Case manager’s Note

Case Management NoteData:
This writer met with [text name="variable_1" default="Insert Patient Name"] to address case management concerns including : [checkbox name="variable_1" value="legal| employment| Dimensional Case needs| Coordination of care |Financial concerns| Aftercare concerns|scheduling appointments|assessing for additional needs| other"] [textarea name="variable_2" default=" "]
Additional Case managmeent need details include: [textarea name="variable_3" default=" "]
Aftercare discussed with [text name="variable_1" default="Insert Patient Name"] include:
[checkbox name="variable_1" value="Detox| Inpatient | IOP | PHP| Sober Living| Hospital| PCP| Mental health| Psychiatry| Other"] [textarea name="variable_5" default=" "]

[text name="variable_1" default="Insert Patient Name"] identifies intrinsic motivators as : [checkbox name="variable_6" value="Mental health| Well being| Quality of Life | Hope for the future| Denies | Other "] [textarea name="variable_10" default=" "]

[text name="variable_1" default="Insert Patient Name"] identifies external motivators as [checkbox name="variable_15" value="Family | friends| Work| Hobbies| Other| Denies "] [textarea name="variable_16" default=" "]
[text name="variable_1" default="Insert Patient Name"] reports barriers are [textarea name="variable_17" default="sample text"]
[text name="variable_1" default="Insert Patient Name"] current stage of change is [checkbox name="variable_18" value=" precontemplative | contemplative"] towards recovery and aftercare AEB: [textarea name="variable_13" default=" "]
Interventions used: [textarea name="variable_19" default=" interventions and reasoning"]
Case manager assesses [text name="variable_1" default="Insert Patient Name"] home environment as [textarea name="variable_25" default=" "]
Case manager assesses [text name="variable_1" default="Insert Patient Name"] coping skills and progress in treatment as : [textarea name="variable_25" default=" "]
[text name="variable_1" default="Insert Patient Name"] would benefit from interventions including: [checkbox name="variable_27" value="Progressive Muscle Relaxation| Interpersonal Effectiveness| Distress tolerance| Emotional regulation| Mindfulness| positive coping| impulsivity management| Behavioral activation for depression| Relaxation techniques| Other "][textarea name="variable_30" default="sample text"]

[text name="variable_1" default="Insert Patient Name"] will continue to work collaboratively for case management concerns.Case manager will continue to utilize motivational interviewing, exploration of barriers and motivators as well as help 
[text name="variable_1" default="Insert Patient Name"] determine healthy solutions to barriers and concerns.
[text name="variable_1" default="Insert Patient Name"] has the following appointments: [textarea name="variable_20" default=" "]
[text name="variable_1" default="Insert Patient Name"] identifies the following needs: [textarea name="variable_33" default=" "]
[text name="variable_1" default="Insert Patient Name"] will continue to receive case management support in regards to: [textarea name="variable_21" default=" "]
Case manager will provide [text name="variable_1" default="Insert Patient Name"] with referrals and resources regarding: [textarea name="variable_23" default=" "]
Case manager assessed transportation needs as [textarea name="variable_24" default=" "]
Case manager's additional notes: [textarea name="variable_1" default=" "]
Case Management NoteData:
This writer met with to address case management concerns including :

Additional Case managmeent need details include:

Aftercare discussed with include:

identifies intrinsic motivators as :

identifies external motivators as

reports barriers are

current stage of change is towards recovery and aftercare AEB:

Interventions used:

Case manager assesses home environment as

Case manager assesses coping skills and progress in treatment as :

would benefit from interventions including:

will continue to work collaboratively for case management concerns.Case manager will continue to utilize motivational interviewing, exploration of barriers and motivators as well as help
determine healthy solutions to barriers and concerns.
has the following appointments:

identifies the following needs:

will continue to receive case management support in regards to:

Case manager will provide with referrals and resources regarding:

Case manager assessed transportation needs as

Case manager's additional notes:

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Sandbox Metrics: Structured Data Index 0.16, 38 form elements, 139 boilerplate words, 15 text boxes, 17 text areas, 6 checkboxes, 75 total clicks
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