Star Correspondence WIP
[comment memo="Expedited Intake?"][checkbox name="expd" value="Columb|SafetyPlan|Crisis"] [comment memo="Correspondence" memo_size="large" memo_color="blue"] Counselor spoke with [text name="cor1" default="PCG"] over the phone in regards to [select name="cor2" value="PCG|counselor|youth|family"] [checkbox name="cor3" value="attending scheduled appointment|rescheduling appointment|cancelling scheduled appointment|the 24 hour reminder call|questions about documentation|questions"] Counselor [checkbox name="cor4" value="confirmed physical address of office|informed PCG about transition of counselor to ######|provided counselor cellphone number|provided counselor email"]. [conditional field="expd" condition="(expd).is('Crisis')"] [textarea name="expdtxt3" col=1 default="Discussed nature of Youth's expedited intake with PCG. Inquired information about youth's..."][/conditional] Appointment scheduled for [text name="cor5" default="11//2023 at #pm"] ========================================== [comment memo="24-hour call" memo_size="large" memo_color="blue"] [comment memo="CPS?"] [select name="cps" value="No|Yes"] -------------- Called PCG to give the 24 hour reminder call. Discussed [checkbox name="discuss" value="uploading documents and signing off on the forms for the portal|the requirement for youths over 10 years old to be present|filling in missing demographic information"]. [checkbox name="contact" value="Counselor's email and phone number were provided"]. [comment memo="Confirmed Documents:"][checkbox name="doccheck" value=""][conditional field="doccheck" condition="(doccheck).is('')"]Counselor confirmed the submission/completion of: [checkbox name="confirmed" value="current custody documents|the PFS|the biopsychosocial form"].[/conditional] [comment memo="Missing Documents:"][checkbox name="misscheck" value=""][conditional field="misscheck" condition="(misscheck).is('')"]Counselor reminded PCG about: [checkbox name="missing" value="providing custody documentation prior to starting services|completing the PFS prior to starting services|completing the biopsychosocial form"].[/conditional] [conditional field="cps" condition="(cps).is('Yes')"] [textarea name="cpstxt" col=1 default="Counselor inquired about family's CPS involvement."][/conditional][conditional field="expd" condition="(expd).is('Columb')"] [textarea name="expdtxt1" col=1 default="Discussed nature of Youth's expedited intake with PCG."][/conditional][conditional field="expd" condition="(expd).is('SafetyPlan')"] [textarea name="expdtxt2" col=1 default="Spoke about potential need for safety plan and promoting youth's safety leading up to in-person session."][/conditional] Counselor confirmed appointment.
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