Hematuria HPI and A/P

-Color of urine?
-Flank pain? Unilateral or Bilateral?
-Visible blood clots in urine? 
-UTI sxs?
-Smoking hx?
-Fam hx of Sickle cell dx?
-Vigorous exercise?

Red Flags
[select name="variable_1" value="Visible clots in urine|Smoking history|Flank pain| Older than 35| Urologic history| Painful urination"]

-[select name="variable_1" value="Gross hematuria (Patient w/visible red or brown urine)|Microscopic hematuria (>3 RBC/hpf seen on UA) | Myoglobinuria"] 
-DDx includes: [checkbox name="variable_2" value="Nephrolithiasis |Cystitis| transient hematuria (fever, infection, trauma)| Menses (female on menstrual cycle when sample collected)| Sickle cell trait| Bladder malignancy| BPH | Glomerular etiology| Rhabdomyolysis"]

-Gross Hematuria w/clots -> Abdominopelvic CT w/ and w/out contrast for urography and Urgent urology referral 

-Gross hematuria w/evidence of glomerular bleeding (casts, new/worsening htn, edema, cr albuminuria)

-Isolated Microscopic hematuria-> Repeat urinalysis w/microscopy, RFTs in 6 weeks

-Persistent microscopic hematuria suggestive of glomerular bleeding

-Persistent microscopic hematuria not suggestive of glomerular bleeding: look more closely at the history for causes

-Suspect urinary tract infection-> Urine culture, Abx, repeat urinalysis in 6 weeks

-Nephrolithiasis-> Abdominopelvic CT without contrast using a low radiation dose is recommended in most patients

Consults placed: Urology, Nephrology
-Color of urine?
-Flank pain? Unilateral or Bilateral?
-Visible blood clots in urine?
-UTI sxs?
-Smoking hx?
-Fam hx of Sickle cell dx?
-Vigorous exercise?

Red Flags

-DDx includes:

-Gross Hematuria w/clots -> Abdominopelvic CT w/ and w/out contrast for urography and Urgent urology referral

-Gross hematuria w/evidence of glomerular bleeding (casts, new/worsening htn, edema, cr albuminuria)

-Isolated Microscopic hematuria-> Repeat urinalysis w/microscopy, RFTs in 6 weeks

-Persistent microscopic hematuria suggestive of glomerular bleeding

-Persistent microscopic hematuria not suggestive of glomerular bleeding: look more closely at the history for causes

-Suspect urinary tract infection-> Urine culture, Abx, repeat urinalysis in 6 weeks

-Nephrolithiasis-> Abdominopelvic CT without contrast using a low radiation dose is recommended in most patients

Consults placed: Urology, Nephrology

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