ALT-70 Predictive Model for Lower Extremity Cellulitis in the Emergency Department
ALT-70 Predictive Model for Lower Extremity Cellulitis in the Emergency Department Clinical factors [checklist name="variable_1" value="Asymmetry (unilateral leg involvement) • 3 points=3|Leukocytosis (WBC 10K+) • 1 point=1|Tachycardia (HR 90+) • 1 point=1|Age 70+ • 2 points=2"] Score --> [calc memo="total" value="score_1=(variable_1)"] Interpretation --> [calc memo="result" value="score_2=(variable_1);score_2>4?'Likelihood of cellulitis 95% (CI 85% to 100%) - Cellulitis is likely, treat empirically':score_2>2?'Likelihood of cellulitis 72% (CI 57% to 87%) - Indeterminate, consider consultation':'Likelihood of cellulitis 9% (CI 0% to 28%) - Cellulitis unlikely, reassess diagnosis'"] [checkbox memo="Hide/Display References" name="footnotes" value=""][conditional field="footnotes" condition="(footnotes).is('')"] [link url="//" memo="#1"] Raff AB, Weng QY, Cohen JM, et al. A predictive model for diagnosis of lower extremity cellulitis: A cross-sectional study. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2017;76(4):618-625.[/conditional]
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