The Danger Assessment-5

The Danger Assessment-5
[select name="variable_1" value="No=0|Yes=1"] <-- 1. Has the physical violence increased in frequency or severity over the past year?
[select name="variable_2" value="No=0|Yes=1"] <-- 2. Has your partner (or ex) ever used a weapon against you or threatened you with a weapon?
[select name="variable_3" value="No=0|Yes=1"] <-- 3. Do you believe your partner (or ex) is capable of killing you?
[select name="variable_4" value="No=0|Yes=1"] <-- 4. Has your partner (or ex) ever tried to choke (strangle) you?
[select name="variable_5" value="No=0|Yes=1"] <-- 5. Is your partner (or ex) violently and constantly jealous of you?

Interpretation --> [calc memo="result" value="score=(variable_1)+(variable_2)+(variable_3)+(variable_4)+(variable_5);score>2?'High degree of risk for severe intimate partner violence':score>0?'Risk for repeat aggression':'Negative screen'"]
[checkbox memo="display/hide references" name="footnotes" value=""][conditional field="footnotes" condition="(footnotes).is('')"]
[link url="//" memo="#1"] Messing JT, Campbell JC, Snider C. Validation and adaptation of the danger assessment-5: A brief intimate partner violence risk assessment. J Adv Nurs. 2017 Dec;73(12):3220-3230.
The Danger Assessment-5
<-- 1. Has the physical violence increased in frequency or severity over the past year?
<-- 2. Has your partner (or ex) ever used a weapon against you or threatened you with a weapon?
<-- 3. Do you believe your partner (or ex) is capable of killing you?
<-- 4. Has your partner (or ex) ever tried to choke (strangle) you?
<-- 5. Is your partner (or ex) violently and constantly jealous of you?

Interpretation --> resultscore=(variable_1)+(variable_2)+(variable_3)+(variable_4)+(variable_5);score>2?'High degree of risk for severe intimate partner violence':score>0?'Risk for repeat aggression':'Negative screen'
display/hide references

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