Pre-placement Title: [text name="variable_1" default=""] Work Group: [text name="variable_2" default=""] Start Date: [date name="variable_3" default=""] ___________________________________________________________ Immunizations: MMR: [checkbox name="variable_1" value="not required|vaccine x 2|hx of pos titer|titers today|administered today - VIS reviewed, consent signed|other"] Varicella: [checkbox name="variable_2" value="not required|vaccine x 2|hx of pos titer|titer today|administered today - VIS reviewed, consent signed|other"] Hep B: [checkbox name="variable_3" value="not required|vaccine x 3|administered today - VIS reviewed, consent signed|hx of pos titer|titer today|other"] [text name="variable_22" default=""] Tdap: [checkbox name="variable_4" value="UTD|last immunization >10 years|declined updated booster today, meets BCH requirements for Tdap|administered today - VIS reviewed, consent signed|other"] Flu: [checkbox name="variable_5" value="UTD|VIS reviewed, consent signed, administered today|on hold until confirmed fully remote by HR|has not received most updated vaccine, due date 11/17|other"] COVID: [checkbox name="variable_6" value="COVID '23-24 x1|has not received most updated vaccine, due date 11/17|Novavax x3|reports not required due to fully remote work status, on hold until confirmed by HR|other"] TB: [checkbox name="variable_7" value="proof of IGRA w/i 90 doh|IGRA today|hx of pos TST or IGRA|proof of neg CXR|other"] ___________________________________________________________ Ishihara Color Test: [checkbox name="variable_8" value="not required|normal exam|abnormal exam"] Arch Baseline Questionnaire: [checkbox name="variable_9" value="not required|clear|working with large animals, Q-fever required"] [text name="variable_4" default=""] Respiratory Baseline Questionnaire: [checkbox name="variable_10" value="not required|clear|not clear"] [text name="variable_5" default=""] FIT test: [checkbox name="variable_11" value="not required|passed with Prestige Regular|passed with Prestige small|passed with 3M small|passed with 3M Regular|failed, educated on PAPR usage|other|Provided qualitative fit testing using bitrex or saccharin in compliance with NFPA 1500, NFPA 1404, ANSI Z88.5, ANSI Z88.21992, OSHA CRF 1910.134, and CCR Title 8 Sec. 5144. Annual respirator training provided on why the respirator is necessary and how improper fit, use or maintenance can compromise its protective effect; limitations and capabilities of the respirator; effective use in emergency situations; how to inspect, put on and remove, use and check the seals; maintenance and storage; and recognition of medical signs and symptoms that may limit or prevent effective use. "] ___________________________________________________________ Medications: [textarea name="variable_13" default=" none"] Allergies: [textarea name="variable_15" default=" denies"] PMH: [textarea name="variable_17" default=" No significant health/physical issues noted. Denies need for accommodations at work."] ___________________________________________________________ Needs: [textarea name="variable_18" default=" "] OHS clearance: [checkbox name="variable_19" value="clear|pending|clear for badge|on hold"]
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