SOAP 5 sig_2

Patient reports things have been [select name="variable_1" value="getting better|getting worse|just about the same"] since the last visit.
Neurovegetative Symptoms: sleep is [select name="variable_2" value="Good|Fair|Poor|Terrible|Not discussed"]; appetite is [select name="variable_3" value="Good|Fair|Poor|Terrible|Not discussed"]; energy levels are [select name="variable_4" value="Good|Fair|Poor|Terrible|Not discussed"]; concentration is [select name="variable_5" value="Good|Fair|Poor|Terrible|Not discussed"].
[textarea name="variable_6" default="sample text"]
Alert and Oriented: [select name="variable_7" value="x4|x3|x2|x1"]
Appearance: [select name="variable_8" value="Appropriately dressed/well groomed|disheveled|inappropriately dressed|neglected"].
Attitude toward the therapist: [select name="variable_9" value="cooperative|guarded|suspicious|paranoid|paranoid|warm"].
Eye contact: [select name="variable_10" value="Good|Fair|Poor|Fleeting|Avoidant"].
Psychomotor activity: [select name="variable_11" value="retardation|agitation|none"].
Speech: [select name="variable_12" value="normal rate/normal volume|spontaneous|impoverished|pressured|aphasic|emotional|monotonous"].
Thought process: [select name="variable_13" value="linear, goal-directed, coherent|disorganized|incoherent|flight of ideas|racing thoughts|loose associations|perseverative|tangential|spontaneous"].
Thought Content: [text name="variable_14" default="sample text"].
Mood: [text name="variable_15" default="sample text"].
Affect: [select name="variable_25" value="congruent with mood, stable|blunted|flat|incongruent with mood"].
Perception: [select name="variable_16" value="No Hallucinations|Audio Hallucinations|Visual Hallucinations|Tactile Hallucinations|Olfactory Hallucinations|preocuppied with delusions|preocuppied with thoughts"].
Suicidal Ideation: [select name="variable_17" value="none present|passive ideation, no plans or intent|activally suicidal"].
Homicidal Ideation:[select name="variable_18" value="no homicidal ideation|current homicidal ideation"]
Insight: [select name="variable_19" value="good|fair|poor"].
Judgement: [select name="variable_20" value="good|fair|poor"]

[textarea name="variable_21" default="sample text"]

Patient was scheduled for an appointment on [text name="variable_22" default="sample text"].
Prognosis: At the time of writing, patient's prognosis is [select name="variable_23" value="good|fair|poor|uncertain"] and continued treatment is [select name="variable_24" value="recommended|not recommended|Cdsds"].
[textarea name="variable_1" default="sample text"]

Christopher L Wilson, LCSW
Behavioral Health Provider
312- 250-7027 pager
Patient reports things have been since the last visit.
Neurovegetative Symptoms: sleep is ; appetite is ; energy levels are ; concentration is .

Alert and Oriented:
Appearance: .
Attitude toward the therapist: .
Eye contact: .
Psychomotor activity: .
Speech: .
Thought process: .
Thought Content: .
Mood: .
Affect: .
Perception: .
Suicidal Ideation: .
Homicidal Ideation:
Insight: .


Patient was scheduled for an appointment on .
Prognosis: At the time of writing, patient's prognosis is and continued treatment is .

Christopher L Wilson, LCSW
Behavioral Health Provider
312- 250-7027 pager

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2 responses to “SOAP 5 sig_2”

  1. Connie Hicks says:

    I like the note.

    Can I have your permission to revise. If that is possible, I will need help making this happen.

    919-422-2359 – if someone can help me get started.

    • Mark Morgan says:

      You could make a copy and then modify it. Click on upper right hand corner where it says ‘View’. Select ‘Edit Markup’ and then ‘Duplicate’.

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