[text memo="how was incident discovered" size="80"].[text memo="What was resident doing when found?" size=80]. Call light  [select value="was|was not"]within reach. Resident [select value="used the call light to alert staff|did not use call light to alert staff"]. [text memo="What happened and where?" size=80]. [text memo="Resident's explanation" size="80"]. Resident [checkbox value="awake, alert oriented x4|denies dizziness or lightheadedness|pupils are round and equal, reactive to light|speech clear and coherent|heart sounds regular rate and rhythm|no murmurs, rubs, or gallops|breathing regularly, even and un-labored, no accessory muscle use|lung sounds clear to auscultation|denies SOB or chest pain|no bleeding noted|abdomen soft and nontender, bowel sounds normoactive all quadrants|nondistended|no voluntary/involuntary guarding|no rigidity|no rebound|denies bladder discomfort|body check done|skin warm and dry|intact|no edema|no erythema|no ecchymosis|moves all extremities freely and without difficulty with positive sensation all throughout, no gross deformities noted|no gross injury noted|"] Vital signs: [text memo="VS (include pain)" size="50"]. [text memo="Assess cause" size="50"]. Interventions: [text memo="what did you do and where did you place resident to initiate care" size="50"].

Dr. [text memo="includes name" size="20"] notified. [text memo="MD response" size="50"]. RP [text memo="includes name" size="20"] notified.
how was incident discovered.What was resident doing when found?. Call light within reach. Resident . What happened and where?. Resident's explanation. Resident Vital signs: VS (include pain). Assess cause. Interventions: what did you do and where did you place resident to initiate care.

Dr. includes name notified. MD response. RP includes name notified.

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