ROS 11
HISTORY OF PRESENTING PROBLEM[conditional field="A" condition="(A).is('Followup')"][comment memo=" 99212 requires 1 HPI 99213 requires 1 HPI + pertinent ROS 99214 requires 4 HPI + pertinent ROS plus one other + 1 P/F/S hx 99215 requires 4 HPI + complete ROS + 2 P/F/S hx"][/conditional][conditional field="A" condition="(A).is('Intake')"][comment memo=" Intake = 90792"][/conditional] [conditional field="A" condition="(A).is('Intake')"][/conditional] *Chief Complaint* Date and Time of Service:[date default="today"] [text size="8"] Patient is see in this [checkbox name="A" value="Intake|Followup"][checkbox name="b" value=" with psychotherapy"] for [checkbox value="depression|anxiety|psychosis|substance abuse|cognitive impairment|impulsivity|mood lability|sleep disturbance|alcohol dependence|opiate dependence|autism spectrum disorder"] [textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"] [textarea memo="*QUOTES* *REQUIRED*" default="" rows="8"] *Interval History* Patient presents as [comment memo="SYMPTOM"][checkbox value="depressed|anxious|aggressive|impulsive|inattentive|irritable|withdrawn|unable to sleep|delusional|auditory hallucinations|visual hallucinations"] [textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"] Which is described as[comment memo="SEVERITY "][checkbox value=" the same as it has been| better| somewhat worse than it has been| significantly worse than it has been"] [textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"] It seems to [checkbox value="be very brief in duration|last for awhile then goes away|always be present"] The patient notices that it is sometimes improved by [comment memo="Modifying factors "][checkbox value="talking to someone|being alone|doing something physical like walking|doing something that is distracting"] [textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"] [conditional field="A" condition="(A).is('Intake')"] History of Presenting Illness: [textarea rows="6"] Current Psychiatric Medications: [textarea rows="4"] Currently in Therapy: [select value="denied|currently in "] [textarea rows="1"] Current Suicidal Ideation: [select value="denied|yes with no plan|yes with a plan|not suicide but thoughts of being better off dead"][checkbox value="contracts for safety|cannot contract for safety"] [textarea rows="1"] [/conditional] *Review of Systems* [conditional field="A" condition="(A).is('Followup')"][comment memo="Include for 99213 thru 99215"][/conditional] ROS general: [comment memo="Pertinent System "][checkbox value="irritability|mood instability|heightened anxiety|attention problems|troubled by hallucinations|fearfulness|nightmares|alcohol cravings|opiate cravings"] [textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"] Other systems: Neurological - [checkbox value="Headaches|weakness|disturbed sleep|denied"] [textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"] GI - [checkbox value="Upset stomach|nausea|constipation|heatburn|denied"] [textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"]. Psych - [checkbox value="denies suicidal ideation|denies homicidal ideation|depressed mood||denied"] [textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"]. All other systems negative *Past/Family/Social History* [conditional field="A" condition="(A).is('Followup')"][comment memo="Include for 99214 + 99215 Consider Substance use, Social/Family Supports, Current medication, Housing, Financial, Legal"] [textarea rows="3"][/conditional] [conditional field="A" condition="(A).is('Intake')"] Current Substance Use: [select value="Denied|N/A|Reports positive for "][checkbox value="alcohol|tobacco|cannabis|opiate use|methamphetamine use"] [textarea rows="1"] Social Supports: [checkbox value="none|significant other|extended family|children|friends|church members"][textarea rows="1"] Marital status: [select value="married|partnered|single|"][textarea rows="1"] Children: [select value="0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|"][textarea rows="1"] Lives: [select value="with significant other|alone|with children|with extended family|with parents|"][textarea rows="1"] Works: [select value="on disability|retired|unemployed|works as a |"][textarea rows="1"] Financial Concerns: [select value="none|related to healthcare costs|related to supporting family|"][textarea rows="1"] Source of Income: [select value="disability|social security|unemployment|work|family support|"][textarea rows="1"] Housing Concerns: [select value="none|unstable housing situation related to |"][textarea rows="1"] Spirituality: [select value="Christian|Catholic|Muslim|Jewish|Spiritual but not practicing|Athiest|Agnostic|"][textarea rows="1"] Sexual Orientation: [select value="heterosexual|homosexual|bisexual|declined to answer|unable to assess due to symptomatic presentation|"][textarea rows="1"] Appearance: [select value="stated age|older than stated age|younger than stated age"], [select value="neat|disheveled"][textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"]. Gait and Station / Muscle Strength and Tone: [select name="c" value="Steady gait while walking, normal strength bilaterally|"][conditional field="c" condition="(c).is('')"] [checkbox value="steady gait while walking|unsteady gait while walking|clumsy|unable to ambulate|in bed|in wheelchair|assisted by cane|assisted by walker|rigid|spastic|normal strength bilaterally|weakness noted in "][/conditional][textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"]. Mood and Affect: Mood- [checkbox value="euthymic|depressed|anxious|angry|irritable|happy|fluctuating"][textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"]. Affect- [checkbox value="sad|tearful|anxious|flattened|restricted|irritable|happy|full range"][textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"]. Speech: [select value="Normal rate and rhythm, not pressured|pressured|paucity"][textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"]. Thought process: [select value="logical, linear, age appropriate|circumstantial|"][textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"]. Associations: [select value="intact|loose|tangential|"][textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"]. Thought Content: [select value="no evidence of delusions, |"][select value="no evidence of response to internal stimuli, |"][select value="no suicidal ideation or intentions, |"][select value="no homicidal ideation or intentions|"][textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"]. Orientation: [select value="Oriented to person, place, and time|unable to assess due to cognitive impairment|"][textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"]. Attention and Concentration: [select value="Adequate attention and concentration based on answers to interview questions|unable to assess due to cognitive impairment|impaired attention and concentration as evidenced by |"][textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"] Memory: [select value="Recent and remote memories both intact based on patient's answers to interview questions|unable to assess due to cognitive impairment|"][textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"] Language: [select value="No evidence of aphasia |unable to assess due to cognitive impairment|"][checkbox value="able to name objects|able to repeat phrases"] [textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"] Judgment and Insight: Judgment- [select value="fair|good|poor|impulsive"][textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"]. Insight- [select value="fair|good|poor"][textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"] [comment memo="Psychiatric Add On Psychotherapy/Interactive Complexity/Prior case management "][checkbox value="Time spent in psychotherapy: "][checkbox value="16-37 min"][comment memo="30 min 90833"][checkbox value="38-52 min"][comment memo="45 min 90836"][checkbox value="53-67 min"][comment memo="60 min 90838"] [checkbox value="Focus of psychotherapy: "][checkbox value="interpersonal conflict|emotional experience related to diagnosis|identification of coping mechanisms|grief counseling"][textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"] [checkbox value="Modality: "][checkbox value="insight oriented|supportive|behavioral modification"][textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"][/conditional] REVIEW/MANAGEMENT [conditional field="A" condition="(A).is('Followup')"]*Problem Status*[comment memo=" [/conditional]*Data Reviewed* [conditional field="A" condition="(A).is('Followup')"][comment memo="1pt each, 2pt for summary"][/conditional][checkbox value="I reviewed the following notes:"][textarea default="" rows="1"][conditional field="A" condition="(A).is('Followup')"][comment memo=" 1pt each, 2pts for summary"][/conditional][checkbox value=" I reviewed the following labs, imaging, consults: "][textarea default="" rows="1"][conditional field="A" condition="(A).is('Followup')"][comment memo=" 1pt each, 2pts for summary"][/conditional][checkbox value=" I obtained collateral information from "][textarea default="" rows="1"][conditional field="A" condition="(A).is('Followup')"][comment memo=" 2pts each"][/conditional][checkbox value=" I consulted with "][textarea memo="individual and reason for consultation" default="" rows="1"][checkbox value="I reviewed PMP|and found no abnormal results.|and found abnormal results "][textarea default="" rows="1"] *Management*[conditional field="A" condition="(A).is('Followup')"][comment memo=" Risk/Morbidity/Mortality Low (99213)= One stable chronic illness/Two or more slef-limited or minor problems Moderate (99214)= Prescription meds; chronic illness with mild exacerbation or side effects of treatment; 2 or more stable chronic illnesses High (99215)= Psychiatric illness with potential threat to self or others, drug therapy requiring intensive monitoring for toxicity; one or more chronic illnesses with severe exacerbation, progression, or side effects of treatment"][/conditional] The following interventions were ordered/recommended this appointment: [textarea rows="5"] [checkbox value="I discussed risks vs. benefits, as well as side effects with the patient, reviewed alternative treatments, including no treatment, and answered any questions. "][checkbox value="Medications have been discussed with parents or legal guardians. "][checkbox value="The patient and/or parent or legal guardian received medication information in the form of a medication information handout. "] Allergies: [textarea rows="5"] Medication List: [textarea rows="5"] Diagnosis:[conditional field="A" condition="(A).is('Followup')"][comment memo="Indicate whether diagnosis changed, reason for change, date and time of change "][/conditional][checkbox value=" Major depressive disorder|recurrent|single episode|mild|moderate|severe| Generalized anxiety disorder| PTSD|acute|chronic| Adjustment Disorder|with depressed mood|with anxiety|with depressed mood and anxiety"] [textarea rows="5"] Significant Medical Issues: [textarea rows="5"] ASSESSMENT [checkbox name="prognosis" value="" memo="Prognosis statement"][conditional field="prognosis" condition="(prognosis).is('')"]Patient is currently displaying [select value="symptoms of|well managed|moderately managed|poorly managed"] [checkbox value="depression|anxiety|sleep disturbance|psychosis|substance abuse|cognitive impairment|impulsivity|mood lability|alcohol dependence|opiate dependence|autism spectrum disorder"][textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"] [select value="likely caused by|likely exacerbated by|likely the result of"] [checkbox value="their cancer diagnosis|their cancer treatment|their unmanaged depressive disorder|their unmanaged anxiety disorder|their unmanaged bipolar disorder|interpersonal/family conflict|current psychopharmaceutical intervention|current psychotherapy|current psychosocial support systems"][textarea memo="other" default="" rows="1"]. Patient would benefit from [checkbox value="initiation of psychopharmaceutical intervention|continued psychopharmaceutical intervention|adjustments to current psychopharmaceutical intervention|initiation of psychotherapy|continuation of current psychotherapy|engaging in grief therapy|engaging in CBT|engaging in family therapy|enhanced psychosocial supports|increasing personal time and self-care"]. [/conditional][conditional field="prognosis" condition="(prognosis).is('')"]Prognosis is [select value="good|fair|poor"] considering the patient [select value="remains adherent to|actively engages in|is not currently responding to|is not currently willing to engage in recommended|has chronically had poor response to"] medication/therapy to address [textarea memo="target of treatment" rows="1"][checkbox value=" and whether they are able to engage constructively with social supports"]. [checkbox name="barrier" value="Barriers to success include: "][/conditional][conditional field="barrier" condition="(barrier).is('Barriers to success include: ')"][checkbox value="current apprehension to engage in psychopharmaceutical intervention|current apprehension to engage in structured psychotherapy|current emotional distress of recent cancer diagnosis|limited social supports|dysfunctional interpersonal relationships"][textarea memo="barriers" rows="1"].[/conditional] [conditional field="prognosis" condition="(prognosis).is('')"][checkbox name="strength" value="Patient strength for success include: "][/conditional][conditional field="strength" condition="(strength).is('Patient strength for success include: ')"][checkbox value="expression of willingness to engage in treatment recommendations|positive social supports|are well connected with outpatient supports|history of actively engaging in mental-health treatment"][textarea memo="strengths" rows="1"].[/conditional] [textarea rows="5"] GOALS [checkbox name="Depression" value="-Patient will report score on PHQ-9 of "][conditional field="Depression" condition="(Depression).is('-Patient will report score on PHQ-9 of ')"][select value="8|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15"] or less within [select value="3 months|1 month|2 months|3 months|4 months|5 months|6 months"]: Initiated [date default="today"][checkbox value=" not currently meeting| currently meeting|worsening|improving|stable"][/conditional][textarea rows="1"][checkbox name="Anxiety" value=" -Patient will report score on GAD-7 of "] [conditional field="Anxiety" condition="(Anxiety).is(' -Patient will report score on GAD-7 of ')"][select value="8|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15"] or less within [select value="3 months|1 month|2 months|3 months|4 months|5 months|6 months"]: Initiated [date default="today"][checkbox value=" not currently meeting| currently meeting|worsening|improving|stable"][/conditional][textarea rows="1"][checkbox name="Nicotine" value=" -Patient will reduce nicotine intake by 50% within "][conditional field="Nicotine" condition="(Nicotine).is(' -Patient will reduce nicotine intake by 50% within ')"][select value="1 month|2 months|3 months|4 months|5 months|6 months"]: Initiated [date default="today"][checkbox value=" not currently meeting| currently meeting|worsening|improving|stable"][/conditional][textarea rows="1"][checkbox name="Sleep" value=" -Patient will experience 6+ hours of uninterrupted sleep per night within "][conditional field="Sleep" condition="(Sleep).is(' -Patient will experience 6+ hours of uninterrupted sleep per night within ')"][select value="3 months|1 month|2 months|3 months|4 months|5 months|6 months"]: Initiated [date default="today"][checkbox value=" not currently meeting| currently meeting|worsening|improving|stable"][/conditional][textarea rows="1"][checkbox name="Cognition" value=" -Patient will report impact of cognitive impairment as mild/resolved within "][conditional field="Cognition" condition="(Cognition).is(' -Patient will report impact of cognitive impairment as mild/resolved within ')"][select default="3" value="3 months|1 month|2 months|3 months|4 months|5 months|6 months"]: Initiated [date default="today"][checkbox value=" not currently meeting| currently meeting|worsening|improving|stable"][/conditional][textarea rows="1"] PLAN: [textarea rows="5"] I, Chase Cardurns PMHNP-BC, personally examined the client obtained a history, conducted a mental status examination of the patient, and developed the plan of care.
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