Managing Our Moods Group

[textarea name="variable_1" default="NAME attended the Managing Our Moods group as planned. 


[text name="variable_3" default="NAME"] was observed: [checkbox value="attending but not participating at all|superficially participating|not participating to their best effort|selectively participating|fully participating with enthusiasm"].

Areas of specific concern for follow-up with their assigned  clinician: [checkbox name="variable_4" value="Nil|Joining activities with minimal prompting|attending for the duration of the group|demonstrating appropriate non-verbal communication (eye contact, facial expression, body language etc.)|initiating appropriate communication (ask questions, make comments, respond to direct questions etc.)|taking turns|engaging in the hands on component|maintaining focus|co-operating with|allowing and encouraging others to participate|problem-solving with minimal prompting|participating at an appropriate energy level for the group context|presenting appropriately during group (suitable clothes, cleanliness, etc.)|demonstrating safe behaviour"]

[textarea name="variable_6" default="No further observations of note."]


[textarea name="variable_7" default="To attend the Managing Our Moods group on the same day next week and receive individual follow-up with their treating clinician before the next group."]
was observed: .

Areas of specific concern for follow-up with their assigned clinician:


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Sandbox Metrics: Structured Data Index 0.4, 5 form elements, 13 boilerplate words, 3 text areas, 2 checkboxes, 22 total clicks
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