Escala Curta de Abstinência de Álcool (SAWS)

Short Alcohol Withdrawal Scale (SAWS)
QUESTION:  How have you felt in the last 24 hours?
[select name="QA" value="none (0 points)=0|mild (1 point)=1|moderate (2 points)=2|severe (3 points)=3"] <-- Anxious
[select name="QB" value="none (0 points)=0|mild (1 point)=1|moderate (2 points)=2|severe (3 points)=3"] <-- Feeling confused
[select name="QC" value="none (0 points)=0|mild (1 point)=1|moderate (2 points)=2|severe (3 points)=3"] <-- Restless
[select name="QD" value="none (0 points)=0|mild (1 point)=1|moderate (2 points)=2|severe (3 points)=3"] <-- Miserable
[select name="QE" value="none (0 points)=0|mild (1 point)=1|moderate (2 points)=2|severe (3 points)=3"] <-- Problems with memory
[select name="QF" value="none (0 points)=0|mild (1 point)=1|moderate (2 points)=2|severe (3 points)=3"] <-- Tremor (shakes)
[select name="QG" value="none (0 points)=0|mild (1 point)=1|moderate (2 points)=2|severe (3 points)=3"] <-- Nausea
[select name="QH" value="none (0 points)=0|mild (1 point)=1|moderate (2 points)=2|severe (3 points)=3"] <-- Heart pounding
[select name="QI" value="none (0 points)=0|mild (1 point)=1|moderate (2 points)=2|severe (3 points)=3"] <-- Sleep disturbance
[select name="QJ" value="none (0 points)=0|mild (1 point)=1|moderate (2 points)=2|severe (3 points)=3"] <-- Sweating
Score --> [calc memo="Score" value="scorenum=(QA)+(QB)+(QC)+(QD)+(QE)+(QF)+(QG)+(QH)+(QI)+(QJ)"] points.
Interpretation --> [calc memo="Interpretation" value="score=(QA)+(QB)+(QC)+(QD)+(QE)+(QF)+(QG)+(QH)+(QI)+(QJ);score>11?'Moderate to severe withdrawal.':'Mild withdrawal.'"]
[checkbox memo="display/hide references" name="footnotes" value=""][conditional field="footnotes" condition="(footnotes).is('')"]
[link url="//" memo="#1"] Elholm B, Larsen K, Hornnes N, Zierau F, Becker U.  A psychometric validation of the Short Alcohol Withdrawal Scale (SAWS). Alcohol Alcohol. 2010;45(4):361-5.
Short Alcohol Withdrawal Scale (SAWS)
QUESTION: How have you felt in the last 24 hours?
<-- Anxious
<-- Feeling confused
<-- Restless
<-- Miserable
<-- Problems with memory
<-- Tremor (shakes)
<-- Nausea
<-- Heart pounding
<-- Sleep disturbance
<-- Sweating
Score --> Scorescorenum=(QA)+(QB)+(QC)+(QD)+(QE)+(QF)+(QG)+(QH)+(QI)+(QJ) points.
Interpretation --> Interpretationscore=(QA)+(QB)+(QC)+(QD)+(QE)+(QF)+(QG)+(QH)+(QI)+(QJ);score>11?'Moderate to severe withdrawal.':'Mild withdrawal.'
display/hide references

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