Psymed Solutions Coding Calculator
PSYMED SOLUTIONS BILLING COMPLIANCE DEPARTMENT CODING CALCULATOR PROVIDER:[select name="PROVIDER" value="Satish Narayan|Humaira Khalid|Nisha Satish|Mallory George|Vivian Kisanga|April Monarrez|Judith Olepere"] [comment memo="TYPE PATIENT NAME, ACCOUNT NUMBER, DATE OF BIRTH AND DATE OF SERVICE"] [textarea name="variable_1"] ______________________________________________________________ PROBLEM POINTS: # OF MINOR PROBLEMS = [select name="minor" value="0=0|1=1|2=2"] # OF STABLE PROBLEMS = [select name="stable" value="0=0|1=1|2=2|3=3|4=4"] # OF UNSTABLE PROBLEMS = [select name="worse" value="0=0|1=2|2=4|3=6|4=8"] # OF NEW PROBLEMS WITHOUT LABS = [select name ="newno" value="0=0|1=3|2=6|3=9"] # OF NEW PROBLEMS WITH LABS = [select name="newyes" value="0=0|1=4|2=8"] ______________________________________________________________ DATA POINTS: #1.) Reviewed External Records = [select name="tests" value="0=0|1=1"] [comment memo="External records are from other healthcare organizations, i.e, PDMP"] #2.) Reviewed Test Results = [select name="decision" value="0=0|1=1 |2=2|3=3|4=4"] [comment memo="Tests are imaging, laboratory, psychometric, or physiologic data. Lab Panels are counted separately"] #3.) Ordered Test = [select name="visual" value="0=0|1=2|2=4|3=6|4=8"] [comment memo="Tests are imaging, laboratory, psychometric, or physiologic data. Lab Panels are counted separately"] #4.) Assessment requiring Independent Historian = [select name="summary" value="0=0|1=1"] [comment memo="Independent Historian is family or caregiver"] #5.) Discussion with external professional = [select name="collateral" value="0=0|1=1|2=2"] Coordinated with PCP = [select name="discussion" value="0=0|1=2|2=4|3=6|4=8"] [comment memo="External physician is an individual who is not in the same group practice"] ______________________________________________________________ RISK OF MORBIDITY: [comment memo="HIGH = Drug therapy requiring intensive monitoring for toxicity MODERATE = Prescription drug management OR treatment limited by social determinants of health LOW = Low risk of morbidity if untreated"] [select name="risk" value="None=1|Low=2|Moderate=3|High=4"] ______________________________________________________________ [comment memo="Choose the code listed twice. If all three are different then pick the median."] 1: [calc value="score2=(minor)+(stable)+(worse)+(newno)+(newyes);score2>3?'Problem status is High (Level 5)':score2>2?'Problem status is Moderate (Level 4)':score2>1?'Problem status is Low (Level 3)':'Problem status is Minimal (Level 2)'"] 2: [calc value="score3=(tests)+(decision)+(visual)+(summary)+(collateral)+(discussion);score3>3?'Data Review is High (Level 5)':score3>2?'Data Review is Moderate (Level 4)':score3>1?'Data Review is Low (Level 3)':'Data Review is Minimal (Level 2)'"] 3: [calc value="score4=(risk);score4>3?'Risk is High (Level 5)':score4>2?'Risk is Moderate (Level 4)':score4>1?'Risk is Low (Level 3)':'Risk is Minimal (Level 2)'"] ______________________________________________________________ DATE:[date name="variable_1" default="06/14/2020"] CODER: [select name="variable_1" value="Tawnee Little"]
Result - Copy and paste this output:
Sandbox Metrics: Structured Data Index 0.94, 27 form elements, 55 boilerplate words, 1 text areas, 1 dates, 14 drop downs, 8 comments, 3 calculations, 16 total clicks
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