ROS: Musculoskeletal
MUSCULOSKELETAL: [checkbox name="variable_52" value="Deferred"] Prostheses? [checkbox name="variable_53" value="Yes|No"] If yes, describe the location: [checkbox name="variable_54" value="Knee|Hip|Shoulder|Ankle"] If yes, date of implantation: [text name="variable_12" default=""] If yes, describe any complicating factors: [checkbox name="variable_55" value="Infection|Displacement"] Joint pain? [checkbox name="variable_56" value="Yes|No"] If yes describe the location, [checkbox name="variable_57" value="|Proximal interphalangeal joints|Distal interphalangeal joints|Metacarpophalangeal joints|Wrist|Elbow|Shoulder|Cervical spine|Throacic spine|Lumbar spine|Sacrum|Coccyx|Hip|Knee|Ankle|Metatarsophalangeal joints|Interphalangeal joints"] Joint swelling? [checkbox name="variable_58" value="Yes|No"] Joint redness? [checkbox name="variable_59" value="Yes|No"] Joint effusion? [checkbox name="variable_60" value="Yes|No"] Joint stiffness? [checkbox name="variable_61" value="Yes|No"] If yes describe the duration: [text name="variable_13" default=""] If yes, describe the progression: [checkbox name="variable_62" value="Worse throughout the day|Better throghout the day"] Exposed bone? [checkbox name="variable_63" value="Yes|No"] Remodelling? [checkbox name="variable_64" value="Yes|No"] If yes, describe the location: [text name="variable_14" default=""] Sinus tract? [checkbox name="variable_65" value="Yes|No"] If yes, describe the depth: [text name="variable_15" default="cm"]
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Sandbox Metrics: Structured Data Index 0.78, 18 form elements, 58 boilerplate words, 4 text boxes, 14 checkboxes, 48 total clicks
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