CRITICAL CARE TELEMEDICINE [select name="variable_01b" value="xxx|CONSULT|PROGRESS"] NOTE DATE OF SERVICE: [date name="variable_01"]; TIME OF ENCOUNTER: [select name="variable_zzzz" value="00|01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23"][select name="variable_zzzz2" value="00|05|10|15|20|25|30|35|40|45|50|55"] hrs [select name="variable_01a" value="xxx|HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS|UPDATES"]: [textarea name="variable_02" default=""] PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: Reviewed in the EMR. All pertinent history is listed above in the HPI or UPDATES section. REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: All findings in the 12-point ROS were negative except for what is stated above in the HPI or UPDATES section. ADVERSE DRUG REACTIONS: Reviewed in the EMR. All pertinent reactions are listed above in the HPI or UPDATES section. HOME MED LIST: Reviewed in the EMR. All pertinent meds are listed above in the HPI or UPDATES section. CHART DATA & FLOW SHEET DATA: Reviewed in the EMR. All pertinent values are listed above in the HPI or UPDATES section. TELEMEDICINE EXAM PERFORMED AT [select name="variable_03" value="00|01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23"][select name="variable_04" value="00|05|10|15|20|25|30|35|40|45|50|55"] HRS TODAY GENERAL: [checkbox name="variable_05" value="alert|calm|agitated|obtunded|lethargic|sedated|somnolent|resp status is fair|work of breathing is fair|work of breathing is high|not in distress|in distress"][text name="variable_33" default=", "] LUNGS: [checkbox name="variable_06" value="RN reports clear breath sounds bilaterally, no adventitious breath sounds. I observe symmetrical chest rise, no obvious accessory muscle use, and stable work of breathing|work of breathing is fair|work of breathing is high|in sync with vent|on BiPAP|on heated/humidified HFNC|wheeze|rales|rhonchi"][text name="variable_34" default=", "] HEART: [checkbox name="variable_07" value="RN reports a regular strong periph pulse, no murmurs or other abnormal sounds, and normal peripheral cap refill|sinus|afib|tachycardic|bradycardic|normal rate|periph pulse strong|periph pulses weak"][text name="variable_35" default=", "] GI: [checkbox name="variable_08" value="RN reports abd to be soft with no tenderness, distention, rebound, or guarding|tender|distended"][text name="variable_36" default=", "] EXTREMITIES: [checkbox name="variable_09" value="I note no trauma, or deformities. RN reports no edema and warm extremities x 4.|anasarcic|+ LE edema"][text name="variable_37" default=", "] NEURO: [checkbox name="variable_10" value="no obvious gross focal neuro abnormalities seen on video|sedated|"][text name="variable_38" default=", "] SKIN: [checkbox name="variable_11" value="no peripheral cyanosis, pallor, or lesions seen on video"][text name="variable_39" default=", "] MSE: [checkbox name="variable_12" value="awake, alert, oriented, and appropriate|sedated|obtunded|lethargic|somnolent|agitated|anxious"][text name="variable_40" default=", "] CRITICAL PROBLEM LIST [textarea name="variable_13" default="1. "] RESPIRATORY: [textarea name="variable_14" default=""] INFECTIOUS DISEASE: [textarea name="variable_15" default=""] CARDIOVASCULAR: [textarea name="variable_16" default=""] HEMATOLOGY: [textarea name="variable_17" default=""] METABOLIC / RENAL: [textarea name="variable_18" default=""] GI / BILIARY / NUTRITION: [textarea name="variable_19" default=""] NEUROLOGY: [textarea name="variable_20 default=""] INVASIVE DEVICES:[textarea name="variable_21" default=""] [x] [checkbox name="variable_99" value="consent for telemed encounter obtained & documented by bedside team prior to this note|consent for telemed encounter cannot be obtained as no decision-makers are immediately available, & given the patient's critical illness, the patient lacks capacity to provide it. The provider of record & I deem the consultation to be necessary because the patient is critically ill & at risk of life threatening deterioration."] [x] I spent [select name="variable_99" value="xxx|60|50|70|35"] min managing patient's critical illness [x] the entirety of this encounter was done via telemedicine [x] during the eval, the pt was in their hospital room [x] during the eval, I was in an off-site secure private office [x] HIPAA-compliant live real-time 2-way video was used for the telemed exam [x] an RN was assisting at the bedside during the telemed exam [x] I REVIEWED PMH, HOME MEDS, ADVERSE MED REACTIONS, AND ROS FROM TEAM & CHART [x] I REVIEWED LABS, RADIOLOGY, FLOWSHEETS, & INPATIENT MEDS FROM CHART [x] ALL PERTINENT FINDINGS ARE INCLUDED IN THE HPI/UPDATES SECTIONS ABOVE [x] all recommendations are based on a telemedicine consult request [x] all patient care and treatment decisions are ultimately deferred to the hospital-based provider using their own independent medical judgment <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<END OF NOTE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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