ID info: Vascular Dem

The patient is a [text name="age1" default="AGE"] year-old [select name="GENDER" value="male|female|"] with [select name="psychhx1" value="|no |no known |no reported |unknown| reported "]past psychiatric history[select name="psychhx2" value=",| of"] [textarea name="psychhx3" default="PSYCH HX/DX"]medical history significant for [checkbox name="VascDx" value="cardiovascular dx| A fib.| CHF| CAD| MI| cerebrovascular dx| recurrent stroke| multiple infarcts| h/o intracerebral hemorrhage| h/o subarachnoid hemorrhage | h/o pre-stroke cognitive impairments| hypertension| hyperlipidemia| diabetes mellitus| tobacco dependence|  alcohol dependence| obesity| physical inactivity| sleep disorders| sickle-cell trait| hypercoagulable state| peripheral vascular disease| deep vein thrombosis| pulmonary embolism| chronic infections| nephropathy| recent surgery| "]

[comment memo="Vascular risk factors and dementia:
Demographic-advanced age, male, nonwhite, low education
Younger patients regardless of stroke type faced higher risks of poststroke dementia than older patients1
Stroke characteristics-stroke types -ischemic versus hemorrhagic, recurrent stroke, multiple infarcts, strategically located infarcts, more severe clinical features at stroke onset, and left or supratentorial or bilateral lesions. Survivors of intracerebral hemorrhage and subarachnoid hemorrhage are at particularly high long-term risk of poststroke dementia.1
Neuro imaging markers of brain lesions-silent brain infarcts, white matter lesions, cerebral atrophy, and cerebral micro bleeds ie macro and microhemorrhages in the brain
Vascular disorders and conditions-hypertension, A. fib, diabetes mellitus, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, and pre-stroke cognitive status

1 StrokeVolume 48, Issue 1, January 2017; Pages 180-186"]
The patient is a year-old with past psychiatric history
medical history significant for

Vascular risk factors and dementia:
Demographic-advanced age, male, nonwhite, low education
Younger patients regardless of stroke type faced higher risks of poststroke dementia than older patients1
Stroke characteristics-stroke types -ischemic versus hemorrhagic, recurrent stroke, multiple infarcts, strategically located infarcts, more severe clinical features at stroke onset, and left or supratentorial or bilateral lesions. Survivors of intracerebral hemorrhage and subarachnoid hemorrhage are at particularly high long-term risk of poststroke dementia.1
Neuro imaging markers of brain lesions-silent brain infarcts, white matter lesions, cerebral atrophy, and cerebral micro bleeds ie macro and microhemorrhages in the brain
Vascular disorders and conditions-hypertension, A. fib, diabetes mellitus, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, and pre-stroke cognitive status

1 StrokeVolume 48, Issue 1, January 2017; Pages 180-186

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