Laura FU Appt
HISTORY OF PRESENTING PROBLEM *Chief Complaint* Patient presents today [checkbox name="11" value="via telemedicine|in person|alone|accompanied by parent|accompanied by partner|"] for a follow-up evaluation for [checkbox name="12" value="ADHD|impulsivity|inattention|depression|anxiety|panic|OCD|Binge eating disorder|insomnia|mood disorder"] At last visit, patient [checkbox name="13" value="had no changes|medication was added|medication was decreased|medication was discontinued|medication was increased"] [textarea name="variable_1"default="sample text"]. Reports symptoms of [checkbox name="14" value="low mood|insomnia|anxiety|panic|OCD|ADHD|binge eating|hyperactivity|impulsivity"] Reports symptoms [checkbox name="15" value="have worsened|stayed the same|improved|and is currently experiencing"] Reports currently experiencing [checkbox name="16" value="difficulty concentrating|difficulty focusing|hyperactivity|insomnia|difficulty falling asleep|difficulty staying asleep|increase in anxiety|improved anxiety|panic attacks|low mood|improved mood|increase in appetite|lack of appetite"] Currently in Therapy: [select value="denied|currently in"][textarea rows="1"] Current Suicidal Ideation: [select value="denied|yes with no plan|yes with a plan|not suicide but thoughts of being better off dead"][checkbox value="contracts for safety|cannot contract for safety"] [textarea rows="1"] *Review of Systems* The patient identifies the following symptoms: [comment memo="General"][checkbox value="denies|endorses|significant weight changes|fevers|chills|fatigue"][textarea memo="other"default=""rows="1"] Neurological-[checkbox value="Headaches|weakness|disturbed sleep| dizziness|syncope|seizures|denied|Normal sensation"][textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"] Psychiatric -[checkbox value="Denies significant changes in mood|no changes in affect|appropiate thought content|No suicidal or homicidal ideation|Reports normal sleep patterns|No changes in appetite|No significant anxiety or panic symptoms"] Cardiovascular-[checkbox value="No chest pain|palpitations|shortness of breath|Reports regular exercise routine without any limitations"] GI -[checkbox value="Upset stomach|nausea|constipation|heatburn|denied"][textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"]. Respiratory-[checkbox value="No cough|shortness of breath|wheezing|Denies any history of respiratory infections or asthma exacerbations"] Genitourinary- [checkbox value="No dysuria|hematuria|frequency|urgency|incontinence| Denies any genital or urinary tract discomfort"] All other systems negative Appearance:[select value="stated age|older than stated age|younger than stated age"], [select value="neat|disheveled"][textarea memo="other" default=""rows="1"] Gait and Station / Muscle Strength and Tone: [select value="Steady gait while walking, normal strength bilaterally|"][checkbox value="unsteady gait while walking|clumsy|unable to ambulate|in bed|in wheelchair|rigid|normal strength bilaterally|weakness noted in"][text area memo="other"default=""rows="1"] Mood and Affect: Mood- [checkbox value="euthymic|depressed|anxious|angry|irritable|happy|fluctuating"][textarea memo="other" default=""rows="1"] Affect- [checkbox value="sad|tearful|labile|anxious|flattened|restricted|irritable|happy|full range"][textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"] Speech:[select value="Normal rate and rhythm, not pressured|pressured|paucity|soft"][textarea memo="other"default=""rows="1"] Thought process:[select value="logical, linear, age appropriate|circumstantial|"][textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"] Associations:[select value="intact|loose|tangential|"][textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"] Thought Content:[select value="no evidence of delusions,|"][select value="no evidence of response to internal stimuli,|"][select value="no suicidal ideation or intentions, |"][select value="no homicidal ideation or intentions|"][textarea memo="other"default="" rows="1"] Orientation:[select value="Oriented to person, place, and time|unable to assess due to cognitive impairment|"][textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"] Attention and Concentration: [select value="Adequate attention and concentration based on answers to interview questions|unable to assess due to cognitive impairment|impaired attention and concentration as evidenced by |"][textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"] Memory: [select value="Recent and remote memories both intact based on patient's answers to interview questions|unable to assess due to cognitive impairment"][textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"] Language: [select value="No evidence of aphasia |"][select value="|, able to name objects|[select value="|, able to repeat phrases"][select value="|unable to assess due to cognitive impairment"][textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"] Judgment and Insight: Judgment- [select value="fair|good|poor|impulsive"][textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"] Insight- [select value="fair|good|poor"][textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"] Fund of Knowledge: Based on the answers to interview questions, patient's intelligence is judged to be [select value="average|above average|below average|unable to assess due to cognitive impairment"][textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"] [textarea default="" rows="1"][comment memo=" ASSESSMENT Patient is currently displaying [select value="symptoms of|well managed|moderately managed|poorly managed"] [checkbox value="depression|anxiety|sleep disturbance|psychosis|substance use disorder|cognitive impairment|impulsivity|mood lability|alcohol dependence|opioid dependence|autism spectrum disorder|inattention|impulsivity|hyperactivity"][text area memo="other" default="" rows="1"] [textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"]. Prognosis is [select value="good|fair|poor"] PLAN: The following interventions were ordered/recommended this appointment: [checkbox name="variable_1" value="No changes were made|decrease medication|discontinue medication|Add medication"] [textarea rows="5"] [textarea rows="5"] [checkbox value="I discussed risks vs. benefits, as well as side effects with the patient, reviewed alternative treatments, including no treatment, and answered any questions. "][checkbox value="Medications have been discussed with parents or legal guardians. "][checkbox value="The patient and/or parent or legal guardian received medication information in the form of a medication information handout. "] Follow-up in [checkbox name="variable_1" value="2-4 weeks or prn|1-3 months or prn|3 months or sooner if needed| Continue in therapy"]
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