Genito/Pelvic Pain Disorder Individual Recommendations

1.	Based on the initial interview, the following recommendations are made for treatment:
1.	Individual therapy is recommended to provide ongoing assessment of Client’s psychological, relational, and sociocultural factors associated with Client’s difficulties related to genito-pelvic pain and penetration.
2.	Additional aims of individual therapy would be to increase pain management through the acquisition of mindfulness skills, cognitive disputation, and emotional regulation such as basic anxiety coping skills.
3.	Client may benefit from increasing Client’s understanding of the female sexual response cycle as well as increase Client’s knowledge and understanding of her own sexuality. Focus should also be given to increasing Client’s self-esteem, sexual pleasure, and a positive sense of sexual self.
4.	It is recommended that Client’s pelvic floor therapist ([text name="variable_1" default="sample text"]) as well as her gynecological provider ([text name="variable_2" default="sample text"]) be contacted to ordinate care. Client is encouraged to sign a release of information to allow Provider to have written and verbal communication with her medical providers. Such communication would include discussing Client’s pain and anxiety levels during therapies and medical interventions.
5.	Addressing relationship distress related to the fear of pain might be achieved by inviting Client’s partner into conjoint sessions with the aim of understanding his perspectives, inclusion in the treatment process, and increasing his understanding of Client’s treatment goals.
6.	Finally, Client’s goal to cope with ongoing stressors (i.e., relationship, father’s health, and employers) may be achieved through increasing her stress management. For example, exercises aimed to increase assertive communication, relaxation, muscle relaxation, and cognitive challenging may be helpful in managing anxiety symptoms. 

1. Based on the initial interview, the following recommendations are made for treatment:
1. Individual therapy is recommended to provide ongoing assessment of Client’s psychological, relational, and sociocultural factors associated with Client’s difficulties related to genito-pelvic pain and penetration.
2. Additional aims of individual therapy would be to increase pain management through the acquisition of mindfulness skills, cognitive disputation, and emotional regulation such as basic anxiety coping skills.
3. Client may benefit from increasing Client’s understanding of the female sexual response cycle as well as increase Client’s knowledge and understanding of her own sexuality. Focus should also be given to increasing Client’s self-esteem, sexual pleasure, and a positive sense of sexual self.
4. It is recommended that Client’s pelvic floor therapist () as well as her gynecological provider () be contacted to ordinate care. Client is encouraged to sign a release of information to allow Provider to have written and verbal communication with her medical providers. Such communication would include discussing Client’s pain and anxiety levels during therapies and medical interventions.
5. Addressing relationship distress related to the fear of pain might be achieved by inviting Client’s partner into conjoint sessions with the aim of understanding his perspectives, inclusion in the treatment process, and increasing his understanding of Client’s treatment goals.
6. Finally, Client’s goal to cope with ongoing stressors (i.e., relationship, father’s health, and employers) may be achieved through increasing her stress management. For example, exercises aimed to increase assertive communication, relaxation, muscle relaxation, and cognitive challenging may be helpful in managing anxiety symptoms.

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