Patient presents to clinic with complaints of [text] lasting [text]. Symptoms have [select value= "improved|worsened|stayed the same"] since onset. Patient [select value= "admits to|denies"] sick contacts [text]. Palliative factors [text]. Provoking factors [text]. Patient [select value= "admits to|denies"] recent illness. [text]. Treatment includes [text]. [textarea name="variable_1" default="sample text"] ROS(+):[checklist value="sore throat|cough|runny nose|HA|fatigue|fever"][text] ROS(-):[checklist value="sore throat|cough|runny nose|HA|fatigue|fever"] [textarea] COVID [select name="variable_1" value="Positive|Negative"] Flu [select name="variable_1" value="Positive|Negative"] RSV [select name="variable_1" value="Positive|Negative"] Strep [select name="variable_1" value="Positive|Negative"] Recommendations: Increase fluids, tea and honey Mucinex for chest congestion to help thin mucous Benedryl at night to stop post nasal drip and help with sleep [comment memo="avoid in older males with BPA, can cause urinary retention"] Sudafed behind the counter to stop post nasal drip [comment memo="Only if no elevated BP"]
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