Knee X-ray Result
Good news! There were no worrisome findings on your knee x-rays. The knee x-rays did show mild to moderate degenerative changes of osteoarthritis, though. These are the "wear-and-tear" changes of osteoarthritis that happen normally as we get older. There is no cure for osteoarthritis, but you can greatly improve your function and pain by losing weight. One classic medical study showed that the weight going through each knee is four times a person's body weight! As you can imagine there is a very large beneficial effect of taking this type of load off of the knee joints. If you'd like help with losing weight we have resources at the clinic which can assist you in this effort. [checkbox memo="Hide/Display Notes & References" name="footnotes" value=""][conditional field="footnotes" condition="(footnotes).is('')"] reference: [link url="//" memo="#1"] Messier SP, Gutekunst DJ, Davis C, DeVita P. Weight loss reduces knee-joint loads in overweight and obese older adults with knee osteoarthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 2005;52(7):2026-2032.[/conditional]
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