Riverview Assessment

Presenting Signs and Symptoms:  
[textarea name="variable_1" default=" "]

Current Signs and Symptoms: [textarea name="variable_2" default=""]

Developmental Concerns: [text name="variable_3" default=""]

Nutritional: [checkbox name="variable_1" value="No concerns"] [textarea name="variable_4" default=""]

Exercise: [checkbox name="variable_2" value="Sedentary Life Style | Mildly Active | Moderately Active| rigorously Active "] [text name="variable_1" default=""]

Sleep: [checklist name="variable_8" value="No concerns"] [textarea name="variable_5" default=""]

Past Treatment History: [textarea name="variable_8" default=""]

Medications: [textarea name="variable_9" default=""]

Medical concerns: [checkbox name="variable_8" value="Denies"] [textarea name="variable_11" default=""]

Significant Life Events [textarea name="variable_14" default=""]

Gender ID: [checkbox name="variable_100" value="Male | Female| Cisgender| Gay | Lesbian | Transgender | Bi sexual| Asexual | Aromantic "] [text name="variable_1234" default=""]

Family History: [textarea name="variable_1999" default=""]
Living Arrangement Lives: [checkbox name="variable_1" value=" Alone | Family | Children | Significant Other | peers | Roomate | University | Other"]

Discipline history : [textarea name="variable_13" default=""]

Family of Origin
      Mother's history: [textarea name="variable_9876" default=""]
      Father's history: [textarea name="variable_9877" default=""]
Substance Abuse Hx:  [textarea name="variable_9878" default=""]

Abuse Hx:  [textarea name="variable_9879" default=""]

Strengths / hobbies [textarea name="variable_333" default=""]

Goals and needs: [textarea name="variable_323" default=""]

Involved parties [textarea name="variable_344" default=""]

Treatment Length: [select name="variable_1" value="2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | 12"] [select name="variable_2" value="Weeks | Months"]

Educational V Vocational: [textarea name="variable_3456789" default=""]
Presenting Signs and Symptoms:

Current Signs and Symptoms:

Developmental Concerns:




Past Treatment History:


Medical concerns:

Significant Life Events

Gender ID:

Family History:

Living Arrangement Lives:

Discipline history :

Family of Origin
Mother's history:

Father's history:

Substance Abuse Hx:

Abuse Hx:

Strengths / hobbies

Goals and needs:

Involved parties

Treatment Length:

Educational V Vocational:

Result - Copy and paste this output:

Sandbox Metrics: Structured Data Index 0.28, 29 form elements, 55 boilerplate words, 3 text boxes, 18 text areas, 5 checkboxes, 1 check lists, 2 drop downs, 47 total clicks
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