MSE v2
Patient is [select name="1" value="WDWN|not WDWN"] with [select name="hygeine" value="good|poor"] hygiene, dressed in [select name="2" value="appropriate|inappropriate|"] attire and in [select name="3" value="no acute|acute"] distress. Patient is [select name="4" value="polite|hostile|suspicious"] and [select name="5" value="generally cooperative|defensive|easily distracted"] and has [select name="6" value="good|poor"] eye contact. [select name="7" value="No response to internal stimuli|Response to internal stimuli"] is noted. [select name="8" value="No psychomotor retardation|Psychomotor retardation"] is noted. [select name="9" value="No agitation|agitation"] is noted. [select name="10" value="No abnormal|Abnormal"] movements are noted. Speech is [select name="11" value="normal in rate, tone and volume|pressured"]. Speech [select name="12" value="has good spontaneity|is impoverished"]. Mood is [select name="13" value="euthymic|dysphoric|euphoric|hostile"]. Affect is [select name="14" value="congruent|incongruent"] with mood. Patient is [select name="15" value="logical and linear|tangential"] in their thought process and [select name="16" value="appropriately able|unable"] to engage and answer questions during interview. The patient [select name="17" value="denies|reports"] suicidal ideation. Patient [select name="18" value="denies|reports"] homicidal ideation. Patient [select name="19" value="denies|reports"] auditory and visual hallucinations. Thought content was [select name="20" value="devoid of|contained"] auditory, visual and/or tactile hallucinations. [select name="21" value="No acute psychosis or mania is observed|Acute psychosis and/or mania is observed"]. Patient [select name="22" value="denies|reports"] feelings of paranoia, suspicion or derealization. Patient is [select name="23" value="alert and oriented to person, place, date and time (A&Ox3)|disoriented"]. Attention, concentration and memory are [select name="24" value="grossly intact|deficient"]. Judgment is [select name="25" value="good|poor|impaired"] and insight is [select name="26" value="good|fair|poor"] as evidenced by patient's [select name="27" value="awareness|lack of awareness"] of their mental health and illness, presenting here on [select name="28" value="voluntary|involuntary"] basis, [select name="29" value="motivation|lack of motivation"] in achieving treatment objectives of reduction of symptoms and [select name="30" value="continuing|disregarding"] follow-up care recommendations. Patient [select name="32" value="exhibits|does not exhibit"] capacity to understand the consequences of their own behaviors and ability to make decisions to ensure the safety of self and others. Patient is also [select name="33" value="contracting|not contracting"] for safety.
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