Semi-Annual Review
[checkbox name="Reviews" value="Milestone ratings from the CCC were reviewed with the trainee."][conditional field="Reviews" condition="(Reviews).is('Milestone ratings from the CCC were reviewed with the trainee.')"] [textarea default="No significant deficiencies were identified."][/conditional] [checkbox name="variable_1" value="Provided trainee with data to show personal clinical effectiveness."][conditional field="variable_1" condition="(variable_1).is('Provided trainee with data to show personal clinical effectiveness.')"] [textarea default="Faculty and patient feedback were mostly positive."][/conditional] [checkbox name="V2" value="Aggregate evaluations were reviewed with the trainee and overall performance was::"][conditional field="V2" condition="(V2).is('Aggregate evaluations were reviewed with the trainee and overall performance was::')"][select name="expectations" value="exceeding expectations for year of training.|as expected for year of training.|below expectations for year of training."][comment memo="Comment:"] [textarea name="comment_1"][/conditional] [checkbox name="V3" value="Case logs and procedures were reviewed."][conditional field="V3" condition="(V3).is('Case logs and procedures were reviewed.')"] [textarea default="No deficiencies were noted and numbers were consistent with peers."][/conditional] [checkbox name="V4" value="Duty hours were reviewed and discussed with trainee."] Has trainee completed or participated in a QI project since last meeting? [select name="QI_1" value="No.|Yes."][conditional field="QI_1" condition="(QI_1).is('Yes.')"]* [comment memo="Provide name or description below"][textarea name="QI_project" default=""] [/conditional] Has trainee been evaluated for proficiency with transfers of care (handoffs)? [select name="handoff_1" value="No.|Yes."] [checkbox name="V5" value="Scholarly projects were reviewed with the trainee."][conditional field="V5" condition="(V5).is('Scholarly projects were reviewed with the trainee.')"][comment memo="List upcoming, ongoing, or recently completed scholarly projects."]* [textarea default=""][/conditional] Number of conference presentations since last meeting: [text name="conferences_1" default=""] Career planning and goals: [textarea default=""] STRENGTHS: [textarea name="strengths_1" default=""] AREAS FOR IMPROVEMENT: [textarea name="weakness_1" default=""]
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