Cervical Spine Exam
AOx3. [select value="NAD.|Minimal distress.|Mild distress.| Mild to moderate distress.|Moderate distress.| Moderate to marked distress.|Marked distress.|Extreme distress."] Cervical spine palpation: [select value="Non-tender.|Tender."] Active Cervical ROM: [select value="Normal and painless.|decreased.|painful.|decreased and painful.||"] Active ROM cervical spine: Flexion [select value="45|Painful|Limited|Limited and painful"]. Extension [select value="45|Painful|Limited|Limited and painful"]. Right rotation [select value="70|Painful|Limited|Limited and painful"]. Left rotation [select value="70|Painful|Limited|Limited and painful"]. Right lateral flexion [select value="45|Painful|Limited|Limited and painful"]. Left lateral flexion [select value="45|Painful|Limited|Limited and painful"]. Passive Cervical ROM: [select value="Normal and painless.|decreased.|painful.|decreased and painful.||"] MOTOR [comment memo="(Rate from 0 to 5: 0=no contraction, 1=trace of contraction 2=active movement with gravity eliminated 3=active movement against gravity 4=active movement against gravity with some resistance 5=Active movement against gravity with resistance without evident fatigue."] Deltoid: [select value="5|4|3|2|1|0"]/5. Wrist Extension: [select value="5|4|3|2|1|0"]/5. Triceps:[select value="5|4|3|2|1|0"]/5. Interossei: [select value="5|4|3|2|1|0"]/5. REFLEXES [comment memo="(Rate from 0 to 4: 0=none, 1+=somewhat diminished, low normal 2+=average,normal 3+=brisker than normal 4+=very brisk, hyperactive, with clonus. Sustained clonus is red flag**)"] Biceps: Left [select value="2+|4+|3+|1+|0+"]/4. Right [select value="2+|4+|3+|1+|0+"]/4. Brachioradialis: Left [select value="2+|4+|3+|1+|0+"]/4. Right [select value="2+|4+|3+|1+|0+"]/4. Triceps: Left [select value="2+|4+|3+|1+|0+"]/4. Right [select value="2+|4+|3+|1+|0+"]/4. Sensation: [select value="Subjective normal median, ulnar, radial and axillary sensation bilaterally.|Subjective abnormal median, ulnar, radial, axillary sensation on right side.|Subjective abnormal median, ulnar, radial, axillary sensation on right side."] Vasculature: [select value="2+ radial pulse bilaterally.|Decreased radial pulse on right compared to left.|Decreased radial pulse on left compared to right."] Active Cervical ROM: [select value="Normal and painless.|decreased.|painful.|decreased and painful.||"] Spurling's Test: Right [select value="negative.|positive."] Left [select value="negative.|positive."] Tinel's Test: Right [select value="negative.|positive."] Left [select value="negative.|positive."] Phalen's Test: Right [select value="negative.|positive."] Left [select value="negative.|positive."] Reverse Phalen's Test: Right [select value="negative.|positive."] Left [select value="negative.|positive."]
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