Biopsychosocial Interview
Name: Address: DOB: Age: Phone Number(s): Sex: Ethnicity: Marital Status: Referral Source: Today’s Date: Presenting Concerns Reason for Referral: What symptoms are you experiencing? How is this affecting your ability to function? Duration of symptoms: Social History Who else lives there? Do you have children? How is your relationship? Siblings and parents? How is your relationship? History of family mental health or substance abuse? Social Supports: Friendships/social/ pets/ peer supports relationships Meaningful activities: Religion/Spirituality: Community Supports/Self Help Groups? Legal History Do you have a legal guardian, representative payee, conservatorship, or special needs trust? Yes No Name Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Yes No Past Present Education Highest grade completed: Major: Have you ever received any special education resource services? Are you currently in school? Yes or No Year graduated HS College Employment: Are you employed? Hours per week Why are you unemployed? Military: Have you or family members served in the military? Trauma Physical abuse/Neglect Emotional/verbal abuse Sexual abuse/molestation Domestic violence Community violence: Exposure to intentional acts of interpersonal violence committed in public areas by individuals who are not intimately related to the victim. Witness to violence Other Flashbacks Yes No Nightmares Yes No Avoidance: behaviors are any actions a person takes to escape from difficult thoughts and feelings. Yes No Feelings of detachment Yes No Sleep disturbance Yes No Hypervigilance: highly or abnormally alert to potential danger or threat Yes No Exaggerated startle response Yes No Behavioral Health History: Hospitalizations: Dates of treatment Reason for hospitalization Hospital What was helpful? Counseling or Psychiatrist: Dates of treatment Reason/Diagnosis Provider/Agency What was helpful? Substance Use: In past 12 months: Frequency/ most recent use Type Age at first use/ Route Illegal/prescription drug use Yes No Tobacco Yes No Alcohol Yes No Cannabis Yes No Treatment for substance abuse Dates of treatment Provider/Agency Reason Age of first use Suicidal/Homicidal Ideation Do you ever think about dying? Y N Do you ever think about killing yourself or wishing you were dead? Y N Viable suicide plan – If you do think about suicide, do you have a plan about how to do it? Y N Available means for suicide Y N Previous suicide attempts Y N How many? Most Recent? Current homicidal ideation Y N Previous intimidation Y N History of violence Y N Identifiable victim(s) Y N Available means Y N Past Risk and Alerts Self-harm Y N Losses in last 2 years Y N Anniversary reactions to losses over lifetime Y N Imminent stressors Y N Difficulty managing anger Y N Destructive to property Y N Violent towards a person Y N ** Result in injury Y N ** Weapon involved Y N **Influenced by drugs or alcohol Y N Psychotropic Medications: Mood Depressed Mood Y N Hopelessness Y N Worthlessness Y N Loss of interest Y N Guilt Y N Isolation Y N Appetite Change Y N Weight Change Y N Cries easily Y N Lack of concentration Y N Indecisiveness Y N Fatigue/loss of energy Y N Grandiosity: exaggerated belief in self-importance Y N Pressured Speech: accelerated speech sometimes too fast to understand Y N Racing thoughts: fast moving and often repetitive thought patterns that can be overwhelming. They may focus on a single topic, or they may represent multiple different lines of thought. Y N Easily distracted Y N Increased energy Y N Increased/goal directed activity Y N Risky or dangerous behavior Y N Hypersexuality: dysfunctional preoccupation with sexual fantasy, often in combination with the obsessive pursuit of casual or non-intimate sex; pornography; compulsive masturbation Y N Anxiety Excessive worry Y N Restlessness Y N Fear of social interactions Y N Panic attacks Y N Recurrent/ persistent thoughts Y N Repetitive or ritual behaviors Y N Thought Visual hallucinations Y N Auditory Hallucinations Y N Paranoia Y N Delusions: unshakable beliefs in something that isn't true or based on reality. Y N ____ control ___thought withdrawal ___thought insertion ___thought broadcasting ___persecution ___reference ___grandeur ___somatic ___erotic ___religious ___other: Assessment/ Plan STRENGHTS/INTERESTS/COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Life goals Strengths 1. 2. 3. 4. Abilities Past achievements Mental Status Exam: Appearance: __wnl ___well-groomed ___unkempt ___disheveled ___underdressed __overdressed ___soiled ___revealing ___appears older than age ___appears younger than age ___other: Build/Stature: ___wnl ___thin ___overweight ___short ___tall ___ other: Posture: ___wnl ___slumped ___rigid ___tense ___atypical ___other: Eye Contact: ___average ___avoidant ___intense ___intermittent ___other: Activity: ___wnl ___accelerated ___slowed ___stereotyped/peculiar ___impulsive ___agitated ___hyperactive _fidgety __tics __tremors __pacing __picking ___other: Attitude towards examiner: ___cooperative ___hostile ___defensive ___evasive ___anxious ___seductive ___mistrustful ___demanding ___manipulative ___ingratiating ___confused ___interested ___indifferent ___apathetic ___despondent ___angry ___other: Attitude towards parent/guardian: ___N/A ___positive interaction ___ignores parents ___disrespectful ___demanding ___immature ___lack of spontaneity ___other: Separation (for children/adolescent): ___N/A ___unremarkable/age appropriate ___clingy to parent/guardian, but separates ___cannot separate ___disinhibited/does not care ___other: Mood: ___euthymic ___depressed ___anxious ___angry ___euphoric ___irritable ___silly ___other: Affect: ___full ___constricted ___flat ___inappropriate ___labile ___other: Speech: ___clear ___slurred ___rapid ___pressured ___over productive ___underproductive ___echolalic ___poverty of speech ___other: Thought Process: ___logical ___circumstantial ___tangential ___loose ___racing ___incoherent ___coherent ___concrete ___blocked ___flight of ideas ___poverty of content ___slowed thinking ___derailment Perception: ___wnl ___illusions ___depersonalizations ___derealization ___reexperiencing ___other: Hallucinations: ___denied ___none evidenced ___auditory ___command ___visual ___olfactory ___tactile ___gustatory ___other: Thought Content: ___wnl ___preoccupation/ruminations ___obsessional ___depressive ___paranoid ___self-deprecatory ___grandiose ___phobic ___compulsion ___fear of harm ___poverty of thought ___other: Delusions: ___none reported ___control ___thought withdrawal ___thought insertion ___thought broadcasting ___persecution ___reference ___grandeur ___somatic ___erotic ___religious ___other: Cognition: ___wnl Impairment of: ___attention/concentration ___ability to abstract ___fund of knowledge ___visuospatial ability ___reading and writing ___ calculation ___other: Impairment of: ___Orientation ___person ___place ___time ___situation Impairment of: ___Memory ___short term ___long term ___erratic/inconsistent Intelligence estimate: ___average ___above average ___borderline ___mental retardation Insight: __wnl ___minimal insight ___partial insight ___mostly blames others ___difficulty acknowledging presence of substance abuse problems ___difficulty acknowledging presence of psychiatric problems Judgment: ___wnl ___impaired ability to make reasonable decisions ___mild ___moderate ___severe PRELIMINARY DSM V DIAGNOSIS Axis I: REFERRALS MADE __None at this time __Psychiatric __Substance Use __Medical __Other_______________
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