ROS: Integumentary
INTEGUMENTARY [checkbox name="variable_32" value="Deferred"] Erythema? [checkbox name="variable_33" value="Yes|No"] If yes, describe the location: [text name="variable_4" default=""] If yes, describe the progression: [checkbox name="variable_34" value="Progressing|Regressing|Remaining as is"] Rash? [checkbox name="variable_35" value="Yes|No"] If yes, describe the location: [text name="variable_5" default=""] If yes, describe the character: [checkbox name="variable_36" value="Macular|Papular|Pustular|Vesicular|Bullous|Psoriatic|Eczematous"] Wound(s)? [checkbox name="variable_37" value="Yes|No"] If yes, what is the duration: [text name="variable_6" default=""] If yes, describe the mechanism: [checkbox name="variable_38" value="Ischemic|Neuropathic|Pressure|Trauma|Laceration|Surgical"] If yes, is there exudate? [checkbox name="variable_39" value="Yes|No"] If yes, describe the character: [checkbox name="variable_40" value="Serous|Sanguineous|Purulent|Blue|Green|Odourous"] If yes, describe the volume: [checkbox name="variable_41" value="Small|Moderate|Large"] Odour? [checkbox name="variable_42" value="Yes|No"] Receiving nursing-led wound care? [checkbox name="variable_43" value="Yes|No"] If yes, [checkbox name="variable_44" value="LHIN Clinic|Home care"] If yes, describe the dressing regimen: Compress/Soak: [text name="variable_7" default="minutes"] Primary: [text name="variable_8" default=""] Secondary: [text name="variable_9" default=""] Compression: [text name="variable_10" default=""] Frequency: [text name="variable_11" default=""]
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