GFR calculator

Cockcroft-Gault formula for GFR estimate     
[link url="../../kidney/mdrd-gfr/" memo="See also MDRD GFR Calculator"]
[text name="QCreat"] <-- Creatinine (in mg/dL)
[select name="QGender" value="Male=1|Female=0.85"] <-- Gender
[text name="QAge"] <-- Age (in years)
[text name="QWeight"] <-- Weight (in kg)
Interpretation --> [calc value="score=((140 - (QAge)) * (QWeight) * (QGender) / ((QCreat) * 72));score>89.99?'CKD not present or CKD Stage I if microalbuminuria':score>59.99?'CKD Stage II':score>29.99?'CKD Stage III':score>14.99?'CKD Stage IV':'CKD Stage V'" memo="Interpretation"]
Based on estimated GFR of [calc value="score1=score.toFixed(2)" memo="GFR"] mL/min
[checkbox memo="display/hide references" name="footnotes" value=""][conditional field="footnotes" condition="(footnotes).is('')"]
[link url="//" memo="#1"] Cockcroft DW, Gault MH: Prediction of creatinine clearance from serum creatinine. Nephron 16: 31–41, 1976
Cockcroft-Gault formula for GFR estimate
See also MDRD GFR Calculator
<-- Creatinine (in mg/dL)
<-- Gender
<-- Age (in years)
<-- Weight (in kg)
Interpretation --> Interpretationscore=((140 - (QAge)) * (QWeight) * (QGender) / ((QCreat) * 72));score>89.99?'CKD not present or CKD Stage I if microalbuminuria':score>59.99?'CKD Stage II':score>29.99?'CKD Stage III':score>14.99?'CKD Stage IV':'CKD Stage V'
Based on estimated GFR of GFRscore1=score.toFixed(2) mL/min
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