MH – Defenses


[comment memo="Believe things about others that aren't true"]
[checkbox name="projection" value="Projection defenses identified:"]
[conditional field="projection" condition="(projection).is('Projection defenses identified:')"] [checkbox value="The patient projects their own qualities onto others, causing inaccurate perceptions of those around them, leading to prejudice or biases.|The patient's relationships and self-awareness are affected due to their projection tendencies. This leads to misunderstandings, conflicts, and an inaccurate sense of self-worth. Projection hinders their interpersonal relationships and masks genuine self-perception.|Remediation should help Pt to understand and manage their projection tendencies. Through self-reflection and guidance, hopefull the Pt will develop better self-awareness and enhance their interpersonal relationships."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="Mimics or copies traits in others"]
[checkbox name="introjection" value="Introjection defenses identified:"]
[conditional field="introjection" condition="(introjection).is('Introjection defenses identified:')"]  [checkbox value="The Pt tends to take on the personality or traits of someone else without realizing it, based on their memories and feelings about that person.|This habit makes the Pt behave or feel like someone they're not, which can be confusing and might lead to misunderstandings with others. It can also make it hard for them to understand their own true feelings and desires.|For improvement, the Pt should try to recognize when they're adopting someone else's traits and question why. This will help them separate their own feelings and thoughts from those they've unknowingly taken from others."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."]

[comment memo="Sees and hears things that aren't real"]
[checkbox name="hallucination" value="Hallucination defenses identified:"]
[conditional field="hallucination" condition="(hallucination).is('Hallucination defenses identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt tends to see or hear things that aren't real. These visions or sounds often represent things they're trying to avoid thinking about, like certain desires, thoughts, or self-criticisms.|Because of these hallucinations, it's challenging for the Pt to tell the difference between what's real and what's in their head. This makes it hard for them to relate to reality and can cause confusion and distress in everyday life.|To navigate through this, the Pt should work on recognizing that these experiences might be their own inner thoughts or feelings coming to the surface. Understanding this difference can help them better distinguish between what's real and what's a result of their mind's defense mechanism."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="Believes false things about others and provokes them to make it real"]
[checkbox name="projective_identification" value="Projective Identification defenses identified:"] [conditional field="projective_identification" condition="(projective_identification).is('Projective Identification defenses identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt tends to see their own traits and behaviours in others to the point where they might get a wrong idea about who that person really is.|This defense can lead the Pt to act in ways that bring out feelings in others that they don’t like in themselves. For example, they might unknowingly make someone else feel sad because they're avoiding their own sadness.|Additionally, the Pt might adopt the behaviour of someone who initially made them feel an unwanted way, mirroring their actions especially when tough emotions arise.|To improve, the Pt should strive to recognize when they're projecting their feelings onto others or mirroring behaviors. Understanding these tendencies can help them to respond more authentically in interactions and better navigate their own emotions."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="Blames others for ones own shortcomings"]
[checkbox name="projective_blaming" value="Projective Blaming defenses identified:"] [conditional field="projective_blaming" condition="(projective_blaming).is('Projective Blaming defenses identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt often avoids accepting responsibility for their actions and instead places the blame on someone else.|This defense directly leads to tension and misunderstandings in relationships.|Typically, the wrongly blamed individual responds by highlighting the actual situation and declaring they are not at fault.|For improvement, the Pt must recognize and address this tendency to shift blame, leading to genuine accountability and better relationships with others."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="Denies obvious evidence"]
[checkbox name="denial_per_se" value="Denial per se defenses identified:"]
[conditional field="denial_per_se" condition="(denial_per_se).is('Denial per se defenses identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt dismisses clear realities even when there's substantial evidence supporting it.|This outright rejection of facts leads to serious misunderstandings and wrong decisions.|To improve, the Pt must confront and accept the undeniable truths instead of sidestepping them."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="Acts in a ways that ignore reality"]
[checkbox name="denial_in_deed" value="Denial in deed defenses identified:"]
[conditional field="denial_in_deed" condition="(denial_in_deed).is('Denial in deed defenses identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt acts in ways that ignores known truths or risks.|Such behaviour results in problems when the ignored reality becomes evident.|For growth, the Pt should align their actions with the known facts and avoid disregarding them."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="Holds false beliefs to avoid reality"]
[checkbox name="denial_in_fantasy" value="Denial in fantasy defenses identified:"] [conditional field="denial_in_fantasy" condition="(denial_in_fantasy).is('Denial in fantasy defenses identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt holds onto false beliefs to avoid confronting a distressing reality.|Maintaining such fantasies prevents genuine understanding and effective decision-making.|Addressing and breaking free from these fantasies is essential for the Pt to grasp reality."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="Tells themselves false things to avoid reality"]
[checkbox name="denial_by_words" value="Denial by words defenses identified:"] [conditional field="denial_by_words" condition="(denial_by_words).is('Denial by words defenses identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt uses specific phrases or words to reject a given reality, trying to convince themselves otherwise.|This linguistic avoidance misleads them and others around them.|Recognizing the weight and truth behind words is crucial for the Pt's clearer understanding of situations."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="Is highly suggestable"]
[checkbox name="dedifferentiation" value="Dedifferentiation defenses identified:"] [conditional field="dedifferentiation" condition="(dedifferentiation).is('Dedifferentiation defenses identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt molds themselves to fit others desires or expectations to avoid negative emotions.|This maladaptive behaviour erases their self-identity and makes the Pt vulnerable to external influences, resulting in undesired outcomes.|To progress, the Pt must recognize and embrace their true self, establishing boundaries to preserve their individuality and guard against external sway."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="Sees people in extreme polarities"]
[checkbox name="splitting" value="Splitting defenses identified:"]
[conditional field="splitting" condition="(splitting).is('Splitting defenses identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt tends to view others as entirely good or entirely bad, not recognizing the complexities of human nature.|This polarized perception causes volatile and inconsistent relationships, as the Pt oscillates between extreme admiration and intense disdain for the same person.|For healthier interactions, the Pt should learn to understand and accept that people have both positive and negative qualities, and aim to see others in a more balanced light."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="Attributes living characteristics to inanimate objects"]
[checkbox name="animism" value="Animism defenses identified:"]
[conditional field="animism" condition="(animism).is('Animism defenses identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt attributes human characteristics to non-human entities, such as talking to plants or ascribing emotions to inanimate objects.|This behaviour serves as a protective mechanism against negative feelings towards humans or to combat feelings of loneliness and grief.|While this can be a common behavior in children and has historical roots in religious and cultural practices, the Pt should recognize when it becomes a primary way of dealing with emotional challenges and seek a more balanced approach to processing emotions."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="Sees people as little more than objects"]
[checkbox name="deanimation" value="Deanimation defenses identified:"]
[conditional field="deanimation" condition="(deanimation).is('Deanimation defenses identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt sees others not as complete humans, but as simplified, non-threatening entities.|This defense serves to distance the Pt from the complexities and demands of human relationships, making interactions feel safer and more predictable.|It's important to note that dehumanizing others can lead to a lack of empathy and understanding, so the Pt should strive to recognize the humanity in others and foster more genuine connections."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="Acts opposite to their true feelings"]
[checkbox name="reactionformation" value="Reaction-Formation defenses identified:"] [conditional field="reactionformation" condition="(reactionformation).is('Reaction-Formation defenses identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt exhibits behaviours that are direct opposites of their true feelings or desires.|For instance, the Pt may show excessive kindness when they are actually feeling anger or resentment.|It's crucial to help the Pt recognize and address the underlying emotions and conflicts, rather than masking them with opposite behaviors."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="Performs rituals to make the world right again"]
[checkbox name="undoing" value="Undoing and Rituals defenses identified:"]
[conditional field="undoing" condition="(undoing).is('Undoing and Rituals defenses identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt performs actions or rituals to 'undo' past behaviors or feelings, driven by underlying guilt or regret.|This behaviour results in significant distress, occupying a large amount of their time and mental energy, disrupting daily functioning.|Encourage the Pt to recognize these repetitive behaviors, understand the underlying emotions, and develop healthier coping mechanisms."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="Talks about emotional events without feeling the emotion"]
[checkbox name="isolation" value="Isolation (of Affect) defenses identified:"] [conditional field="isolation" condition="(isolation).is('Isolation (of Affect) defenses identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt tends to detach emotions from experiences, discussing emotionally charged events with little to no evident emotional reaction.|This detachment inhibits genuine connections with others and hinder emotional processing, leading the Pt to miss valuable insights into their feelings and needs.|Encouraging the Pt to explore and connect with their emotions can provide a fuller, more authentic experience of their life events."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="Attributes thoughts and feelings to external causes"]
[checkbox name="externalization" value="Externalization defenses identified:"] [conditional field="externalization" condition="(externalization).is('Externalization defenses identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt tends to perceive internal thoughts and feelings as if they originate from outside of themselves.|Due to this defense, the Pt may often misattribute their own self-critical thoughts and feelings to others, creating a barrier in understanding their true feelings.|Encouraging the Pt to recognize and differentiate between their internal feelings and perceived external criticisms can aid in breaking down these barriers and fostering self-awareness."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="Self attacks instead of attacking others"]
[checkbox name="turningonself" value="Turning on the Self defenses identified:"] [conditional field="turningonself" condition="(turningonself).is('Turning on the Self defenses identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt redirects intense feelings of anger or ire towards themselves instead of expressing it towards others.|This defense can lead to strong self-loathing or even suicidal tendencies, as the Pt punishes themselves for their feelings.|It's crucial to help the Pt recognize and safely express their anger and frustrations, and to understand that self-punishment is not a healthy or productive response."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="Avoids closeness or dependency by being uncooperative"]
[checkbox name="negativism" value="Negativism defenses identified:"]
[conditional field="negativism" condition="(negativism).is('Negativism defenses identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt consistently exhibits uncooperative behaviour as a way to maintain distance and avoid closeness with others.|This defense mechanism can create barriers in personal relationships and hinder the Pt's ability to connect and communicate effectively with others.|Encouraging the Pt to explore the underlying fears or discomfort associated with closeness, and supporting them in taking small steps towards more cooperative behavior, can help in breaking down these barriers."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="keeps parts of their life seperate"]
[checkbox name="compartmentalization" value="Compartmentalization defenses identified:"] [conditional field="compartmentalization" condition="(compartmentalization).is('Compartmentalization defenses identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt keeps certain thoughts, emotions, or experiences separated from others, preventing them from drawing connections especially when the resulting conclusion might be undesired or distressing.|This defense can hinder a comprehensive understanding of oneself, leading to fragmented experiences and preventing the Pt from seeing the bigger picture.|Aiding the Pt in safely and gradually drawing connections and confronting the conclusions they might be avoiding can foster a more integrated self-understanding."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="Pt acts out to avoid feelings"]
[checkbox name="hostileaggression" value="Hostile Aggression defenses identified:"] [conditional field="hostileaggression" condition="(hostileaggression).is('Hostile Aggression defenses identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt exhibits aggressive behaviour in response to frustration, especially when their goals or intentions are thwarted.|This aggressive behaviour serves as a mechanism to push away unpleasant sensations, thoughts, or feelings, providing a temporary relief but potentially harming relationships and the Pts well-being in the long run.|Encouraging the Pt to recognize and express their frustration in healthier ways, and helping them develop coping strategies for dealing with thwarted goals, can mitigate the reliance on hostility as a defense."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="The Pt shifts feelings meant for one individual towards another"]
[checkbox name="displacement" value="Displacement defenses identified:"]
[conditional field="displacement" condition="(displacement).is('Displacement defenses identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt directs feelings meant for one individual towards another, often unconsciously shifting emotional responses from their original source to a more acceptable or safer target.|This defense can lead to misunderstandings, confusion, and strained relationships, as the Pt's reactions may not align with the actual dynamics of the relationship in which they're expressed.|Assisting the Pt in recognizing and understanding these misdirected emotions can help them address the underlying feelings and respond more appropriately in their relationships."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="The Pt assigns meanings to things to symbolise their feelings"]
[checkbox name="symbolization" value="Symbolization defenses identified:"]
[conditional field="symbolization" condition="(symbolization).is('Symbolization defenses identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt assigns specific and often irrational meanings to certain actions, objects, or situations, which represent underlying feelings or desires.|This defense can cause confusion or distress, as seemingly unrelated situations evoke strong emotional reactions based on their symbolic meanings.|Helping the Pt to decipher and understand these symbolic interpretations can lead to greater clarity about their true feelings and desires, allowing for more direct emotional processing."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="The Pt simplies complexity into one broad conclusion"]
[checkbox name="condensation" value="Condensation defenses identified:"]
[conditional field="condensation" condition="(condensation).is('Condensation defenses identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt tends to combine separate pieces of information or beliefs into a single conclusion, even if they don't directly relate. For instance, merging the idea that someone is wealthy with the belief that only wealthy people own a certain type of car, and then assuming that person owns that car.|Such conclusions can lead to misinterpretations, as they are based on a mix of unrelated ideas or experiences.|Encouraging the Pt to break down their thought processes and analyze each piece of information separately can help them develop clearer, more accurate perceptions."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="daydreams to avoid reality"]
[checkbox name="daydreaming" value="Illusion Formation or Daydreaming defenses identified:"] [conditional field="daydreaming" condition="(daydreaming).is('Illusion Formation or Daydreaming defenses identified:')"]
[checkbox value="The Pt consciously indulges in fantasies or daydreams, understanding that they're not real. These daydreams can serve as an escape, provide comfort, fulfill unmet desires, or offer relief from uncomfortable feelings.|While daydreaming can be a harmless way to cope, over-reliance might make it challenging for the Pt to deal with reality or face certain emotions.|Encouraging the Pt to share and explore the content of their daydreams can shed light on their underlying desires or concerns, and help them find more adaptive ways to address them."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="The Pt consciously lies"]
[checkbox name="prevarication" value="Prevarication defenses identified:"]
[conditional field="prevarication" condition="(prevarication).is('Prevarication defenses identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt engages in deliberate and conscious lying. This isnt a spontaneous or impulsive act but rather a calculated decision to misrepresent the truth.|Often, this defense might be used to avoid consequences, protect ones image, or achieve a particular outcome, but it can jeopardize trust and relationships.|Its important to foster an environment where the Pt feels safe and understood, enabling them to be more transparent and open about their feelings and experiences."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="The Pt embellishes and exagerates"]
[checkbox name="confabulation" value="Confabulation defenses identified:"]
[conditional field="confabulation" condition="(confabulation).is('Confabulation defenses identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt starts with an accurate perception or memory but then embellishes or alters it with unrealistic, exaggerated, or self-aggrandizing details.|This distorts the Pts perception of events, leading them to believe and convey a version of reality that isnt entirely accurate, potentially causing misunderstandings or confusion.|Encouraging the Pt to reflect on and differentiate between the core facts and the added embellishments can aid in achieving a clearer understanding of events and perceptions."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="The Pt buries unpleasant thoughts and feelings"]
[checkbox name="repression" value="Repression defenses identified:"]
[conditional field="repression" condition="(repression).is('Repression defenses identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt unconsciously pushes away certain thoughts or memories associated with strong emotions, effectively 'burying' them so they're not consciously accessible.|This defense mechanism acts as a protective measure to avoid painful or distressing feelings, but can lead to unresolved emotions or issues that might surface later in various ways.|Encouraging the Pt to gently explore and confront these repressed memories or thoughts in a safe environment can aid in processing and healing."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="Pt cant see obvious things as they bring emotional pain"]
[checkbox name="negativeHallucination" value="Negative Hallucination defenses identified:"] [conditional field="negativeHallucination" condition="(negativeHallucination).is('Negative Hallucination defenses identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt might overlook or not 'see' an object or detail right in front of them because it triggers discomfort or is symbolic of something distressing.|This unconscious oversight can be a way for the individual to avoid confronting certain emotions or memories, even if they're indirectly related to the overlooked object.|Helping the Pt to recognize these unintentional blind spots and understand their underlying emotions or associations can foster greater self-awareness and coping strategies."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="The Pt seeks oral comfort to avoid distress"]
[checkbox name="oralRegression" value="Oral Phase Regression identified:"]
[conditional field="oralRegression" condition="(oralRegression).is('Oral Phase Regression identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt displays behaviours associated with oral phase development, such as excessive dependence or seeking oral comfort, like excessive eating or smoking.|These behaviours might be a way to avoid confronting adult feelings of sexuality or aggression.|Encouraging the Pt to recognize these regressions and understand the underlying discomfort can aid in adopting more age-appropriate coping mechanisms."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="The Pt stubbornly resists help when stressed"]
[checkbox name="analRegression" value="Anal Phase Regression identified:"]
[conditional field="analRegression" condition="(analRegression).is('Anal Phase Regression identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt exhibits behaviours reminiscent of the toddler stage, such as stubbornness or issues related to control.|This regression can indicate a struggle with control or autonomy and might be triggered by stressful events.|Assisting the Pt to confront the reasons for this regression and fostering healthier control mechanisms can be beneficial."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="The Pt becomes clingy when stressed"]
[checkbox name="firstGenitalRegression" value="First Genital Phase Regression identified:"] [conditional field="firstGenitalRegression" condition="(firstGenitalRegression).is('First Genital Phase Regression identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt might revert to behaviours associated with early childhood, such as being excessively clingy or displaying pronounced gender-specific behaviours.|These regressions might stem from challenges related to emerging sexual feelings.|Supporting the Pt to understand and process these feelings can help in maturing their emotional responses."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="The Pt seeks heros and role models when stressed"]
[checkbox name="latencyRegression" value="Latency Phase Regression identified:"] [conditional field="latencyRegression" condition="(latencyRegression).is('Latency Phase Regression identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt displays behaviours aligned with the latency stage, like avoiding sexual feelings or becoming engrossed in same-sex friendships.|These behaviours can signify an avoidance of sexual or aggressive feelings.|Guiding the Pt to comprehend these avoidances and foster more balanced relationships can be therapeutic."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="The Pt acts like an adolescent when stressed"]
[checkbox name="adolescentRegression" value="Adolescent Phase Regression identified:"] [conditional field="adolescentRegression" condition="(adolescentRegression).is('Adolescent Phase Regression identified:')"]
[checkbox value="The Pt reverts to early adolescent behaviours, such as defiance, experimentation, or identity crises.|This regression might be a means to escape mature sexual feelings or responsibilities.|Helping the Pt to navigate these regressive tendencies and embrace mature coping strategies can be constructive."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="The Pt resorts to childish behaviours when stressed"]
[checkbox name="egoRegression" value="Ego Regression identified:"]
[conditional field="egoRegression" condition="(egoRegression).is('Ego Regression identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt reverts to defense mechanisms that originated during early stages of child development, such as denial, projection, projective identification, splitting, and dedifferentiation.|This reversion signifies challenges in dealing with current stresses or traumas, leading to reliance on earlier, more primitive ways of coping.|Assisting the Pt in recognizing these regressions and encouraging the development and use of more mature defense mechanisms is essential for their psychological growth and well-being."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details."] [/conditional]

[comment memo="You think of earlier times in your life, to circumvent thinking about current conflict"] [checkbox name="temporalRegression" value="Temporal Regression identified:"] [conditional field="temporalRegression" condition="(temporalRegression).is('Temporal Regression identified:')"] 
[checkbox value="The Pt bypasses current issues by reflecting on past events, avoiding the immediate conflict or challenge.|This regression to prior events or times can act as a shield against confronting recent conflicts or feelings, leading them to ignore current situations.|It's imperative to aid the Pt in understanding the significance of this regression and motivating them to face current problems directly for better psychological health and coping."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details"] [/conditional]

[comment memo="You purposely try to forget: the thought content of an affect, or the affect’s thought content and sensation."] [checkbox name="suppression" value="Suppression identified:"] [conditional field="suppression" condition="(suppression).is('Suppression identified:')"] 
[checkbox value="The Pt intentionally attempts to forget specific thoughts, feelings, or sensations associated with an affect.|This defense mechanism is a conscious choice to not deal with certain emotions or memories, which differs from repression that is unconscious.|Helping the Pt recognize and understand their use of suppression is essential in assisting them to face and process their emotions."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details"] [/conditional]

[comment memo="You start to act the way you imagine you want to be, maybe based on a hero or heroine."] [checkbox name="identificationFantasy" value="Identification with a Fantasy identified:"] [conditional field="identificationFantasy" condition="(identificationFantasy).is('Identification with a Fantasy identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt begins to emulate behaviours, attitudes, or characteristics based on an idealized figure, hero, or heroine from their imagination or external sources.|This defense mechanism reflects a desire to embody certain qualities or attributes that the Pt admires or longs for.|Supporting the Pt in understanding this behavior and finding a balance between aspiration and self-acceptance is essential."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details"] [/conditional]

[comment memo="Instead of following parents' advice, you behave contrary to their guidance. Your actions reflect their desires, leading them to derive secret satisfaction from your misbehaviour."]
[checkbox name="identificationParentsWishes" value="Identification with Parents’ Wishes/Fantasies identified:"] [conditional field="identificationParentsWishes" condition="(identificationParentsWishes).is('Identification with Parents’ Wishes/Fantasies identified:')"] [checkbox value="The Pt engages in behaviours opposite to their parents' guidance, embodying their parents' unexpressed or suppressed desires.|Parents, seeing their own desires in the Pt's actions, derive secret pleasure from the Pt's misbehaviour, even while they might outwardly disapprove or criticize.|As the parents direct their criticisms towards the Pt instead of acknowledging their own desires, the Pt feels a relief from guilt, perpetuating the behaviour. It's crucial to help the Pt understand this dynamic and find healthier ways to process and communicate feelings."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details"] [/conditional]

[comment memo="You pattern yourself after someone you perceive as exceptional, whether they genuinely are or it's a reflection of your own projected grandiosity."] [checkbox name="identificationIdealImage" value="Identification with the Ideal Image or Object identified:"] [conditional field="identificationIdealImage" condition="(identificationIdealImage).is('Identification with the Ideal Image or Object identified:')"] 
[checkbox value="The Pt models their behaviour, attitudes, or identity after an individual they perceive as exceptional or admirable.|This individual might genuinely possess admirable qualities, or they could be a projection of the Pt's own imagined omnipotence and grandiosity.|Guiding the Pt to understand this dynamic and promoting self-awareness and self-acceptance is essential."] [textarea cols=50 rows=10 default="details"] [/conditional]

[comment memo="Identification with the Aggressor: Reflects the patient's adoption of aggressive behaviours in response to previous abuse or anticipated hostility."] [checkbox name="identificationAggressor" value="Identification with the Aggressor identified:"] [conditional field="identificationAggressor" condition="(identificationAggressor).is('Identification with the Aggressor identified:')"] [checkbox value="Pt displays behaviors mimicking those of past abusers as a defense mechanism.|Pt exhibits preemptive hostility.|The behaviour likely serves as a shield against anger or vulnerability, often leading to a sadistic or bullying demeanor in chronic cases."] [textarea cols=50 rows=5 default="details"]

[comment memo="Identification with the Victim: Indicates patient's behavior of mimicking harm similar to others, possibly due to unresolved guilt or anger."] [checkbox name="identificationVictim" value="Identification with the Victim identified:"] [conditional field="identificationVictim" condition="(identificationVictim).is('Identification with the Victim identified:')"] [checkbox value="Pt demonstrates behavior that allows or instigates self-harm, reflecting another's experience.|Behavior may relate to managing guilt or anger.|Possible relation to enduring bullying or inviting punitive actions for self-punishment.|Underlying dynamics could include unresolved familial conflicts or guilt towards family members."] [textarea cols=50 rows=5 default="details"] [/conditional]

[comment memo="Identification with the Victim: This term describes when a patient acts in ways that let them get hurt, similar to someone else they know. It's often because they feel guilty or angry about something and don't know how to deal with those feelings."] [checkbox name="identificationVictim" value="Identification with the Victim identified:"]
[conditional field="identificationVictim" condition="(identificationVictim).is('Identification with the Victim identified:')"] [checkbox value="Pt demonstrates behaviour that allows or instigates self-harm, reflecting another's experience.|Behaviour may relate to managing guilt or anger.|Possible relation to enduring bullying or inviting punitive actions for self-punishment.|Underlying dynamics could include unresolved familial conflicts or guilt towards family members."] [textarea cols=50 rows=5 default="details"] [/conditional]

[comment memo="Identification with the Lost Object: This concept explains when a patient adopts characteristics of someone they've lost, often to avoid feeling grief. If they also hold onto souvenirs and avoid grieving, it's known as 'pathological mourning'."] [checkbox name="identificationLostObject" value="Identification with the Lost Object identified:"] [conditional field="identificationLostObject" condition="(identificationLostObject).is('Identification with the Lost Object identified:')"] [checkbox value="Pt adopts traits or behaviours of a deceased loved one, possibly to avoid feeling grief.|The behaviour may lead to pathological mourning if combined with keeping souvenirs and not processing grief.|Pt may emulate the suffering or characteristics of the lost person as a way of symbolically keeping them alive."]
[textarea cols=50 rows=5 default="details"] [/conditional]

[comment memo="Identification with the Introject: Refers to a patient adopting behaviours or traits from a significant person, often impacting their self-perception and emotional responses."] [checkbox name="identificationIntroject" value="Identification with the Introject identified:"] [conditional field="identificationIntroject" condition="(identificationIntroject).is('Identification with the Introject identified:')"] [checkbox value="Pt exhibits traits or behaviours resembling a significant figure, impacting their self-image.|Pts negative self-view likely represents the internalization of a resented figure, leading to low mood and depressive symptoms.|Behavioural patterns in Pt may suggest internal conflict derived from the internalized attributes of this significant figure."] [textarea cols=50 rows=5 default="details"] [/conditional]


Believe things about others that aren't true

Mimics or copies traits in others

Sees and hears things that aren't real

Believes false things about others and provokes them to make it real

Blames others for ones own shortcomings

Denies obvious evidence

Acts in a ways that ignore reality

Holds false beliefs to avoid reality

Tells themselves false things to avoid reality

Is highly suggestable

Sees people in extreme polarities

Attributes living characteristics to inanimate objects

Sees people as little more than objects

Acts opposite to their true feelings

Performs rituals to make the world right again

Talks about emotional events without feeling the emotion

Attributes thoughts and feelings to external causes

Self attacks instead of attacking others

Avoids closeness or dependency by being uncooperative

keeps parts of their life seperate

Pt acts out to avoid feelings

The Pt shifts feelings meant for one individual towards another

The Pt assigns meanings to things to symbolise their feelings

The Pt simplies complexity into one broad conclusion

daydreams to avoid reality

The Pt consciously lies

The Pt embellishes and exagerates

The Pt buries unpleasant thoughts and feelings

Pt cant see obvious things as they bring emotional pain

The Pt seeks oral comfort to avoid distress

The Pt stubbornly resists help when stressed

The Pt becomes clingy when stressed

The Pt seeks heros and role models when stressed

The Pt acts like an adolescent when stressed

The Pt resorts to childish behaviours when stressed

You think of earlier times in your life, to circumvent thinking about current conflict

You purposely try to forget: the thought content of an affect, or the affect’s thought content and sensation.

You start to act the way you imagine you want to be, maybe based on a hero or heroine.

Instead of following parents' advice, you behave contrary to their guidance. Your actions reflect their desires, leading them to derive secret satisfaction from your misbehaviour.

You pattern yourself after someone you perceive as exceptional, whether they genuinely are or it's a reflection of your own projected grandiosity.

Identification with the Aggressor: Reflects the patient's adoption of aggressive behaviours in response to previous abuse or anticipated hostility.

Identification with the Victim: Indicates patient's behavior of mimicking harm similar to others, possibly due to unresolved guilt or anger.

Identification with the Victim: This term describes when a patient acts in ways that let them get hurt, similar to someone else they know. It's often because they feel guilty or angry about something and don't know how to deal with those feelings.

Identification with the Lost Object: This concept explains when a patient adopts characteristics of someone they've lost, often to avoid feeling grief. If they also hold onto souvenirs and avoid grieving, it's known as 'pathological mourning'.

Identification with the Introject: Refers to a patient adopting behaviours or traits from a significant person, often impacting their self-perception and emotional responses.

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