MSE + Session Type

Mental Status Examination:
Session:    [select    name="variable_2"    value="In    person|Telehealth"].
Appearance: [select name="variable_3" value="well kempt|poorly kempt|appropriately dressed|inappropriately dressed|appropriately groomed|inappropriately groomed"].
Behavior - general: [select name="variable_4" value="in no acute distress|in acute psychological distress"].
Behavior - stability: [select name="variable_5" value="calm|agitated"].
Behavior - interactivity: [select name="variable_6" value="warm with comments and behavior|interactive|withdrawn"].
Behavior - eye contact: [select name="variable_7" value="eye contact good|eye contact fair|eye contact avoidant"].
Mood/Affect - stated: [select name="variable_8" value="normal|upbeat|euthymic|depressed"].
Mood/Affect - emotional range: [select name="variable_9" value="normal|broad|restricted"].
Mood/Affect - intensity: [select name="variable_10" value="normal|expansive|blunted|flat"].
Thought form and content: [select name="variable_12" value="normal|future oriented|logical, linear and goal-oriented|past oriented and somber|goal directed|scattered|hopeful|remorseful|enthusiastic|resigned"]
Attention: [select name="variable_13" value="no difficulty with attention or concentration|had some attentional and concentration problems during session"].
Perception - insight: [select name="variable_14" value="normal insight|poor insight"]
Perception - general: [select name="variable_15" value="normal|hallucinations - auditory|hallucinations - auditory, talking to someone not present|hallucinations - visual|hallucinations - visual - looking at something not present|hallucinations - multiple"]
Cognition/Memory: [select name="variable_16" value="normal|below average|above average"].
Judgment: [select name="variable_18" value="normal|poor|good"].
Suicide/Assault: [select name="variable_19" value="no current or past ideation or intent|denies an active sense of wanting to harm self or others|present but without intent or plan|resolved"].
Client is currently assessed to be at [select name="variable_20" value="low|moderate|high"] risk for self harm or harm to others as evidenced by ideation and behavior during    todays    session.

Client Discussion: [text memo size="-11"]
Mental Status Examination:
Session: .
Appearance: .
Behavior - general: .
Behavior - stability: .
Behavior - interactivity: .
Behavior - eye contact: .
Mood/Affect - stated: .
Mood/Affect - emotional range: .
Mood/Affect - intensity: .
Thought form and content:
Attention: .
Perception - insight:
Perception - general:
Cognition/Memory: .
Judgment: .
Suicide/Assault: .
Client is currently assessed to be at risk for self harm or harm to others as evidenced by ideation and behavior during todays session.

Client Discussion:

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