CAGE-AID Questionnaire for Drug or Alcohol Addiction Screening [select name="Q1" value="no=0|YES=1"] <-- Have you ever felt that you ought to cut down on your drinking or drug use? [select name="Q2" value="no=0|YES=1"] <-- Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking or drug use? [select name="Q3" value="no=0|YES=1"] <-- Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your drinking or drug use? [select name="Q4" value="no=0|YES=1"] <-- Have you ever had a drink or used drugs first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or to get rid of a hangover? Score --> [calc value="score=(Q1)+(Q2)+(Q3)+(Q4)" memo="score"] out of 4. Interpretation --> [calc value="score=(Q1)+(Q2)+(Q3)+(Q4);score>0?'POSITIVE Screen for Alcohol or Drug Addiction - One positive response to any question suggests the need for closer assessment. ':'NEGATIVE screen for Alcohol or Drug Addiction.'" memo="interpretation"] [checkbox memo="hide/display references and links" name="footnotes" value=""][conditional field="footnotes" condition="(footnotes).isNot('')"] references and links: [link url="" memo="#1"] Mayfield D, McLeod G, Hall P. The CAGE questionnaire: validation of a new alcoholism screening instrument. Am J Psychiatry. 1974 Oct;131(10):1121-3. [link url="" memo="#2"] Brown RL, Rounds, LA. Conjoint screening questionnaires for alcohol and other drug abuse: criterion validity in a primary care practice. Wisconsin Medical Journal. 1995:94(3) 135-140. [/conditional]
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