KNEE: On inspection ***contours of the joint are normal/the joint is hypertrophic/there are irregular bony prominences palpable at the joint margins/the knee is swollen with effusion/there is reduced ROM/there is normal ROM***.Muscle atrophy evident: ***yes/no***Pain on resisted extension: ***yes/no***Strength on extension against resistance: ***normal/decreased***Effusion (fluid wave check or patellar palpation): ***none/mild/moderate/large***Patellar crepitus: ***none/present***Patellar pain: ***at medial patella undersurface/at lateral patella undersurface***Joint line pain: ***none medially or laterally/medially but not laterally/laterally but not medially/both medially and laterally***Tendon pain: ***No pain with palpation of the patellar and quad tendons/Pain with palpation of the patellar tendon but not quadriceps tendon/Pain with palpation of the quadriceps tendon but not patellar tendon/Pain with palpation of the patellar and quad tendons***McMurray: ***negative for crepitus and pain/McMurray positive for medial crepitus and pain/positive for medial crepitus without pain/positive for lateral crepitus and pain/positive for lateral crepitus without pain***Bursal swelling or pain: ***No swelling or pain over the pes anserine bursa/pain with palpation over the pes anserine bursa/pain and swelling evident with palpation of the pes anserine bursa***.ROM: ***normal/Flexion is limited/Extension is limited***Collateral ligament testing: ***shows no laxity or pain/shows medial collateral ligament pain without laxity/show lateral collateral ligament pain without laxity/shows medial collateral ligament pain and laxity/shows lateral collateral ligament pain and laxity***.Anterior drawer test and Lachman: ***shows no anterior cruciate laxity/shows ACL laxity***Posterior drawer: ***shows no laxity/shows PCL laxity***.Popliteal space: ***with/without mass or tenderness***.
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