Ankle and Foot Exam

[checkbox value="Normal gait. "][checkbox value="Antalgic gait. "][checkbox value="Unable to heel or toe walk. "][checkbox value="Shoes show abnormal wear pattern. "][checkbox value="Pronated feet. "][checkbox value="Swelling absent. "][checkbox value="Swelling present. "][checkbox value="Ecchymosis absent. "][checkbox value="Ecchymosis present. "][checkbox value="No bone tenderness at posterior edge or tip of lateral malleolus. "][checkbox value="Bone tenderness at posterior edge or tip of lateral malleolus. "][checkbox value="No bone tenderness at posterior edge or tip of medial malleolus. "][checkbox value="Bone tenderness at posterior edge or tip of medial malleolus. "][checkbox value="No bone tenderness at base of 5th metatarsal. "][checkbox value="Bone tenderness at base of 5th metatarsal. "][checkbox value="No bone tenderness over the navicular bone. "][checkbox value="Bone tenderness over the navicular bone. "][checkbox value="Able to take 4 complete steps both immediately after the injury and in the examination room. "][checkbox value="Unable to take 4 complete steps both immediately after injury and in the examination room. "][checkbox value="The patient is not intoxicated or uncooperative. "][checkbox value="The patient is intoxicated or uncooperative. "][checkbox value="The patient has no other distracting painful injuries. "][checkbox value="The patient has other distracting painful injuries. "][checkbox value="The patient has normal sensation in the legs. "][checkbox value="The patient has diminished sensation in the legs. "][checkbox value="The patient has no gross swelling which prevents palpation of malleolar bone tenderness. "][checkbox value="The patient has gross swelling which prevents palpation of malleolar bone tenderness. "][checkbox value="Anterior Drawer test is negative. "][checkbox value="Anterior Drawer test is positive. "][checkbox value="Inversion Talar Tilt test is negative. "][checkbox value="Inversion Talar Tilt test is positive. "][checkbox value="Eversion Talar Tilt test is negative. "][checkbox value="Eversion Talar Tilt test is positive. "][checkbox value="Sensation: subjective normal distal sensation bilateral LE. "][checkbox value="Vasculature: Less than 2 second distal capillary refill bilaterally. "][checkbox value="X-ray negative for fracture or dislocation. "][checkbox value="X-ray positive for fracture or dislocation. "]

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