Psych f/u

Chart reviewed and care discussed with interdisciplinary team during morning report. No acute events overnight. Pt observed in [select name="variable_room" value="milleu|his room"],    calm and cooperative. Today, patient reports he is “[comment memo="MOOD"] [text name="variable_mood" default=""]". Veteran reports[comment memo="SYMPTOMS"][select name="variable_sx" value="depression|anxiety|depression and anxiety"], rated [comment memo="RATED"][text name="variable_rate" default="/10"] in intensity, which is [comment memo="MOOD IMPROVEMENT"][select name="variable_improvement1" value="improved|worse|the same"] compared to previous days. Patient    endorses    [comment memo="SYMPTOM    IMPROVEMENT"][text name="variable_symptom2" default=""].    Patient reports [comment memo="SLEEP"][select name="variable_sleepquality" value="good sleep, feeling rested in the morning|interrupted sleep, with frequent awakenings|difficulty falling asleep|difficulty staying asleep|difficulty falling and staying asleep"] with [comment memo="NIGHTMARES"][select name="variable_nightmares" value="no nightmares|reported nightmares"]. Appetite has been [comment memo="APPETITE"][select name="variable_appetite" value="good, unchanged from previous days|improving slightly compared to previous days|poor, with little interest in food"].    Patient is    [comment memo="COMPLIANCE"][select name="variable_compliance" value="compliant|non-compliant"]  with    currently    prescribed    medications    and    [comment memo="SIDE EFFECTS"][select name="variable_sideeffects" value="denies side effects|reports side effects of _____"]. Veteran endorses [comment memo="MED IMPROVEMENT"][select name="variable_improvement2" value="good therapeutic benefit|lack of therapeutic benefit"] from current medication regimen. Patient [comment memo="SI"][select name="variable_SI" value="denies SI, HI, |reported SI _____, denied HI,|reported HI_____, denied SI,"][select name="variable_hallu" value="A/V    hallucinations, delusions or paranoia|; reported hallucinations _____|;reported delusions ____|displayed signs of paranoia _____"]. Per chart review, patient [comment memo="GROUPS"][select name="variable_groups" value="attended ________ group yesterday with good engagement|was not able to attend groups yesterday due to ____|did not participate in groups or activities provided yesterday"].
Psychiatric ROS:[comment memo="ROS" memo_size="large"]
- Depression: [checklist name="variable_rosdep" value="None endorsed|depressed mood|feelings    of hopelessness|feelings    of helplessness|anhedonia|changes in    appetite|difficulty sleeping|psychomotor    retardation"]
- Anxiety: [checklist name="variable_rosanx" value="None    endorsed|anxious mood|restlessness|increased    worry|muscle tensions|rapid heartbeat|difficulty    concentrating"]
- Mania: [checklist name="variable_rosmanic" value="None    endorsed|high levels    of    energy|elevated mood|pressured    speech|overproductive speech|increased goal    directed activities|flight of    ideas|decreased need    for sleep|psychomotor agitation"]
- PTSD:[checklist name="variable_rosptsd" value="None endorsed|intrusive    thoughts/memories|nightmares|sleep    disturbance|flashbacks|avoidance|dissociative    amnesia|persistent negative emotional    state|low interest in participating in    activities|inability to experience    positive    emotions|hypervigilance|exaggerated    startle|aggresive    behavior"]
- Psychosis: [checklist name="variable_rospsycho" value="None endorsed|persecutory    delusions|grandiose delusions|somatic    delusions|referential    delusions|auditory    hallucinations|visual hallucinations|disorganized speech|word salad|neologisms|catatonia|agitation|echolalia|echopraxia|stereotyped movements|flat    affect|anhedonia|alogia"]
- Impulsiveness: [checklist name="variable_rosimpulsive" value="None    endorsed|angry outbursts|daredevil behavior|destruction of property|hyperactivity/impulsivity|substance use related behaviors"]

Mental Status Exam (MSE)[comment memo="MentalStatus"]
-    Orientation: oriented to [select name="variable_orientation" value="person, time, place|person only"].
-    Appearance: [select name="variable_appearance" value="dressed appropriately for weather, adequately    groomed,well nourished|disheveled"].
-    Behavior: [select name="variable_behavior" value="calm,cooperative|agitated, in psychological distress|withdrawn, with poor eye contact|hostile|uncooperative"].
-    Mood: [select name="variable_mood" value="euthymic|depressed|anxious"].
-    Affect intensity: [select name="variable_affect" value="appropriate|restricted|blunted|flat"],    [select name="variable_congruent" value="congruent with mood|incongruent with    mood"].
-    Thought process: [select name="variable_process" value="logical, coherent and organized|tangential|circumstantial"]
-    Thought content: [select name="variable_content" value="no signs of perceptual disturbances|paranoia|delusional thoughts|broadcasting|thought insertion|fixation and rumination"]
-    Attention: [select name="variable_attention" value="no difficulty with attention or concentration|had some attentional and concentration problems during the exam"].
-    Insight: [select name="variable_insight" value="fair|poor"].
-    Judgment: [select name="variable_judgement" value="fair|poor"].
-    Cognition/Memory: [select name="variable_cognition" value="grossly intact|below average"].
Patient was evaluated today and reported [var name="variable_sx"] [var    name="variable_symptom2"],    [var name="variable_improvement1"]from    yesterday. Veteran    is    [var    name="variable_compliance"] and    [var name="variable_sideeffects"] with    current    medication    regimen.    Patient’s affect was [var name="variable_affect"]; thought process was [var name="variable_process"]; thought content showed [var name="variable_content"]. He    [var name="variable_SI"][var name="variable_hallu"]. 

Based on today's evaluation, the patient’s symptomatology is [var name="variable_improvement1"] and current medications have shown [var name="variable_improvement2"] without major side effects. Plan is to [comment memo="MedPlan"][select name="variable_plan1" value="continue with the same dose of current medications, as they has shown significant therapeutic benefit, effectively improving the patient’s symptoms|start trial of ______  to address ______ . Will continue the same dose of other medications, as they has shown significant therapeutic benefit, effectively improving the patient’s symptoms|increase ______, as patient continues to experience residual symptoms despite the current dose|discontinue ______, as it has has proven ineffective in managing the patient's symptoms, necessitating the exploration of alternative therapeutic options|decrease ______, as patient is experiencing dose-related side effects and lack of therapeutic benefit "]. Will follow-up tomorrow to reassess symptomatology and treatment response.    In    terms    of    discharge    planning,    [text name="variable_discharge" default=""]He    is    not    an    imminent    risk    to    self    or    others    at    this    time.
Chart reviewed and care discussed with interdisciplinary team during morning report. No acute events overnight. Pt observed in , calm and cooperative. Today, patient reports he is “MOOD ". Veteran reportsSYMPTOMS, rated RATED in intensity, which is MOOD IMPROVEMENT compared to previous days. Patient endorses SYMPTOM IMPROVEMENT. Patient reports SLEEP with NIGHTMARES. Appetite has been APPETITE. Patient is COMPLIANCE with currently prescribed medications and SIDE EFFECTS. Veteran endorses MED IMPROVEMENT from current medication regimen. Patient SI. Per chart review, patient GROUPS.

Psychiatric ROS:ROS

- Depression:
- Anxiety:
- Mania:
- Psychosis:
- Impulsiveness:

Mental Status Exam (MSE)MentalStatus

- Orientation: oriented to .
- Appearance: .
- Behavior: .
- Mood: .
- Affect intensity: , .
- Thought process:
- Thought content:
- Attention: .
- Insight: .
- Judgment: .
- Cognition/Memory: .

Patient was evaluated today and reported variable_sx variable_symptom2, variable_improvement1from yesterday. Veteran is variable_compliance and variable_sideeffects with current medication regimen. Patient’s affect was variable_affect; thought process was variable_process; thought content showed variable_content. He variable_SIvariable_hallu.

Based on today's evaluation, the patient’s symptomatology is variable_improvement1 and current medications have shown variable_improvement2 without major side effects. Plan is to MedPlan. Will follow-up tomorrow to reassess symptomatology and treatment response. In terms of discharge planning, He is not an imminent risk to self or others at this time.

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