Psychology Formulation – 5 Ps

Issues that are currently impacting the person's life - what are they experiencing right now?
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Factors that increase vulnerability to the presenting problem - what is ingrained in them to this more likely?
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Factors that triggered the presenting problem - what happened and how did it impact them?
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Factors that maintain the presenting problem - what keeps happening to make sure the problem keeps happening?
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Factors that can be access to overcome the presenting problem - what strengths do they have on their side?
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Issues that are currently impacting the person's life - what are they experiencing right now?

Factors that increase vulnerability to the presenting problem - what is ingrained in them to this more likely?

Factors that triggered the presenting problem - what happened and how did it impact them?

Factors that maintain the presenting problem - what keeps happening to make sure the problem keeps happening?

Factors that can be access to overcome the presenting problem - what strengths do they have on their side?

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