Depression HPI subjective

Patient complains of depression. He complains of {depression symptoms:1002}. Onset was approximately {numbers; 0-10:33138} {time units:11} ago, {clinical course - history:17::"unchanged"} since that time.  He denies current suicidal and homicidal plan or intent.   Family history significant for {fam hx:15335}.Possible organic causes contributing are: {possible organic causes:15339}.  Risk factors: {depression risk factors:1001} Previous treatment includes {anxiety treatments:15336} and {depression treatment:1010}. He complains of the following side effects from the treatment: {side effects:15372}.
Patient complains of depression. He complains of {depression symptoms:1002}. Onset was approximately {numbers; 0-10:33138} {time units:11} ago, {clinical course - history:17::"unchanged"} since that time. He denies current suicidal and homicidal plan or intent. Family history significant for {fam hx:15335}.Possible organic causes contributing are: {possible organic causes:15339}. Risk factors: {depression risk factors:1001} Previous treatment includes {anxiety treatments:15336} and {depression treatment:1010}. He complains of the following side effects from the treatment: {side effects:15372}.

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