not working, let me know. I’ll take a look at it.
[email protected] says:
Hi all,
My note is in psychiatriy under SOAP note 3. When I fill in all fields and generate, it doesn’t yield what I’ve put in. Instead it says “getting better” in many of the fields. Does anyone know why? Here is the text I had filled out.
discussed”]; energy levels are [select name=”variable_1″ value=”Good|Fair|Poor|Terrible|Not discussed”]; concentration is [select name=”variable_1″ value=”Good|Fair|Poor|Terrible|Not discussed”].
[textarea name=”variable_1″ default=”sample text”]
Alert and Oriented: [select name=”variable_1″ value=”x4|x3|x2|x1″]
Appearance: [select name=”variable_1″ value=”Appropriately dressed/well groomed|disheveled|inappropriately dressed|neglected”].
Attitude toward the therapist: [select name=”variable_1″ value=”cooperative|guarded|suspicious|paranoid|paranoid|warm”].
Eye contact: [select name=”variable_1″ value=”Good|Fair|Poor|Fleeting|Avoidant”].
Psychomotor activity: [select name=”variable_1″ value=”retardation|agitation|none”].
Speech: [select name=”variable_1″ value=”normal rate/normal volume|spontaneous|impoverished|pressured|aphasic|emotional|monotonous”].
Thought process: [select name=”variable_1″ value=”linear, goal-directed, coherent|disorganized|incoherent|flight of ideas|racing thoughts|loose associations|perseverative|tangential|spontaneous”].
Thought Content: [text name=”variable_1″ default=”sample text”].
Mood: [text name=”variable_1″ default=”sample text”].
Affect: [select name=”variable_1″ value=”congruent with mood, stable|blunted|flat|incongruent with mood”].
Perception: [select name=”variable_1″ value=”No Hallucinations|Audio Hallucinations|Visual Hallucinations|Tactile Hallucinations|Olfactory Hallucinations|preocuppied with delusions|preocuppied with thoughts”].
Suicidal Ideation: [select name=”variable_1″ value=”none present|passive ideation, no plans or intent|activally suicidal”].
Homicidal Ideation:[select name=”variable_1″ value=”no homicidal ideation|current homicidal ideation”]
Insight: [select name=”variable_1″ value=”good|fair|poor”].
Judgement: [select name=”variable_1″ value=”good|fair|poor”]
[textarea name=”variable_1″ default=”sample text”]
Patient was scheduled for an appointment on [text name=”variable_1″ default=”sample text”].
Prognosis: At the time of writing, patient’s prognosis is [select name=”variable_1″ value=”good|fair|poor|uncertain”] and continued treatment is [select name=”variable_1″ value=”recommended|not recommended|Cdsds”].
Mark Morgan says:
Hi – sorry for the delay in replying
It has to do with the ‘variable_1’ name for all the variables. If you change them, it works the way you want (I think):
Patient reports things have been [select name=”variable_1″ value=”getting better|getting worse|just about the same”] since the last visit.
Neurovegetative Symptoms:
sleep is [select name=”variable_2″ value=”Good|Fair|Poor|Terrible|Not discussed”];
appetite is [select name=”variable_3″ value=”Good|Fair|Poor|Terrible|Not discussed”];
energy levels are [select name=”variable_4″ value=”Good|Fair|Poor|Terrible|Not discussed”];
concentration is [select name=”variable_5″ value=”Good|Fair|Poor|Terrible|Not discussed”].
[textarea name=”variable_6″ default=”sample text”]
Alert and Oriented: [select name=”variable_7″ value=”x4|x3|x2|x1″]
Appearance: [select name=”variable_8″ value=”Appropriately dressed/well groomed|disheveled|inappropriately dressed|neglected”].
Attitude toward the therapist: [select name=”variable_9″ value=”cooperative|guarded|suspicious|paranoid|paranoid|warm”].
Eye contact: [select name=”variable_10″ value=”Good|Fair|Poor|Fleeting|Avoidant”].
Psychomotor activity: [select name=”variable_11″ value=”retardation|agitation|none”].
Speech: [select name=”variable_12″ value=”normal rate/normal volume|spontaneous|impoverished|pressured|aphasic|emotional|monotonous”].
Thought process: [select name=”variable_13″ value=”linear, goal-directed, coherent|disorganized|incoherent|flight of ideas|racing thoughts|loose associations|perseverative|tangential|spontaneous”].
Thought Content: [text name=”variable_14″ default=”sample text”].
Mood: [text name=”variable_15″ default=”sample text”].
Affect: [select name=”variable_16″ value=”congruent with mood, stable|blunted|flat|incongruent with mood”].
Perception: [select name=”variable_17″ value=”No Hallucinations|Audio Hallucinations|Visual Hallucinations|Tactile Hallucinations|Olfactory Hallucinations|preocuppied with delusions|preocuppied with thoughts”].
Suicidal Ideation: [select name=”variable_18″ value=”none present|passive ideation, no plans or intent|activally suicidal”].
Homicidal Ideation:[select name=”variable_19″ value=”no homicidal ideation|current homicidal ideation”]
Insight: [select name=”variable_20″ value=”good|fair|poor”].
Judgement: [select name=”variable_21″ value=”good|fair|poor”]
[textarea name=”variable_22″ default=”sample text”]
Patient was scheduled for an appointment on [text name=”variable_23″ default=”sample text”].
Prognosis: At the time of writing, patient’s prognosis is [select name=”variable_24″ value=”good|fair|poor|uncertain”] and continued treatment is [select name=”variable_25″ value=”recommended|not recommended|Cdsds”].
[textarea name=”variable_26″ default=”sample text”]
Bbroyles86 says:
Awesome! Thanks. Maybe I just wasn’t waiting long enough. Any ideas on why so slow?
Mark Morgan says:
That part takes place on the user’s local computer and is basically the browser processing the page’s contents (there’s no signals going backing or forth over the internet to slow it down, it’s all happening on the user’s computer). It might be faster on different computers or browsers, but I’m not really sure.
Bbroyles86 says:
Any luck looking into the character limit problem?
Mark Morgan says:
Hi, can you explain what you are seeing? I see there are some that begin with ‘lab report’. Was there one that had all of those ‘lab report’ notes together? That shouldn’t be too much. There isn’t a character limit that I’m aware of.
Bbroyles86 says:
I can run any of the lab report chunks separately just fine. But if I place them together, it fails. A character limit is the only thing that made sense to me.
Mark Morgan says:
Hi – I put all of the ‘Lab report’ posts together as one post. It is at It works on my computer, but it is definitely slow. I don’t think there’s a character limit, but it just takes a while to process all the code for something that is long. Does it work on your computer?
nephrostation says:
Hi, I can not see my own soap notes in my account to edit.They appear in the general search but not in my list of soapnotes.
Mark Morgan says:
Hello – it should work now. Sorry for the delay.
jagdishrv says:
Thanks Mark. SOAPnotes is a great tool. Since 2-3 days I am having the following error. When I Log in an click on My Account-> My Soap notes, the system takes me to the categories page instead of my soap notes.
Mark Morgan says:
Sorry – my fault – should be working now.
alphabiotic says:
Hi Mark, I’m having a problem with the “My SOAPnotes” menu, as it does not show my private soapnotes anymore, rather, it just shows a list of all the categories of SOAPnote. Can this be fixed? Kind regards
Mark Morgan says:
Sorry – thank you – my fault – it should be corrected now.
Bbroyles86 says:
What programming language is this thing?
Mark Morgan says:
Hi – the form elements are made with pHp, javascript, and html in a WordPress site framework.
Bbroyles86 says:
Awesome! Thanks!
I am running into what appears to be a character limit. It is rather lengthy. I will post it in a few. It is “lab report”, under my name.
Bbroyles86 says:
OK. I can’t save it all together. I had to chunk it into pieces. I am using an excel spreadsheet that generates all the texts for me, it’s pretty slick and helps prevent me from making errors. I have not added the caution notes yet for high values, but it will be super easy in the spreadsheet, then copy paste.
Bbroyles86 says:
How do I keep the selections at the top from showing up in my result?
[comment memo=”————–DISPATCH INFO—————-“]
[select name=”dispatched_unit” value=”|Unit 21-01|Unit 22-01|Unit 23-01″]
[comment memo=”=========Sending============”]
[select name=”origin_facility_name” value=”|Clinton Memorial Hospital (Wilmington)|Highland District Hospital (Hillsboro)|Adena Greenfield Medical Center (Greenfield)|Adena Regional Medical Center (Chillicothe)|Miami Valley Hospital (Dayton)|UC Hospital (Cincinnati)|Bethesda North (Cincinnati)|Other”] [select name=”origin_facility_department” value=”|Emergency Room|Telemetry Unit|Cardiac Unit|Other”]
[select name=”pre_scheduled” value=”|Pre-Scheduled|Non-Scheduled”] [select name=”var_001″ value=”|Non-Emergent|Emergent”]
[comment memo=”=========Receiving============”]
[select name=”destination_facility_name” value=”|Clinton Memorial Hospital (Wilmington)|Highland District Hospital (Hillsboro)|Adena Greenfield Medical Center (Greenfield)|Adena Regional Medical Center (Chillicothe)|Miami Valley Hospital (Dayton)|UC Hospital (Cincinnati)|Bethesda North (Cincinnati)|Shriners (Cincinnati)|OSU Wexner Medical Center (Columbus)|Hearth & Care Center (Greenfield)|Edgewood Manor (Greenfield)|Grant Medical Center (Columbus)|Riverside Methodist (Columbus)|Children’s Medical Center (Cincinnati)|Other”] [select name=”destination_facility_dept” value=”|Telemetry Unit|Cardiac Unit|Acute Care Burn Unit|Emergency department|Intensive Care Unit|Labor and Delivery|Other”]
[var name=”dispatched_unit”] was dispatched to [var name=”origin_facility_name”], [var name=”origin_facility_department”]. For a [var name=” pre_scheduled “] [var name=”var_001″] ALS inter facility transfer of a patient to [var name=”destination_facility_name”], [var name=”destination_facility_dept”].
Mark Morgan says:
I think what you’re looking for would be a ‘hidden’ parameter for the select boxes you’ve got. I don’t have that currently. I can look into it. The only way to make your example work would be to have the select boxes in the actual text instead of calling the variables and having the select boxes up top.
kindition says:
What is the difference between Registry and Scratchpad? When I first tried Registry, if my memory is correct, clicking the “registered” note link from the Registry page returned the specific SOAPnote pre-populated with the input/saved data. Currently it only returns the blank SOAPnote. Did something change, or is Registry just Scratchpad with a dated link to the original blank SOAPnote?
Great idea and implementation overall, thank you!
Mark Morgan says:
information on scratchpad is here:
basically scratchpad is limited and unstructured output.
information on registry is here:
basically registry has more structure, can hold more information, and can be saved as CSV.
information on submissions is here:
basically submissions have structure, allow others to send you their output, acts a lot like registry.
the goal is to allow users some means of recalling their use of the site, but it’s very limited. there’s hasn’t been and isn’t currently a way to repopulate a SOAPnote from a past entry.
My note is calculating any reason why?
Mark Morgan says:
Sorry for the delay – I need to check the comments more frequently.
I don’t have bullet proof way of proofreading these notes, but here is my approach:
If there’s a problem, I take the notes in small chunks and test it at this page:
I went through your note, piece by piece and found these parts had small problems:
Amnesia After S (Anterograde) Are there any events just AFTER the injury that you/ person has no memory of (even brief)?[checkbox name="variable_1|" value="Yes|No |Unsure|No Duration"]
Loss of Consciousness: Did the athlete lose consciousness? [checkbox name="variable_1" value="Yes|No |Unsure |No Duration"]
In this section, there is a variable with the name “variable_1|”. The “|” caused the error there.
EARLY SIGNS: [checkbox name="variable_1" |Appears dazed or stunned |Is confused about events |Answers questions slowly | Repeats Questions |Forgetful|Value="dizziness|LOC|Balance problems"][checkbox name="Conussion" value="Slow reaction time|amnesia|sleep disturbance"][checkbox name="field_name" value="headaches|irritability|nausea"][checkbox name="field_name" value="vomiting|light sensativity|balance problems"]
In this section, the first checkbox is missing the ‘value’ part before ‘|Appears dazed….’.
I changed those two parts and came up with:
Date of injury/illness: [date name="variable_1" default="01/05/2019"]
C/o [textarea name="variable_1" default="sample text"]
HX of concussion:[checkbox name="variable_1" value="yes |no |unknown"]
Headache History? [checkbox name="variable_1" value="yes |no |unknown"]
Developmental History [text name="variable_1" default="sample text"]
Developmental History [text name="variable_1" default="sample text"]
Is there evidence of a forcible blow to the head? [checkbox name="variable_1" value="direct |indirect|Unknown"]
Is there evidence of intracranial injury or skull fracture? [checkbox name="variable_1" value="Yes|No |Unsure"]
Location of Impact: [text name="variable_1" default="sample text"]
Cause: [radio name="variable_1" value=" MVC|Athletics|Assault| Fall"]
Amnesia Before (Retrograde) Are there any events just BEFORE the injury that you/ person has no memory of (even brief)? [checkbox name="variable_1" value="Yes|No |Unsure"]
Amnesia After S (Anterograde) Are there any events just AFTER the injury that you/ person has no memory of (even brief)?[checkbox name="variable_1" value="Yes|No |Unsure|No Duration"]
Loss of Consciousness: Did the athlete lose consciousness? [checkbox name="variable_1" value="Yes|No |Unsure |No Duration"]
EARLY SIGNS: [checkbox name="variable_1" value="Appears dazed or stunned |Is confused about events |Answers questions slowly | Repeats Questions |Forgetful|dizziness|LOC|Balance problems"][checkbox name="Conussion" value="Slow reaction time|amnesia|sleep disturbance"][checkbox name="field_name" value="headaches|irritability|nausea"][checkbox name="field_name" value="vomiting|light sensativity|balance problems"]
Seizures: Were seizures observed? [checkbox name="variable_1" value="yes |no |unknown"] Detail [textarea name="variable_1" default="sample text"]
[checkbox name="variable_1" value="850.0 (Concussion, with no loss of consciousness) – Positive injury description with evidence of forcible direct/ indirect blow to the head (A1a); plus
evidence of active symptoms (B) of any type and number related to the trauma (Total Symptom Score >0); no evidence of LOC (A5), skull fracture or
intracranial injury (A1b).|850.1 (Concussion, with brief loss of consciousness < 1 hour) – Positive injury description with evidence of forcible direct/ indirect blow to the head (A1a); plus evidence of active symptoms (B) of any type and number related to the trauma (Total Symptom Score >0); positive evidence of LOC (A5),
skull fracture or intracranial injury (A1b|850.9 (Concussion, unspecified) – Positive injury description with evidence of forcible direct/ indirect blow to the head (A1a); plus evidence of active
symptoms (B) of any type and number related to the trauma (Total Symptom Score >0); unclear/unknown injury details; unclear evidence of LOC (A5), no
skull fracture or intracranial injury|Other Diagnoses – If the patient presents with a positive injury description and associated symptoms, but additional evidence of intracranial injury (A 1b)
such as from neuroimaging, a moderate TBI and the diagnostic category of 854 (Intracranial injury) should be considered"]
p:[textarea name="variable_1" default="sample text"]
It can be difficult with the long forms because a simple error near the top of the form can wreck the whole thing. But, that’s how I test them. I’d like to make a proofreader in the future – hopefully someday soon!
Matt says:
I just found this website and find a great value in using this for generating very thorough EMS patient care report narratives, but was wondering if there is any way to taylor a note for the EMS community? The Acute Care SOAP V2 is the closest note I found yet it still either lacks or includes information that a paramedic may either include or not assess.
kachangmd says:
what are clippings for?
Mark Morgan says:
The clippings are meant to be code snippets that you use frequently. You set them on your profile page – and you use them on the ‘generator’ page – There’s chunks of text I use commonly when making these, and it’s nice to have them handy on the ‘generator’ page.
Doc_T says:
I am able to export document in HTML to run external of site. The note itself will open and run though unable to print using the submit button. I am using Windows 10 OS. Any recommendations? Thank you, Jim
Mark Morgan says:
Sorry – I am working on this now. Not sure when it stopped working…
Mark Morgan says:
Hi – It should work now. I like that feature. I’m sorry it slipped past me.
Dario says:
ive got saMe problem. submit button doesn’t do anything.
Mark Morgan says:
If you get a chance, can you let me know which page is not working?
Jason says:
Is it possible to input data then have the output be put into paragraph form to be used for an EHR assessment? For example, instead of this…
CURB-65/CRB-65 Score for PneumoniaClinical Features:
absent <– Confusion
greater 19 mg per dL (6.8 mmol per L) <– Blood Urea Nitrogen
less than 30 breaths per minute <– Respiratory rate
systolic greater than/equal to 90 and diastolic greater than 60 <– Blood pressure
greater than/equal to 65 CURB-65 = 2: Short inpatient hospitalization or closely-supervised outpatient treatment
Have the output read…
In this patient confusion is absent, Blood Urea Nitrogen is greater than 19 mg per dL, the Respiratory rate is less than 30 breaths per minute, the systolic blood pressure is greater than/equal to 90 and diastolic greater than 60, and age is greater than/equal to 65 giving a CURB-65 score of 2. The patient may require short inpatient hospitalization or closely-supervised outpatient treatment.
Mark Morgan says:
Hi – it wouldn’t be difficult to make a more plain language output generating version as you’ve suggested. I’ll try to work on that version.
Jason says:
This is a great idea and I look forward to using it more but it is difficult to use. It’s difficutlt to find templates that make sense. For example, this anemia evaluation. After selecting micro vs. macrocytosis and the other selections the calculated result should read as an assessment to be able to copy and paste in an EHR. I think this is the idea of the site.
It should read as follows…based on selections above the calculated result.
This patient likely has a *microcytic* anemia due to *low* ferritin ….etc etc. without the asterisk of course.
Peripheral blood smear clues may include rouleaux formation, myelophthisis. CBC clues may include normal RDW.
Usual causes of ANEMIA OF CHRONIC DISEASE may include Temporal arteritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Chronic inflammation, or Chronic infection. Unusual causes of ANEMIA OF CHRONIC DISEASE may include Hodgkin lymphoma, Renal cell carcinoma, Castleman disease, or Myelofibrosis.
*This differential is quite short actually*
Mark Morgan says:
Hi – the calculator was an approach to anemia that I thought was interesting. Definitely not the only way to do it. When I’m using these, I usually paste them into the assessment as a type of ‘medical decision making’ section. But I see your point and can try to make another version that addresses your suggestions.