Medical Conditions:
[select name="pastmed" value="Client denied any current medical conditions|Client endorsed the following medical condition(s)"][text name="currentmedicalcond" default="sample text""].

Past Head Injuries:
[select name="pasthead" value="Client denied any head injuries or accidents|Client endorsed experiencing a history of head injury. Client shared"][text name="pasthead" default="sample text""].

Surgical History:
[select name="pastsurg" value="Client denied any surgical history|Client reported having the following surgeries:"][text name="pastsurgies" default="sample text""].

Current (Nonpsychiatric) Medications:
[select name="currentmed" value="Client denied current use of medications|Client endorsed taking the following medication(s):"][text name="currentmedication" default="sample text""].

Medical Conditions:

Past Head Injuries:

Surgical History:

Current (Nonpsychiatric) Medications:

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