ADHD Consult ADN
Exam CV PPP BP HR Wt Patients Goals of Treatment: Managing projects more effectively. Not feeling behind. Better time management and organization. ROS Sleep ok No chest, palp, No SOB,no claudication, no mania, no depression Positional hypotension, mild presyncope upon standing 2 times per week. 1 episode syncope many years ago O/E HR 60 bpm 105/ 70 mm hg, CV Normal s1 s2 no murmur, regular rate and rythym, PPPB, no temporal, aortic or renal bruit. AA non palpable Abdo soft non nontender Resp: EAB wt:76.7 kg ASSESSMENT Dx ADHD as per psychiatrist assessment Low risk for side effects no contraindications PLAN 1. Trial of Vyvanse 10 MG Follow up in 1 month to assess response 2. Discussed Contraindication for Psychostimulant Medication MOA-i- no treatment of CVD- no Glaucoma- no Arteriosclerosis-no hyperthyroidism screen allergy to medication-no Mania or psychosis- denies Moderate to severe hypertension 160/100 or sign of end organ damage- no Pheochromocytoma- on 3.Discussed Potential drug interactions antidepressants antipsychotics anticonvulsants Warfarin 4.Advised on potential Adverse effects Tics, Sleep disturbance, Stomach pain,headache, reduced appetite, hypertension 5. Signed Medication contract 6. Follow weight on subsequent visit Contraindication for Psychostimulant Medication MOA-i treatment of CVD Glaucoma Arteriosclerosis hyperthyroidism allergy to medication Mania or psychosis Moderate to severe hypertension 160/100 or sign of end organ damage Pheochromocytoma Potential drug interactions antidepressants antipsychotics anticonvulsants Warfarin resources
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