PLAN Patient will continue [text name="variable_1" default="sample text"]. Patient was given an opportunity to ask questions. Patient advised to call the clinic if questions/concerns arise. Patient advised to continue medication monitoring for target symptoms and side effects COUNSELING AND/OR CARE COORDINATION:[text name="variable_3" default="sample text"] MEDICATION EDUCATION included: Alternatives and expected course without treatment were reviewed. Reasons, potential benefits, interactions and side effects of all medications were discussed. FOLLOW-UP Patient was given an opportunity to ask questions. Patient advised to call the clinic if questions/concerns arise. Reviewed the risks of drug/alcohol abuse and encouraged abstinence. Discussed the management of crises and told to call the crisis line or 911 if in crisis. Encouraged client to complete ordered lab testing ASAP COUNSELING AND/OR CARE COORDINATION: Follow up with care coordinator as recommended. MEDICATION EDUCATION: Reasons, potential benefits, interactions and side effects of all medications were discussed. Alternatives and expected course without treatment were reviewed. The Patient/Guardian is aware of the need to refer to the closest emergency room or call 911 if new symptoms arise or existing symptoms worsen. The Patient/Guardian asked appropriate questions, appeared to understand the answers, and decided to accept the treatment and continue being followed. FOLLOW-UP: nurse 2 weeks Dr. 6 weeks
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