Corticosteroid Injection Procedure Note
Site: [select name="variable_1" value="Left 1st CMC|Right 1st CMC|Bilateral 1st CMC|Right subacromial bursa|Left subacromial bursa|Right knee|Left knee|Right trochanteric bursa|Left trochanteric bursa|near A1 pulley|carpal tunnel|RC joint"] Meds: [select name="variable_4" value="0.2cc lidocaine + 8mg kenalog|2cc lidocaine + 40mg kenalog|2cc lidocaine + 1.5 cc celestone|2cc lidocaine +2 cc celestone| 1cc lidocaine + 1cc celestone"] in the [select name="variable_2" value="knee|subacromial bursa|trochanteric bursa|1st CMC|RC joint|carpal tunnel|near A1 pulley"], cold spray used for local anesthetic Procedure: Informed consent obtained, site(s) marked and areas cleansed with chloroprep. Cold spray used for local anesthetic. [select name="variable_3" value="TB|22 gauge|25 gauge"] needle used to inject meds into the joint(s). Patient tolerated procedures well without any complications. Post procedural instructions given.
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