Rheumatoid Arthritis Likelihood Decision Tool

Rheumatoid Arthritis Likelihood Decision Tool
[link url="../../musculoskeletal/2010-ra-criteria/" memo="See also the 2010 American College of Rheumatology/European League Against Rheumatism Criteria calculator"]
Begin with patient with undifferentiated arthritis
1. Age
[select name="age" value="18=18|19=19|20=20|21=21|22=22|23=23|24=24|25=25|26=26|27=27|28=28|29=29|30=30|31=31|32=32|33=33|34=34|35=35|36=36|37=37|38=38|39=39|40=40|41=41|42=42|43=43|44=44|45=45|46=46|47=47|48=48|49=49|50=50|51=51|52=52|53=53|54=54|55=55|56=56|57=57|58=58|59=59|60=60|61=61|62=62|63=63|64=64|65=65|66=66|67=67|68=68|69=69|70=70|71=71|72=72|73=73|74=74|75=75|76=76|77=77|78=78|79=79|80=80|81=81|82=82|83=83|84=84|85=85|86=86|87=87|88=88|89=89|90=90|91=91|92=92|93=93|94=94|95=95|96=96|97=97|98=98|99=99|100=100"] (.02 points per year)
2. Gender
[select name="gender" value="Female (1 point)=1|Male (0 points)=0"]
3. Distribution of joints (patient may have more than one item)
[select name="dist1" value="no (0 points)=0|yes (0.5 points)=0.5"] < Small joints of the hands or feet
[select name="dist2" value="No other locations (0 points)=0|Other locations at upper extremities (1 point)=1|Other locations at upper and lower extremities (1.5 points)=1.5"] <-- Other locations
[select name="dist3" value="no (0 points)=0|yes (0.5 points)=0.5"] <-- Symmetrical
4. Score of morning stiffness on a 100-mm visual analog scale (0-100)  
[select name="stiffness" value="0 to 25 (0 points)=0|26 to 90 (1 point)=1|91 to 100 (2 points)=2"] 
5. Number of tender joints  
[select name="tender" value="0 to 3 (0 points)=0|4 to 10 (0.5 points)=0.5|11 or more (1 point)=1"]
6. Number of swollen joints 
[select name="swollen" value="0 to 3 (0 points)=0|4 to 10 (0.5 points)=0.5|11 or more (1 point)=1"] 
7. C-reactive protein range  
[select name="crp" value="less than 50 mg per dL (0 points)=0|50 to 500 mg per dL (0.5 points)=0.5|greater than 500 mg per dL (1.5 points)=1.5"]
8. Rheumatoid Factor test 
[select name="rf" value="negative (0 points)=0|positive (1 point)=1"] 
9. Anticyclic citrullinated peptide antibody test  
[select name="ccp" value="negative (0 points)=0|positive (2 points)=2"]
Score --> [calc memo="number" value="score1=(((age)*(.02))+(gender)+(dist1)+(dist2)+(dist3)+(tender)+(swollen)+(crp)+(rf)+(ccp)).toFixed(2)"] points
Likelihood ratio and recommendation --> [calc memo="interpretation" value="score2=((age)*(.02))+(gender)+(dist1)+(dist2)+(dist3)+(tender)+(swollen)+(crp)+(rf)+(ccp);score2>8.5?'likelihood ratio 12.7 - 85% of patients with these findings diagnosed with RA at the 1 year mark - refer to rheumatologist for evaluation and consideration of DMARD therapy':score2>6.5?'likelihood ratio 3.0 - 57% of patients with these findings diagnosed with RA at the 1 year mark - refer to rheumatologist for evaluation and consideration of DMARD therapy':score2>3.5?'likelihood ratio 0.42 - 16% of patients with these findings diagnosed with RA at the 1 year mark':'likelihood ratio 0 - 0% of patients with these findings diagnosed with RA at the 1 year mark'"]
[checkbox memo="display/hide references" name="footnotes" value=""][conditional field="footnotes" condition="(footnotes).is('')"]
[link url="//www.aafp.org/afp/2008/0515/p1451.html" memo="#1"] Am Fam Physician. 2008 May 15;77(10):1451-1453
[link url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17265478" memo="#2"]   van der Helm-van Mil AH, le Cessie S, van Dongen H, Breedveld FC, Toes RE, Huizinga TW. A prediction rule for disease outcome in patients with recent-onset undifferentiated arthritis: how to guide individual treatment decisions. Arthritis Rheum. 2007;56(2):433–440.[/conditional]
Rheumatoid Arthritis Likelihood Decision Tool
See also the 2010 American College of Rheumatology/European League Against Rheumatism Criteria calculator
Begin with patient with undifferentiated arthritis
1. Age
(.02 points per year)
2. Gender

3. Distribution of joints (patient may have more than one item)
< Small joints of the hands or feet
<-- Other locations
<-- Symmetrical
4. Score of morning stiffness on a 100-mm visual analog scale (0-100)

5. Number of tender joints

6. Number of swollen joints

7. C-reactive protein range

8. Rheumatoid Factor test

9. Anticyclic citrullinated peptide antibody test

Score --> numberscore1=(((age)*(.02))+(gender)+(dist1)+(dist2)+(dist3)+(tender)+(swollen)+(crp)+(rf)+(ccp)).toFixed(2) points
Likelihood ratio and recommendation --> interpretationscore2=((age)*(.02))+(gender)+(dist1)+(dist2)+(dist3)+(tender)+(swollen)+(crp)+(rf)+(ccp);score2>8.5?'likelihood ratio 12.7 - 85% of patients with these findings diagnosed with RA at the 1 year mark - refer to rheumatologist for evaluation and consideration of DMARD therapy':score2>6.5?'likelihood ratio 3.0 - 57% of patients with these findings diagnosed with RA at the 1 year mark - refer to rheumatologist for evaluation and consideration of DMARD therapy':score2>3.5?'likelihood ratio 0.42 - 16% of patients with these findings diagnosed with RA at the 1 year mark':'likelihood ratio 0 - 0% of patients with these findings diagnosed with RA at the 1 year mark'
display/hide references

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