AGENDA: [checkbox name="cb1" value="Review insights from previous session|Review assessments, screeners, and scoring|Assess relationship distress|Assess mood/functioning|Assess sexual relationship |Assess sexual functioning/concerns| Explore polyamory/open relationship concerns|Observe couple’s communication|Psychoeducation|Psychosexual education|Communication skills training|Sexual communication skill building|Explore relationship values |Emotion regulation skills training|Behavioral health interventions|Stress management|Safety planning|Review of Progress|Review diagnostic conclusions/recommendations|Treatment planning|Goal setting|Termination"] ASSESSSMENTS, SCREENERS, & SCORING [checkbox name="cb2" value="Self-report and Behavioral Observation|PHQ-9|GAD-7|DAS|DSCS"] SESSION SUMMARY [textarea name="sesssumm" default="Psychoeducational, couples interventions, and supportive strategies were utilized. Provider utilized a supportive approach to explore presenting concerns, engage in treatment planning, and identify shared goals. Couple was actively engaged in the treatment planning process. Couple reported agreement with diagnoses and subsequent recommendations for treatment. Provider observed and assessed Couple’s communication style. Provided psychoeducation, handouts, and a link about the Gottman Four Horsemen (i.e., Criticism, Contempt, Defensiveness, and Stonewalling) and antidotes to these maladaptive communication styles. Also, provided psychoeducation and links to the Gottman Sound Relationship House. Finally, started to explore sexual relationship concerns and asked Client and partner to each complete and return the 20 Questions to Better Understand Sexuality questionnaire."] SESSION ISSUES/TOPICS DISCUSSED The following tropics/concerns were discussing in session: [checkbox name="cb3" value="Relationship distress|Loss of connection|Decreased emotional intimacy|Recent conflict|Recent argument|Attachment issues|Relationship dissatisfaction|Relationship argument or regrettable incident|Relationship intimacy concerns|-----INFIDELITY ISSUES------|Infidelity/affair concerns|Trust violation|Relationship trust issues|-----Polyamory Issues----|Polyamory concerns|Exploration of nonmonogamy|Exploring open relationship agreements|Time management concerns| ---POWER AND CONTROL-----|Intimate partner violence concerns|Power and control issues|----SEXUAL FUNCTIONING------|Discordant sexual interest| Differences in sexual interest|Low sexual interest|Sexual functioning concerns|Erectile difficulties|Painful sex|Sexual health concerns|Sexual behavior(s) of concern|Sexual Script Adjustment|Sexual relationship dissatisfaction|Sexual communication discomfort|Exploration of sexual interests (e.g., kink/BDSM)|----FERTILTY ISSUES------|Fertility concerns|IVF-related stress|Pregnancy concerns|Delivery/post-delivery concerns|Peri/post menopause issues|Hormone therapy issues|Cancer and sexuality concerns|Age and sexuality concerns|------STRESSORS----|Stressors|Stressor/coping mechanism(s)|Familial relationship distress|Work problems|Financial issues|Legal Issues|Housing issues|Parenting stress|----------|Medical/health concerns|Disease management|Medication concerns|Health anxiety|----------|Religious/spiritual concerns"]. THERAPEUTIC INVERVENTIONS The following tropics/concerns were discussing in session: [checkbox name="cb4" value="Gottman Method Couple Therapy Interventions|Discussed Gottman’s Sound Relationship House Concept|Gottman Love Maps|Psychoeducation on building fondness and admiration|Turning toward instead of away|Discussed allowing for a positive sentiment override|Managing conflict with a gentle approach|Psychoeducation about the Four Horsemen|Helped to identify the Four Horsemen|Encouraged a gentle approach|Practiced psychological soothing for flooding|Introduced Couple to the State of the Union Discussion|Reviewed the State of the Union Discussion|Introduced Couple to the Aftermath of an Argument or Regrettable Incident exercise|Processed the aftermath of an argument or regrettable incident|Utilized Gottman Repair Checklist statement(s)|Explored pattern of closeness and distance|Explored solvable and perpeptual problems|Introduced the Gottman Rapoport Intervention|Practiced a Gottman Rapoport Intervention|-----COMMUNICATION INTERVENTIONS------|Observed and provided feedback on Couple communication| Explore communication pattern|Practiced antidotes to the Gottman Four Horsemen|Practiced a Gottman Rapoport Intervention|-----INFIDELITY INTERVENTIONS-----|Assisted Couple in talking about infidelity|Strategies for coping with infidelity triggers/flashbacks|Explored factor that contributed to the infidelity|Discussed the impact of the infidelity|Explored the context of the affair|Instructions for Writing a Letter to the Participating Partner|Reviewing a letter to the participating partner|Setting boundaries with the outside affair partner|Trust building through emotonal risk taking|Exploration of forgiveness|Reviewing consequences of forgiving or not|Exlored blocks to forgiveness|------Sex Therapy-Interventions---|Provided psychosexual education|Utilized sex therapy interventions|Reviewed the Sexual Health Model|Explored meaning of sex|Explored meaning of touch|Discussed Sensate Focus exercise|Explored sexual response cycles|Processed a recent sexual encounter|------ASSESSMENT-----|Explored family of origin dynamics|Provided feedback on DAS scores|Provided feedback on assessment results|-----Polyamory-Issues---|Reviewed Ester Perel’s questionnaire|Discussed how to managing sharing information related to open relationships|Managing NRE (New Relationship Energy)|Explored fears of abandonment in open relationships"]. TREATMENT PROGRESS/PROGRESS TOWARDS TREATMENT GOALS Couple’s progress in achieving treatment goals is best assessed as - [checkbox name="cb5" value="responding well to interventions|unchanged|making some progress|slow/slight progress|fluctuating/intermittent progress|maintaining past gains|maintaining current goal focus|reprenting relapse|an increase in symptoms|a decrease in symptoms|a significant excalation in symptoms|minimal|improving|stable"] - as evidenced by Couple’s self-report, behavior, and engagement. PLAN/HOMEWORK [textarea name="Plan" default=" Review links/videos of the Gottman Method, Four Horsemen, and Flooding. Begin to increase awareness of engaging in maladaptive behaviors including criticism, defensiveness, contempt, and emotional disengagement or flooding. Practice the Love Maps together. Couple will continue to review the Sexual Health Model article & complete the 20 Questions to Better Understand Sexuality questionnaire."] MENTAL STATUS EXAM Orientation: [select name="MSE_1" value="Alert and oriented X4|Alert, cooperative, and friendly"]; Affect: [select name="MSE_2" value="Both partner’s express full range|Flat|Tearful at times|Flat, tearful & congruent with depressed & anxious mood|Appropriate to mood and thoughts|Inapporpriate to mood and thoughtsRestricted in range and mood congruent"]; Observations: [select name="MSE_3" value="WNL|Crying|Mild agitation when discussing stressor|moderate agitation when discussing stressor|yawning|left room"]; Speech: [select name="MSE_4" value="WNL|Normal rate and rhythm, not pressured|Pressured at times|soft"]; Behavior: [select name="MSE_5" value="WNL|Left room to use bathroom"]; Thought process: [select name="MSE_6" value="WNL|Logical, linear, goal directed|circumstantial|Circumstantial but redirectable|Tangential"]; SI/HI: [select name="MSE_7" value="Not indicated|denied|SI endorsed/HI denied"] FOLLOW-UP PLAN: [checkbox name="cb6" value="RCT in 1 week to assess relationship distress, review homework, and goal setting|RTC in 1-2 weeks to assess relationship distress, review homework, and goal setting|RTC in 1 month to assess relationship distress, review homework, and goal setting|Couple will contact Provider to schedule next session.|Provider will contact Couple to schedule next session."]
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