Corticosteroid Injection Procedure Note

[select name="variable_1" value="Left 1st CMC|Right 1st CMC|Bilateral 1st CMC|Right subacromial bursa|Left subacromial bursa|Right knee|Left knee|Right trochanteric bursa|Left trochanteric bursa|near A1 pulley|carpal tunnel|RC joint"]

Meds: [select name="variable_4" value="0.2cc lidocaine + 8mg kenalog|2cc lidocaine + 40mg kenalog|2cc lidocaine + 1.5 cc celestone|2cc lidocaine +2 cc celestone| 1cc lidocaine + 1cc celestone"] in the [select name="variable_2" value="knee|subacromial bursa|trochanteric bursa|1st CMC|RC joint|carpal tunnel|near A1 pulley"], cold spray used for local anesthetic

Procedure: Informed consent obtained, site(s) marked and areas cleansed with chloroprep. Cold spray used for local anesthetic. [select name="variable_3" value="TB|22 gauge|25 gauge"] needle used to inject meds into the joint(s). Patient tolerated procedures well without any complications. Post procedural instructions given.

Meds: in the , cold spray used for local anesthetic

Procedure: Informed consent obtained, site(s) marked and areas cleansed with chloroprep. Cold spray used for local anesthetic. needle used to inject meds into the joint(s). Patient tolerated procedures well without any complications. Post procedural instructions given.

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