Prog note session themes
To address client's symptoms and achieve therapeutic goals, the main themes of the session were: [checkbox name="Symptomsmanagement" memo="Symptoms/Management" value=""] [checkbox name="ADHD" memo="ADHD" value=""] [checkbox name="Behavioralhealthissues" memo="Behavioral health issues" value=""] [checkbox name="Substanceuse" memo="Substance use" value=""] [checkbox name="Adjustment" memo="Adjustment" value=""] [checkbox name="Griefloss" memo="Grief/loss" value=""] [checkbox name="Stressors" memo="Stressors" value=""] [checkbox name="Themes" memo="Other Themes" value=""] [checkbox name="Relational" value="" memo="Relational Themes"][checkbox name="Trauma" value="" memo="Trauma Themes"][checkbox name="Identity" value="" memo="Identity Themes"][checkbox name="DailyLife" value="" memo="Daily Life Themes"] [conditional field="Symptomsmanagement" condition="(Symptomsmanagement).is('')"][checkbox value= "Current symptoms/functioning|Symptom management|Management of depressive symptoms|Management of anxiety symptoms|Emotional dysregulation|Distress intolerance|Anger issues|Mood management|Impacts of symptoms|dealing with panic and anxiety states|exploration and coping with depression and sadness|awareness and exploration of feelings of powerlessness, hopelessness and helplessness|awareness and exploration of possible psychosomatic reactions"][/conditional] [conditional field="ADHD" condition="(ADHD).is('')"][checkbox value= "ADHD symptoms/diagnosis|ADHD treatment/medications|Self-esteem|Management of executive dysfunction"][/conditional] [conditional field="Behavioralhealthissues" condition="(Behavioralhealthissues).is('')"][checkbox value= "Self-care activities|Sleep difficulty/concerns|Nutrition/eating habits|Physical activity/exercise|Daily scheduling|Energy levels"][/conditional] [conditional field="Substanceuse" condition="(Substanceuse).is('')"][checkbox value= "Substance use concerns|Alcohol use concerns|Cannabis use concerns|Tobacco use concerns|Relapse prevention"][/conditional] [conditional field="Adjustment" condition="(Adjustment).is('')"][checkbox value= "Adjustment to stressor(s)|Adjustment to workplace changes|Adjustment to job loss/change|Adjustment to relationship changes|Adjustment to family life changes|Adjustment to a developmental event|transition to adulthood and adult responsibilities|strain of mid-life transitions|late-life adjustment and coping with age-related changes|adjustment to recent motherhood|adjustment to recent fatherhood|parenting anxieties and concerns|adjustment to separation from child/children|adjustment to new demands in life situation|adaptation to physical illness"][/conditional] [conditional field="Griefloss" condition="(Griefloss).is('')"][checkbox value= "Death of a family member|Death of a friend|Grief reactions|Processing past regrets|Processing grief|Processing a death/loss"][/conditional] [conditional field="Stressors" condition="(Stressors).is('')"][checkbox value= "Life stressors|Stressor/coping mechanism(s)|Family dysfunction|Work problems|School problems|Bullying|Work-related stress|Negative work environment|Difficulty with work/life balance|Financial issues|Legal issues|Housing issues|Relationship issues|Parenting stress/issues"][/conditional] [conditional field="Themes" condition="(Themes).is('')"][checkbox name="Themes2" value= "expression of stressful experiences|exploration of low self-esteem and poor confidence/working towards improved self-esteem and confidence|coping with exhaustion and burn out in work/educational activities|awareness and exploration of perfectionistic tendencies|issues of impulse control|exploration and working through guilt and related anxieties|exploration of life experiences and self-understanding|development of self-care|exploration and evaluation of target behaviors and areas of concern|discussion of medication and its impact|exploration and discussion of recent homework assignments|review of the therapeutic work to date|exploration of therapeutic goals and aims|revision of therapeutic goals and aims|recent progress being made in the therapy|obstacles experienced in therapy|the impact of teletherapy on the therapy experience"][/conditional] [conditional field="Relational" condition="(Relational).is('')"][checkbox name="Theme_Relational" value= "relational difficulties|recent relational conflict|coping with relational frustrations|struggles with social anxiety|coping with anger and envy in interpersonal relationships|coping with feelings of rejection in interpersonal relationships|difficulties with boundaries in interpersonal relationships|securing appropriate boundaries|crisis situation in family|conflict with family members|working through interpersonal/family experiences|interpersonal difficulties with spouse/partner|sexual difficulties and/or concerns|exploration of family life|exploration of relationship with father|exploration of relationship with mother|exploration of relationships with sibling(s)|exploration of relationships with children|exploration of parenting concerns|exploration of relationships with friends|exploring relational concerns and issues in the workplace|coping with conflict with authorities at work|exploring relational concerns and issues in school|exploration of positive interpersonal experiences|recent positive relational experiences|reparation of broken and/or strained interpersonal relationships|exploration of recent conflict with friend(s)|exploring forgiveness and reparation in interpersonal relationships|addressing issues related to trust in interpersonal relationships"][/conditional] [conditional field="Trauma" condition="(Trauma).is('')"][checkbox name="Theme_Trauma" value= "Family of origin dynamics|Past trauma event|Recent trauma event|Sexual trauma event|Childhood trauma|Past childhood abuse/neglect|Past distressing memory|expression of stressful experiences|exploration and discussion of traumatic experiences|exploration of childhood traumas and neglect|exploration of multiple traumatic events and cumulative trauma in childhood/adolescence|exploration of impact of sexual abuse experiences experienced in childhood/adolescence|exploration of emotional neglect experienced during childhood/adolescence|exploration of transgenerational traumas|exploration of vicarious traumatic experiences|exploration of health concerns and illness|exploration of end of life anxieties, fears, and concerns|expression and exploration of experiences of victimization|exploring and addressing traumatic loss|exploration of the traumatic experience of the pandemic|coping with the traumatic nature of the pandemic|exploration of traumatic isolation and disconnection from others|exploration of experienced cumulative trauma|exploration of racial stress and racial trauma|exploration of traumatic experiences of discrimination|exploration of sexual assault experience(s)|coping with and managing recent sexual assault experience|expression and exploration of recent traumatic injury|exploration and discussion of collective/cultural traumatic experiences|coping with experienced assault and/or physical threat or violence|exploration of traumatic experiences endured during military service|addressing and exploring post-traumatic reactions and experiences|exploration and coping with a recent serious medical diagnosis|exploration and discussion of traumatic experiences impacting the couple|exploration and discussion of traumatic experiences impacting the family|continued exploration of the impact of early life on current identity"][/conditional] [conditional field="Identity" condition="(Identity).is('')"][checkbox name="IdentityTheme" value= "exploration of low self-esteem and poor confidence|exploration of distorted body image|conflicts and concerns regarding ethnic/cultural identity|exploration of anxieties regarding gender and/or sexuality identity|exploration of conflicts regarding masculinity and/or issues of male sexuality|exploration of conflicts regarding femininity and/or issues of female sexuality|exploration of conflicts and anxieties regarding masculinity|exploration of conflicts and anxieties regarding femininity|exploration of obstacles to identity development in adolescence|exploration of adolescent identity concerns|expression and exploration of crisis of identity|working towards integration of adult identity|exploration of mid-life identity concerns and meaning|exploration of late-life identity formation and concerns|life-review as part of later-life identity consolidation|difficulties with boundaries and self-assertion|exploration of feelings of lack of entitlement|exploration and working through of 'false-self' states and their relationship to early life experiences|exploration of distress related to body-dysmorphic perceptions|exploration of distress and/or concerns related to transgender identity|exploration of distress and/or concerns related to disclosure of sexual identity|exploration of uncertainties surrounding gender and/or sexuality|exploration of experienced racial/cultural identity|exploration and development of professional/work identity|communication and discussion regarding issues of sexuality and/or gender identity within the family"][/conditional] [conditional field="DailyLife" condition="(DailyLife).is('')"][checkbox name="DailyLife2" value= "management and coping with daily life|structuring of daily life and making plans for the future|coping with day to day organizational difficulties|working toward improved healthy life style|development of greater self-assertion and effective interpersonal communication|development of hobbies and leisure activities|identifying obstacles to mental and emotional wellbeing"][/conditional]
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