UTI presentation female Celsius

Patient complains of [checkbox value="dysuria|frequency|urgency|incontinence|haematuria|cloudy urine|fever|chills|vaginal discharge|flank pain"]
Patient [select value="has|has not"] had UTI in the past.
Pertinent symptoms:
[select value="symptoms < 7 days duration|symptoms > 7 days duration"] 
[select value="no    rigors,shaking, chills|HAS    rigors,shaking, chills"]
[select value="no    flank pain|HAS    flank pain"]
[select value="no    temp > 38C|HAS    temp > 38C"]
[select value="no    nausea|HAS    nausea"]
[select value="no    vomiting|HAS    vomiting"]
[select value="no    abdominal pain|HAS    abdominal pain"]
[select value="no    change in vaginal discharge or odor|HAS    change in vaginal discharge or odor"] 
Pertinent risk factors:
[select value="No|Had"]    pyelonephritis within the last 3 months.
[select value="Not    diabetic|Diabetic"]
[select value="Not    pregnant| Pregnant"] , LMP [text]
Patient    is    [select value="Not    immunosuppressed|Immunosuppressed"]
Has    [select value="no|Positive    "] history    of    kidney stones.
[select value="No    |Has"]    known    renal    impairment.
Has    [select value="no    recent    |recent|current"]    instrumentation    or    catheterisation.
[select value="No|Note"]    hospitalization or nursing home residency within the last 2 weeks.  
Has    had    [select value="<4 UTIs within the last 12 months|4 or more UTIs within the last 12 months"]
There    is    [select value="no    antibiotic failure for a UTI in the last 4 weeks|Note    antibiotic failure for a UTI in the last 4 weeks"] 
Blood    [select value="Blood" value="Nil|Trace|+|++|Frank    haematuria"]
Protein    [select value="Protein" value="Nil|Trace|+|++"]
Nitrite    [select value="Nitrite" value="Present|Absent"]
Leucocytes    [select value="Leucocytes" value="Nil|Trace|+|++"]
Laboratory [select    value="Specimen    sent    to    lab    for    C&S|No    lab    access    available|C&S    not    indicated"]
Renal    angle    tenderness    [select value="RAT" value="Absent|Present    left|Present    Right|Bilateral"]
Vital    signs
Temperature[text name="Temperature"]
Pulse    [text name="Pulse"]
Systolic    BP[text name="Systolic" ]
Diastolic    BP    [text name="Diastolic" ]
Diagnosis    [select value="Diagnosis" value="Uncomplicated    Cystitis|UTI    with    upper    tract    features|No    UTI"]
Allergies    [select value="allergies" value="No    Drug    allergies|Penicillin|Other    drug    allergy"][comment memo="Other    allergies"]
Management    [select value="Prescription" value="Nitro|Trimethoprim|Cephalexin|Augmentin|Ciprofloxacin|Fosfomycin|No    Antibiotic    required|Referred    to    ED"]
Advised    review    if    deteriorating    or    not    significantly    improved    after    48    hours.
Patient complains of
Patient had UTI in the past.
Pertinent symptoms:

Pertinent risk factors:
pyelonephritis within the last 3 months.

Patient is
Has history of kidney stones.
known renal impairment.
Has instrumentation or catheterisation.
hospitalization or nursing home residency within the last 2 weeks.
Has had
There is
Renal angle tenderness
Vital signs
Systolic BP
Diastolic BP
Allergies Other allergies
Advised review if deteriorating or not significantly improved after 48 hours.

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