Youth prognosis statement

Prognosis is [select value="good|fair|poor"] considering the youth [select value="remains adherent to|continues current enagement level|continues to increase maladaptive behaviors|actively engages in"] treatment to address [textarea memo="target of treatment" rows="1"][checkbox value=" and whether they are able to engage constructively with social supports"]. [checkbox value="Barriers to success/functioning include: "][checkbox value="current apprehension to engage in psychopharmaceutical intervention|current apprehension to engage in structured psychotherapy|current emotional distress|limited social supports|dysfunctional interpersonal relationships"] [checkbox value="Patient strength for success include: "][checkbox value="expression of willingness to engage in treatment recommendations|positive social supports|are well connected with outpatient supports|history of actively engaging in mental-health treatment"][textarea memo="strengths" rows="1"]. [textarea rows="5"]
Prognosis is considering the youth treatment to address
target of treatment .

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