Canadian C Spine Rule

Canadian C-Spine Rule     
Summary: Evaluate for need of C-spine Xray. This applies the Canadian C-Spine Rule to determine whether Xray is recommended.     
High Risk Factors
[select name="variable_1" value="no=0|YES=10"] <-- Age: 65 years or older
[select name="variable_2" value="no=0|YES=10"] <-- Has paresthesia in the extremities
[select name="variable_3" value="no=0|YES=10"] <-- Fall from at least 3 feet or 5 stairs
[select name="variable_4" value="no=0|YES=10"] <-- Axial load to the head, such as when diving
[select name="variable_5" value="no=0|YES=10"] <-- Motor vehicle collision at high speed (at least 62 mph)
[select name="variable_6" value="no=0|YES=10"] <-- Motor vehicle collision with ejection or rollover
[select name="variable_7" value="no=0|YES=10"] <-- Collision involving motorized recreational vehicle or bicycle[conditional field="variable_1|variable_2|variable_3|variable_4|variable_5|variable_6|variable_7" condition="(variable_1).is('YES=10')||(variable_2).is('YES=10')||(variable_3).is('YES=10')||(variable_4).is('YES=10')||(variable_5).is('YES=10')||(variable_6).is('YES=10')||(variable_7).is('YES=10')"]
Result --> [calc value="score=(variable_1)+(variable_2)+(variable_3)+(variable_4)+(variable_5)+(variable_6)+(variable_7);score>9?'Canadian C-Spine Rule recommends obtaining X-ray':score>0?'Canadian C-Spine Rule supports not obtaining X-ray':'Canadian C-Spine Rule recommends obtaining X-ray'" memo="Interpretation"][/conditional][conditional field="variable_1|variable_2|variable_3|variable_4|variable_5|variable_6|variable_7" condition="(variable_1).is('no=0')&&(variable_2).is('no=0')&&(variable_3).is('no=0')&&(variable_4).is('no=0')&&(variable_5).is('no=0')&&(variable_6).is('no=0')&&(variable_7).is('no=0')"]Low Risk Factors
[select name="variable_8" value="yes=1|NO=0"] <-- Able to sit up in the emergency room
[select name="variable_9" value="yes=1|NO=0"] <-- Ambulatory at any time
[select name="variable_10" value="yes=1|NO=0"] <-- Delayed onset of neck pain
[select name="variable_11" value="yes=1|NO=0"] <-- No midline C-spine tenderness
[select name="variable_12" value="yes=1|NO=0"] <-- Simple rear-end collision
[select name="variable_13" value="yes=1|NO=0"] <-- Not hit by bus or large truck, rollover, or hit by a vehicle moving at high speed 
NOTE:  Range of motion is safely assessed (safe if at least ONE low risk factor is present)
[select name="variable_14" value="yes=0|NO=10"] <-- Patient is able to actively rotate neck 45 degrees to the left and right
Result --> [calc value="score=(variable_1)+(variable_2)+(variable_3)+(variable_4)+(variable_5)+(variable_6)+(variable_7)+(variable_8)+(variable_9)+(variable_10)+(variable_11)+(variable_12)+(variable_13)+(variable_14);score>9?'Canadian C-Spine Rule recommends obtaining X-ray':score>0?'Canadian C-Spine Rule supports not obtaining X-ray':'Canadian C-Spine Rule recommends obtaining X-ray'" memo="Interpretation"][/conditional]

[checkbox memo="display/hide references" name="footnotes" value=""][conditional field="footnotes" condition="(footnotes).is('')"]
[link url="" memo="#1"] Ebell (2006) Am Fam Phys 73:1787-1788[/conditional]
Canadian C-Spine Rule
Summary: Evaluate for need of C-spine Xray. This applies the Canadian C-Spine Rule to determine whether Xray is recommended.
High Risk Factors
<-- Age: 65 years or older
<-- Has paresthesia in the extremities
<-- Fall from at least 3 feet or 5 stairs
<-- Axial load to the head, such as when diving
<-- Motor vehicle collision at high speed (at least 62 mph)
<-- Motor vehicle collision with ejection or rollover
<-- Collision involving motorized recreational vehicle or bicycle

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